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Objectives. Provide an overview of AmeriCorps funding opportunities;Share examples of AmeriCorps member activities; Identify key strategies to identify organizational fit;Describe how AmeriCorps applications are evaluated; andProvide details on budgeting for an AmeriCorps program.. . Ohio AmeriCorps .
1. Ohio AmeriCorps FundingOperational GrantInformational SessionMarch 4, 2010
2. Objectives Provide an overview of AmeriCorps funding opportunities;
Share examples of AmeriCorps member activities;
Identify key strategies to identify organizational fit;
Describe how AmeriCorps applications are evaluated; and
Provide details on budgeting for an AmeriCorps program.
4. What is AmeriCorps? Network of individuals serving local needs;
Strengthening capacity of non-profit and community-based organizations;
Direct service activities integral to its success; and
Funded by the Corporation for National and Community Service (CNCS) and administered by the Ohio Community Service Council (OCSC).
5. AmeriCorps Grants Operational Grant sound program design and implementation strategy identified; clearly articulated member responsibilities, activities, training, supervision, evaluation, organizational history and capacity, sustainability plans, and fund management.
Fixed-Amount grantees will receive an award for specific amount per MSY; no match required and no approved budget.
Education Award Program (EAP) awarded a small grant of funding and use their own resources for the members living allowance and program costs.
6. Mobilizing More Volunteers
Ensuring a Brighter Future for All Youth
Engaging Students in Communities
Harnessing Baby Boomers Experience
Helping Communities Recover from and Prepare for Disasters
7. Education - Unmet educational needs within communities especially those that help children and youth achieve success in school and increase high school graduation rates.
Clean Energy/Environment - Unmet energy-efficiency and environmental needs within communities.
Healthy Futures - Unmet health needs within communities including access to health care, disease prevention and health promotion initiatives, and health literacy.
Veterans - Unmet needs of veterans, members of the Armed Forces who are on active duty, and family members of deployed military personnel and engage veterans in service.
Economic Opportunity - Unmet needs relating to economic opportunity for economically disadvantaged individuals within communities including financial literacy, housing assistance, job training, and nutritional assistance.
8. AmeriCorps members
Tutor young people in an after-school program;
Conduct nutrition education programs;
Help prepare adults to complete GED requirements;
Conduct health screenings in collaboration with health professionals;
Assist high school students with college access requirements;
Help build or rehab homes;
Conduct stream monitoring programs;
Develop and implement recycling programs;
Conduct public awareness/education programs around a particular topic (literacy, health, etc.)
9. Nonprofit Organizations
Districts, Collaborative, Higher Education
10. Is AmeriCorps A Fit For My Organization Run the Numbers
Does my organization have the organizational,
technological and fiscal capacity to manage a
federal grant?
Does my organization have the resources to match the federal funds (cash and in-kind)?
Do we have the resources to manage a program for 30-60 days before receiving reimbursement?
Secure Commitments
Receiving commitment letters from organizations willing to partner for an AmeriCorps program (these are for organizational use only, not for submitting with the grant application).
11. Is AmeriCorps A Fit For My Organization Do the Research
Does my organization address compelling needs in education, the environment, public safety, homeland security, or other human needs?
Would this program support my organizations mission and strategic plan or the needs?
Meet with Potential Partners
Will this program offer services not already offered
in the community?
Are there other community organizations wanting an AmeriCorps program or that already have one?
12. Program Design (50%)
Rationale & Approach (10%)
Community Need
Member Activities and Roles
Measurable Outputs & Outcomes
Plan for Self-Assessment & Continuous Improvement
Community Involvement
Connection to Other National Service Programs
Program Design (50%)
Member Outputs & Outcomes (20%)
Member Recruitment & Recognition
Member Development, Training & Supervision
Ethic of Service & Civic Engagement
Member Enrollment & Retention
14. AmeriCorps Selection Criteria
Program Design (50%)
Community Outputs and Outcomes (20%)
Community Impact
Volunteer Recruitment & Support
Capacity Building
Organizational Capability (25%)
Sound Organizational Structure
Record of Accomplishment as an Organization
Success in Securing Community Support
16. AmeriCorps Selection Criteria
Cost-Effectiveness & Budget Adequacy (25%)
Cost-Effectiveness (15%)
Corporation cost per MSY
Diverse Non-Federal Support
Budget Adequacy (10%)
Does your budget support your program design and projected outcomes?
17. Questions?
18. 2010 AmeriCorps Application Budget
19. The budget consists of: Budget Form
Budget Narrative
Source of Funds
Planning Tool
Fiscal Oversight
Compliance Monitoring
21. Summary of Statutory Budget Requirements: Grantee Match Overall Minimum Match Requirement
Grantees must meet an overall increasing match requirement,
up to 50% by year ten, according to the following table:
22. Equipment costs may not exceed 10% of the total federal share of costs. See Application Guidelines for definition of equipment vs. supplies.
23. Attendance at Forging New Links (registration ($200), mileage, non-conference meals, hotel accommodations)
4 Director's Meetings 3 in Columbus, 1 at a State Park or similar venue (mileage, overnight accommodations, meals)
CNCS required meeting ($1,000)
24. Administrative/Indirect Costs Section III. A. Applicants completing this section may charge 5% to the grant and 10% to the match, in lieu of any documentation.
Section III. B. Applicants completing this section may charge 5% to the grant and use their federally approved Indirect Rate Cost plan and charge more than 10% to total administration. If so, they complete this section and submit a copy of their IRC plan.
25. Administrative/Indirect Costs Council Administration Of the 5% charged to the grant, 1% must be allocated to the OCSC for its use. In all cases, 1% must be included within the Corporation Share of Administrative Costs to be used by the Ohio Community Service Council for expenses related to grant administration, leaving 4% for applicants to use, if they wish.
26. Round all figures to the nearest dollar. Do Not Include Cents.
Do not inflate the budget; you will be required to meet the budgeted match amount.
All costs in Section I must be documented.
27. 2010 Budget Narrative Sample
Operational Grant
29. ATTACHMENT F - BUDGET WORKSHEETOperational Grant SampleSection I. Program Operating CostsB. Personnel Fringe Benefits
30. ATTACHMENT F - BUDGET WORKSHEET Operational Grant Sample Section I. Program Operating CostsC.1. Staff Travel
31. ATTACHMENT F - BUDGET WORKSHEET Operational Grant Sample Section I. Program Operating CostsC.2. Member Travel
32. ATTACHMENT F - BUDGET WORKSHEET Operational Grant Sample Section I. Program Operating Costs D. Equipment
42. For More Information on Program Requirements:
Information on program requirements and criteria are located in the AmeriCorps regulations, 45 CFR §§ 2520-2550
www.gpoaccess.gov/ecfr and
43. 2/25 What is AmeriCorps Teleconference
3/4 Information Sessions
3/20 Intent to Apply Due
4/1 eGrants Training
4/29 Grants Due
44. OCSC Staff Information Ryan J. Schmiesing, Director of Programs
614.728.5179 ryan.schmiesing@ocsc.state.oh.us
Ingyr Coleman, Program Officer
614.995.5269 ingyr.coleman@ocsc.state.oh.us
Jodi Tully, Program Officer
614.728.5175 jodi.tully@ocsc.state.oh.us
Lisa Tope, Grants Officer
614.728.2920 lisa.tope@ocsc.state.oh.us