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Ultrahigh Efficiency Photovoltaic Structures

Ultrahigh Efficiency Photovoltaic Structures. Microphotonic & Nanophotonic Structures Emission Angle Limiters Light Trapping Change LDOS and IQE . Optically Parallel Multijunction s. A. Polman & H.A . Atwater Nature Materials 11 , 174–177 (2012 ).

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Ultrahigh Efficiency Photovoltaic Structures

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  1. Ultrahigh Efficiency Photovoltaic Structures Microphotonic & Nanophotonic Structures Emission Angle Limiters Light Trapping Change LDOS and IQE Optically Parallel Multijunctions A. Polman & H.A. Atwater Nature Materials 11, 174–177 (2012)

  2. Plasmonic photovoltaics for light trapping Scattering Near-field enhancement Waveguide modes H. A. Atwater and A. Polman, Nature Materials 9, 205 - 213 (2010)

  3. a-Si Plasmonic Solar Cells Vivian Ferry Mike Deceglie V.E. Ferry, et.al., Applied Physics Letters 95   Art. #183503 (2009).

  4. Plasmonic a-Si Cell: Comparing Random and Nanopatterned Surfaces Nano-Imprint Patterned Photon Flux (cm-3 sec-1) Asahi U Type Glass V. E. Ferry, et al. PVSC Proceedings (2010).

  5. Trapezoidal thin Si structures excite Mie resonances at multiple wavelengths Coupling to Mie resonances and longitudinal waveguide modes with trapezoid shape Mie resonances Waveguide Modes

  6. Si microwire solar cell Michael Kelzenberg Kelzenberg, Turner-Evans, et al, Energy & Env. Sci4866 (2010) Kelzenberg, M.D., et.al., Nature Materials 9, 3 239 (2010)

  7. Tandem Photoelectrochemical Devices for Solar Fuel Generation Traditional Planar Tandem Microwire-Based Si/WO3 2H2O  4H++O2+4h+ H+ WO3 Photoanode Membrane (PEM) Contact Photocathode Si 2H++2e-  H2 Si + III-V Photonic Crystal Bilayer Si Photonic Crystal + III-V Nanowires InGaP InGaP Membrane Membrane Si Si

  8. Photon Recycling and Radiative Efficiency Old physics: Incident sunlight _ + _ + e- _ + New physics: _ + h+ Conditions for high ERE: IQE~1 and R~1 IQE ~ 1 R ~ 1 O. Miller, E. Yablonovitch, and S. Kurtz, IEEE Journal of Photovoltaics, 2, 303-311 (2012)

  9. Microphotonic Collimators Apertured Single Parabola Reduced Dark Current J. H. Atwater , P. Spinelli , E. Kosten, J. van de Groep, H.A. Atwater and A. Polman, Appl. Phys. Lett99, 151113 (2011)

  10. Full Spectrum Photovoltaics:To 50% and Beyond Sunita Darbe Matt Escarra Carissa Eisler John Lloyd

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