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HTAi 2011 - HTA for Health System Sustainability , 27 a 29 june

Improvements of Information Management in Health Education: a path for evaluation and sustainability of technologies and health practices . Maria Fazanelli Crestana 1 , Cibele Araújo Camargo Marques dos Santos 2 , Evelinda Trindade 3

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HTAi 2011 - HTA for Health System Sustainability , 27 a 29 june

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  1. Improvements of Information Management in Health Education: a path for evaluation and sustainability of technologies and health practices Maria FazanelliCrestana1, Cibele Araújo Camargo Marques dos Santos2, Evelinda Trindade3 1. Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade de São Paulo – FMUSP - crestana@usp.br 2. Faculdade de Medicina da Universidade de São Paulo – FMUSP – cibele@biblioteca.fm.usp.br 3. Instituto do Coração Núcleo de Avaliação de Tecnologias em Saúde – NATS - HC/FMUSP – evelinda.trindade@incor.usp.br HTAi 2011 - HTA for Health System Sustainability, 27 a 29 june Introduction It describes the: creation and operation of the Virtual Health Sciences Education Library - EDUC VHL in the context of the Virtual Health Library, sponsored by the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO / WHO) through the Latin American and Caribbean Health Sciences Information (BIREME / PAHO); intended to create, strengthen and develop capacities and infrastructures of national scientific and technical information; equitable access to knowledge and up-to-date scientific evidence; broader requirements to approach education in health sciences, complexity of the national health system and of the professional training in health, Division of Library and Documentation – DBD/FMUSP coordinate the executive secretary of EDUC VHL. Expected Results 1 - A common space for producers, mediators and users of information about Health Sciences Education; 2 - network of health scientific and technical information available at the internet in regular operation; 3 - information technologies in use by the users of the EDUC VHL. Objectives EDUC VHL contribute to the health sector evolution by promoting the efficient and effective use of scientific and technical information; relevant and updated information is available to support the activities, processes and decision making on this domain; EDUC VHL contributes not only to access to information, it brings diverse health sciences education stakeholders together, provides contact and exchange between institutions, researchers, teachers, students, professionals and other stakeholders. Methods EDUC VHL is based on the information paradigm, where the user interacts with other users and networks and information sources, performing the functions and activities for information production, intermediation, use and its communication. The implementation of specific projects, targeted for different products and information services, is the main EDUC VHL strategy. EDUC VHL structure has embedded the management components: design and operation; content, construction and maintenance of its access portal; dissemination and marketing; actors participating in the project and their interactions; information technology, Infrastructure for hardware and software, installation and transfer. http://www.bvs.fm.usp.br http://www.twitter.com.br/bvs_educ e-mail: bvs.educ@bibliotec.fm.usp.br

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