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The Nimitz Way . 2013-2014. Welcome! We are excited to see you. 9:00 – 9:30. TEACHER - Hand out copy of students’ schedules. TEACHER –initial in the top right hand corner of students’ schedules who are PRESENT
The Nimitz Way 2013-2014
Welcome! • We are excited to see you.
9:00 – 9:30 • TEACHER - Hand out copy of students’ schedules. • TEACHER –initial in the top right hand corner of students’ schedules who are PRESENT • TEACHERS – Send the NO-SHOW student schedules together with as post-it-note including YOUR NAME on it to the office. • STUDENTS – Copy your schedule onto a piece of paper • STUDENTS – Copy your ID number onto a separate piece of paper and put it in your pocket so you will have your ID number for lunch. • TEACHERS – Check that students copied their correct room number, class, and teacher name on their piece of paper. • When 1-6 are complete, continue to next slide…
9:00 – 9:30 7. TEACHERS – Assign students their locker # and combination by using the list provided. Keep the locker assignment sheet with your files for future reference. 8. STUDENTS – WRITE your locker # and combination on both schedules. 9. STUDENTS – Put your two schedules in TWO different locations so you will have it for the rest of the day and tomorrow. When #7-9 are complete: 7th grade – Continue with powerpoint 8th grade – Report to Old Gym for Assembly 9th grade – Continue with powerpoint and Mrs. Sorum will begin calling your class for IDs.
C H A M P S The overall goal of CHAMPS is to ensure students will be responsible, motivated, and highly engaged at school.
C H A M P S All classroom activities will have a “CHAMPS”. The CHAMP will define how we roll during each classroom activity!
C – Communication H - Help A - Activity M - Movement P - Participation S - SUCCESS
C H A M P S Here is what your classroom “CHAMPS” will look like. (Teachers – point out the CHAMPS poster and each of its components and the Voice level poster and each of its components.)
Voice Level Activity Using the Nimitz Culture Statement on the next slide, you will practice EACH of the voice levels. Teachers – use the handout titled “Teaching Voice Levels” to complete the voice level activity.
At Nimitz Junior High we… Nourish a lifelong commitment to learning by Joining together to achieve excellence. Honoring and respecting every individual for what they have to offer, and having the Strength of will to stand shoulders above the rest!!!!!
TRUST – RESPECT – RESPONSIBILITY Teachers/Students – Complete the activity titled “What is Trust, Respect, and Responsibility” (choose modality – mapping, give 1 get 1, think pair share, etc)
Get to Know You Activity… Teachers – your choice.
STUDENT EXPECTATIONS At a CHAMPS school, all “common areas” have VERY explicit expectations that ALL people are expected to follow. We will cover each “common area” and practice the expectations over the course of the next two days. The common areas are: Parking Lot - Arrival Hallway Blacktop Cafeteria Lockers Restrooms Assemblies Parking Lot - Dismissal
STUDENT EXPECTATIONS Students will not be released from class the 15 minutes minutes or the last 15 minutes of any class even with a hall pass. 15 Minute Rule
STUDENT EXPECTATIONS • Walk on the RIGHT SIDE of the hall • Stop, look, and listen to adults • Get to your destination quickly and with appropriate pass if necessary • Walk and talk respectfully and appropriately at a VOICE LEVEL 2-Keep Moving • Hands, feet, and objects to yourself • Maintain a safe and appropriate distance and speed • The “locker lane” is for students at their individual locker – no loitering in the locker lane! • Students are given 4 minutes between classes. • FYI – G12, G13, G14 and G15 are the Portables by the blacktop Hallway
Teachers – please use the activity titled “Hallway” This activity should take approximately 15-20 minutes.
STUDENT EXPECTATIONS • Students are dropped off on east side (UTPB side) of the building • Use crosswalk when exiting your vehicle • Be on time – to avoid parking lot issues, drop off before8:35. • Tutorials begin at 8:20 enter through the G-hall doors, school begins at 8:47 • No food outside of the Cafeteria. • Once you enter the building follow hallway expectations. • Enter building through appropriate hallway. • Be in appropriate dress. ARRIVAL
Teachers – please use the activity titled “Arrival” This activity should take approximately 15-20 minutes.
STUDENT EXPECTATIONS • Before school, students will stay on Blacktop (paved area) until 8:47 bell • Students will throw away all food, drinks and trash before arriving to the Blacktop. • Horseplay is not acceptable • 7th graders will enter through G-Hall door • 8th/9th will enter through New Gym door • Lunch food must be in a bag or sack and not visible on the blacktop Blacktop
Teachers – please use the activity titled “Blacktop” This activity should take approximately 15-20 minutes.
Another get to Know You Activity… Teachers – your choice.
STUDENT EXPECTATIONS • Enter quietly at a level 2 • Follow hallway expectations before entering cafeteria • Do not cut in line • Line up behind blue lines • Gather ALL food items the first time through the line • Stay in your seat • Use restaurant manners • Use respectful and appropriate language-- voice at a level 2 • Clean up area • Leave food and drink in the cafeteria • Line up quietly and orderly when called for dismissal Cafeteria – pg. 1
STUDENT EXPECTATIONS We are a Peanut free school – therefore no products with peanuts are allowed. Cafeteria - pg 2
Teachers – please use the activity titled “Cafeteria ” This activity should take approximately 15-20 minutes.
