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Scholastic Scrimmage Round 2 Conference Call

Scholastic Scrimmage Round 2 Conference Call. January 13 & 14, 2009. Changes for Round 2. Game Format: It’s a little different New Types of Rounds: These changes will help us transform the game into its new format, beginning with Round 2 Questions: styles, groupings and sources

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Scholastic Scrimmage Round 2 Conference Call

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  1. Scholastic ScrimmageRound 2 Conference Call January 13 & 14, 2009

  2. Changes for Round 2 • Game Format: It’s a little different • New Types of Rounds: These changes will help us transform the game into its new format, beginning with Round 2 • Questions: styles, groupings and sources • Moving Team Interviews: Yes, the students still have to talk… • Set: No new one this season

  3. Game Format Overview • Show Start: Just as it is now, with David introducing both teams • Quick Quiz: Each team will have 5 short questions to begin the show • Pre-produced Open: In the fall, it followed David’s team introductions • Meet Team A: This is the team in front of the yellow panel • Round One with True/False: This is like the old 2nd and 3rd Rounds; Follow-up questions may be True/False • Meet Team B: This is the team in front of the blue panel • Sights & Sounds Round: all graphics & audio questions • Final Round: This is like the old 2nd and 3rd Rounds; there will not be any True/False follow-ups

  4. New Types of Rounds • Quick Quiz: Now only 5 questions per team, but each team still gets their own set to start off the game. All topic areas are equal, as in the old Round 1. • Round One with True/False: Just as you’ve known Rounds 2 & 3 in the past, but with the possibility of a True/False Follow-Up question. • Sights & Sounds: All Audio and video questions are in this round, alternating between the two types. There will not be any in the other rounds. Questions are still formatted the same as before.

  5. Questions • True/False • These will only occur every so often as a follow-up in Round One. • The goal is not to trick students. • The goal is to promote teamwork and interaction. • Example #1: True or False. Pepin The Short was a king whose reign began in 600B.C. Answer:False. Pepin the Short was the first King of the Franks beginning in 751. • Example #2: True or False. Pepin The Short was the father of Charlamange. Answer:True.

  6. Questions • All Audio and Video questions are now grouped together in the “Sights & Sounds” round. They are in the same format as before. The same rules about buzzing in early apply to these questions, just as they have in the past. • The new formats and groupings means that we will be writing more of our own questions and relying less on NAQT and Questions Unlimited.

  7. Team Interviews • Team interviews have been moved, not eliminated. • The interviews help students to meet some PA standards in “Speaking, Writing, Listening, and Reading”. • Team A in front of the yellow panel will always be interviewed first, immediately following the pre-produced open. • Team B in front of the blue panel will always be interviewed after Round One. • Two weeks before your game, you will be contacted to confirm your team, including alternate. • If you are replacing a team member from the first tournament round, the new member must submit an online bio card. • URL: http://www.wpsu.org/scholasticscrimmage/bioform.html

  8. The Set • UPDATE

  9. GAME DAY! • Even though this is the second round of the tournament, please arrive at WPSU ONE HOUR before your scheduled start time. The staff will review the new format with teams and answer any questions before the students get to the set. • Also upon Arrival: GET PARKING PASS FROM ROOM 120, check-in with the staff, and wait in the lobby. • Make restroom runs and change clothes (if necessary) at this time! • If failure to get a parking pass results in a ticket, Scholastic Scrimmage is not responsible. • Please be aware that the police will ticket school buses!

  10. GAME DAY! • Once both teams have arrived, Scrimmage staff will escort teams to the Green Room to go over rules and answer questions. • At this time, Bethany will review team bio cards and process any updates. It is not necessary to have returning players submit a new card. • However, any new players should submit a bio card, along with correct name spelling, first name preference, and grade level no later than two weeks before game day. • During the first two weeks of February, the game judge will be Babs Bengtson. Jessica will return beginning on Tuesday, February 17th.

  11. GAME DAY! • As a reminder, we are now taping & broadcasting in high definition • High Definition tends to magnify natural features that in the past could be disguised with the use of light • Make-up: Avoid overly dark foundation or heavily caked on make-up • A light, translucent powder applied with a brush (not a cotton ball or sponge) is the best option • NOTE: Sometimes no make-up looks harsh on an HD camera. Powder may be needed for female and male team members. • Advise team members that wrinkles in clothing will be exaggerated in HD • A revised HD makeup tip sheet is available, if you would like one.

  12. Tournament Round 3 • Round 3: Introduce “Multiple Choice” questions. • These will occur in what is now Round One that also contains the True/False Follow-ups. • They are played as follows: • Four answers are shown on screen. Question #1 is asked to Team A. If Team A misses, Team B can steal on rebound. • Question #2 is asked to Team B. If Team B misses, Team A can steal on rebound. • There will be a total of 6 questions, with each team getting first shot at three apiece.

  13. Tournament Round 4 • Round 4: Introduce “Pick-A-Cat” questions. • These will occur after “Sights & Sounds” and before the Final Round. • They are played as follows: • There are four categories. Each category has three questions each. • Team behind in score gets to pick first and is asked all three questions, even if the team misses one. • There are no follow ups and no chance for rebounds.

  14. The Game By the “Featured Foursomes” • Show Start • Quick Quiz for each team • Pre-produced Open • Meet Team A • Multiple Choice Round with True/False Follow-ups • Meet Team B • “Sights & Sounds” Round • “Pick-A-Cat” Round • Final Round: This is like the old 2nd and 3rd Rounds; there will not be any True/False follow-ups • Winner at end of game

  15. Questions?

  16. Contact Information Jessica Peters (after February 16th) Phone: 814-863-6224 Email: JLD352@psu.edu Bethany Sefchick Phone: 814-863-9302 Email: bms113@psu.edu Jerry Sawyer Phone: 814-863-9945 Email: jvs3@psu.edu David Price Phone: 814-863-9897 Email: dap101@psu.edu

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