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TOPICS. VA Chapters VA acronymsVA terminology Basic responsibilitiesWho to contact. VA CHAPTERS. Chapter 30/MGIB
What Have I Gotten Myself Into??!!
VA Chapters
VA acronyms
VA terminology
Basic responsibilities
Who to contact
3. VA CHAPTERS Chapter 30/MGIB – Montgomery GI Bill (Voluntary active duty and/or veterans)
Chapter 34/30 MGIB – Converted from “old GI Bill” to Chapter 30. Higher monthly rate & dependency pay.
Chapter 1606/MGIB - Selected Reserve (Voluntary reserve/guard with a 6-year contract)
Chapter 1607/REAP – Reserve Educational Assistance Program (Reserve/guard involuntarily called to active duty for a contingency operation for at least 90 days)
4. VA CHAPTERS Chapter 35/DEA - Survivors’ & Dependents’ Educational Assistance Program (Dependents of service disabled or deceased veterans)
Chapter 32/VEAP – Vietnam Era Educational Assistance Program (Voluntary active duty between 1/1/77 and 6/30/85)
Chapter 31/Vocational Rehabilitation & Employment (Separate processing from other benefits)
You are NOT required to determine eligibility!
5. VA ACRONYMS That means what???!!!!
6. Acronyms ELR – Education Liaison Representative. The primary VA education contact in each state – Me!
ECSS – Education Compliance Survey Specialist. Helps you keep your records in compliance with the law – Mike.
SAA – State Approving Agency. They approve your programs – Jim Little and Staff.
RPO – Regional Processing Office. The VA office which processes VA education claims - For NC it’s Atlanta.
7. Acronyms TIMS – The Information Management System. The document imaging system in each RPO. Basically its a student’s electronic file.
BDN – Benefits Delivery Network. Our computer database where claims are processed and payments made.
WEAMS – Web-Enabled Approval Management System.
Our VA database of school approval information.
IHL – Institution of Higher Learning. Colleges and universities.
NCD – Non College Degree. Vocational and technical schools.
8. VA TERMINOLOGY You said what???!!!!
9. Terminology
WAVE: can change add/email/dir dep; set up a monthly reminder to verify, see last award, pmt and mo rate, rem benefits (ent and del dt). Cos can see some of this information in VA ONCE under the “VA DATA” tab on a students cert screen.WAVE: can change add/email/dir dep; set up a monthly reminder to verify, see last award, pmt and mo rate, rem benefits (ent and del dt). Cos can see some of this information in VA ONCE under the “VA DATA” tab on a students cert screen.
10. Advanced Pay – Payment of the 1st fractional month and the following full month of an enrollment. Mailed to school before the beginning of classes for release to students who have completed registration.
Accelerated Pay – Lump sum payment of 60% of the tuition and fees of certain high cost, high technology programs.
Drop-Add - Found on the VAF 22-1999b. It really means Drop period, the period during which a student can drop a course without academic penalty, for VA purposes also cannot exceed 30 days.
? Not the same thing as a school’s drop-add period, usually the first week of classes when students can freely drop or add courses without penalty.
Kicker – Also called Army or Navy College Fund. The Department of Defense determines eligibility.
? Chapter 1606 kickers can be paid on a Chapter 30 or REAP award. Chapter 30 kickers can only be paid under Chapter 30.
Buy-Up – Additional amount (up to $600) paid by a service person to increase their monthly rate under Chapter 30 or REAP.
? Both are paid monthly with VA education payment.
14. Parent or Primary School – School granting the degree.
Secondary School – School at which a student is taking courses to transfer back to the Parent School.
Guest Student – VA ONCE term for a student who’s not pursuing a program at your school, but is only taking courses to be transferred into a program at the Parent school.
Parent School Letter – Lists the name & course number of each course taken at the secondary school that will receive full credit in the student’s degree program.
? Each school must only certify courses taken at their facility AND secondary school must have parent school letter on file before certifying!
16. Responsibilities Overview Keep VA informed of the enrollment status of veterans and other eligible persons.
Keep SAA informed of new programs, changes in programs, Calendars, institutional changes, etc.
Keep up to date on current VA rules and benefits and on the info in your approval.
Assist VA students in applying for education benefits.
Maintain records of VA students and make available to VA and SAA for inspection. In this section we are going to discuss your basic responsibilities and how to carry them out.In this section we are going to discuss your basic responsibilities and how to carry them out.
17. Keep VA Informed of Each Student’s Enrollment Status Basic forms to use are:
Enrollment Certification (VAF 22-1999)
Notice of Change in Student Status (VAF 22-1999B)
May use paper forms or electronic enrollment (VA-ONCE).
Must report all enrollments and changes within
30 days.
Must monitor unit subjects pursued to certify to VA only those subjects which apply to the student’s program.
Must monitor student’s grades to insure (s)he is making satisfactory progress and report unsatisfactory progress.
18. Keep SAA Advised of School Changes New programs and changes in current programs.
Changes in academic policies and procedures.
Changes of address, phone numbers, certifying officials. (VA & SAA)
Any other information the SAA requires.
19. Keep Supervisors Apprised of Internal Problems
Failure of records office to inform you of grades, grade changes, academic problems, etc.
Failure of instructors to inform you of attendance/attendance problems.
Failure of other offices to inform you of new programs, changes in current programs, etc.
20. Keep Informed of VA Rules & Policies Read and maintain VA bulletins.
Read and keep in a safe place your copy of the Handbook.
Attend VA and SAA training opportunities.
Enroll in VA on-line training.
Call or email if you have questions!
21. Assist VA Students When asked, help veterans & dependents fill out and send in applications/forms.
If student cannot resolve pay problems, assist through VA channels designated for school officials.
Disseminate and/or post information on VA education benefits and programs, and contact points.
Insure that VA students are fully aware of their responsibilities to the school and VA.
22. Maintain Student VA Records & Make Available to VA & SAA Retain file of VA papers submitted & records of academic progress, program pursuit, etc.
Maintain records for at least three years after student’s last date of attendance.
Insure that your records are kept in a safe place and that the privacy of your VA students is protected.
Make available all school records (VA & non-VA) to representatives of the SAA and VA.
? Michael Pike will provide more info later
23. WHEN ALL ELSE FAILS??!! For general questions: 1-800-GIBILL-1
For student specific questions:
“Right Now Web” account (see handout for information)
For VA ONCE or more detailed issues: Me!
336-714-0845 or jodie.balder@va.gov
For approval issues call your Program Specialist at the State Approving Agency or 919-733-7535.
For Chapter 31 issues call your Voc. Rehab. Counselor or 336-714-0811