STUDENT EXPECTATIONS • Use only your assigned locker and keep combination private • Gently close and roll locker combo • Take care of your business and move on • Keep locker clean at all times • Write down your locker number and combination and keep it in a safe place. • Only students at their lockers can be in the “locker lane” • Teachers – for a demonstration of how to open a locker, click on the word “locker” below. Lockers
Teachers – please use the activity titled “Lockers” This activity should take approximately 15-20 minutes.
STUDENT EXPECTATIONS • Get in • Take care of “your” Business • Flush • Wash • Place Trash in Can • Check Your Dress Code and Get Out. • TEACHERS – Click on “restroom” below to watch the video on appropriate restroom etiquette. Restroom
Teachers – please use the activity titled “Restroom” This activity should take approximately 5 minutes
STUDENT EXPECTATIONS • Enter gym respectfully • Participate appropriately • Follow directions • Exit orderly Assemblies
Teachers – please use the activity titled “Assemblies” This activity should take approximately 15-20 minutes (bleachers will be pulled in the old gym for you to practice)
STUDENT EXPECTATIONS • Exit building or report to tutoring by 4:15 • Students not staying for tutoring or after school activities must be off campus by 4:30. Students still on campus after 4:30 will be required to wait for parents in a classroom and parents will have to enter the building to pick up their student. • Once you leave the building you may not enter again. • Exit through cafeteria A-Hall or G-Hall doors only • Follow Hallway expectations Dismissal
Teachers – please use the activity titled “Dismissal” This activity should take approximately 10-15 minutes
This concludes our coverage of our common areas expectations. Please notice that expectations for students and teachers are posted at various places around the building. Next we will cover our Campus Policies.
Third get to know you activity… Challenge: Do you know everyone’s name in your room?
CAMPUS POLICIES • To avoid a tardy be in your classroom before the tardy bell rings. • Before entering the classroom check to make sure you have all the needed supplies and are dressed appropriately . • If you are tardy, you will go to the front foyer to receive a tardy pass from the attendance desk. • The tardy pass contains the time and date of your tardy and is your pass back to class. Tardies
If you receive a 4th tardy, you will be assigned an overnight suspension. Additional tardies will result in a two hour d-hall, Saturday School, or ISS • Overnight suspension means you may not return to the classroom until a parent/guardian meets with an Assistant Principal (or representative). • You will be assigned to ISS until your parent/guardian meets with the AP or representative. Tardies Continued...
CAMPUS POLICIES • Your teacher will explain to you the required supplies you will need for each of your classes. • No purses or backpacks in class. These items must be placed in your locker at the beginning of the day and remain there until the end of the day. • Grooming items should not be brought to class. (brushes, combs, mirrors, make-up, etc.) Materials
ALL students will be asked to provide: • A binder (approx. 2 in.) Required to be carried at ALL times, except to PE. NO binders are allowed in P.E. 2. Dividers 3. Zipper binder is recommended 4. Zipper supply bag (one that can be put in the rings of the binder) 5. Pens/Pencils, highlighter Other supplies will be requested by individual teachers SCHOOLWIDE SUPPLIES
CAMPUS POLICIES • When you receive your ID it must be worn at all times throughout the year • If you lose your ID, you must purchase a new one. • A new ID can be purchased before school and during from the library. A new ID will cost $5. If you need to purchase a new ID and lanyard the cost is $6. • If you leave your ID at home, you must purchase a temporary ID. • Temporary ID’s will be purchased for $1 in the cafeteria before school. If you do not pay you receive a lunch detention for charging. ID Badges
CAMPUS POLICIES • All ID’s must be worn with the lanyard provided. • Only Nimitz approved lanyards are worn. • Decorations or alterations to the lanyards and ID’s are not permitted. ID Badges - Continued
ID pictures will be taken on Monday and Tuesday during orientation. Smile for the picture!!
Fourth get to know you activity… Challenge: Do you know everyone’s name in your room?
CAMPUS POLICIES • Students are welcome to eat a free breakfast in the cafeteria before school starting at 8:15. • Breakfast is served every morning. • Breakfast & lunch menus are posted online or in the Odessa American newspaper. • Parents can put money in student accounts by using a bank check or online. Cafeteria Procedures
5-N-Go - Only 5 students are allowed in the lunch line at a time. • Respect the cafeteria ladies and the meals that they prepare for you. • Students may bring a sack lunch to school. • Outside food may not be delivered to students or brought into the cafeteria. • Only parents may eat with their student at lunch and are not allowed to sit with or speak with any other students in the building. Cafeteria Procedures Cont.
ADMIRAL TIME is 20 minutes. • 7th and 8th grade meet before lunch • 9th grade meets after lunch HOMEPORT – is your alphabetically assigned room you are in now! You will report to HOMEPORT every Monday. Other days during admiral time you may go to mandatory tutorials, optional tutorials, free time, reward time, etc. Admiral Time
Standard Attire specifics will be covered in your class assembly. Right now we will just go over the basics.