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Land Policy Initiative and the Civil Society Platform

Learn about the Land Policy Initiative (LPI) and the role of Civil Society in promoting equitable access to land and resources. Explore the commitments of African Union (AU) on land issues and ways to monitor and engage in land reform processes effectively.

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Land Policy Initiative and the Civil Society Platform

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  1. Land Policy Initiative and the Civil Society Platform Eileen Wakesho

  2. Background of LPI 2006-African Union Commission (AUC), the United Nations Economic Commission for Africa (UNECA) and the African development Bank (AfDB) launched a joint Land Policy Initiative (LPI) 2009- F&G on LPI were approved and adopted 2014- GP on LSLBI

  3. Goal : Improved Land governance in Africa • Effective and • efficient implementation of land management and administration systems • Equitable access to land and land • related resources for • all users Strengthened land tenure security for women Enabling legal, andinstitutional framework . .

  4. AU Agenda on Land

  5. DECLARATION ON LAND ISSUES AND CHALLENGES IN AFRICA commit to: • Prioritise land policy development and implementation • Develop appropriate institutional framework for land policy • Allocate adequate budgetary resources for land policy • Ensure equitable access to land for all land users • Strengthen women’s land rights

  6. Other AU Land Commitments • AU STC 2015 -Allocate 30% of land rights in a women’s name • •Use Guiding Principles on LSLBI to improve management of land resources • •Establish the African Land Policy Center (ALPC)

  7. Civil Society Platform on Land in Africa • Facilitate effective input from grassroots organizations and CSOs, and position the land agenda • Strengthen the voice of the marginalized, in particular indigenous people, within the LPI decision-making structures; • Harness the resources and expertise within LPI and the CSOs;

  8. . • Provide technical input to the work of the LPI by drawing on the rich experience and expertise within civil society, including academia; • Document, disseminate and promote the AU Framework and Guidelines on Land Policy in Africa (F&G) and the LPI; • Monitor the progress of member states in implementing the LPI; • Ensure coherence between national policies of different countries and the F&G; • Identify, share and promote positive examples of effective land policy implementation.

  9. Membership • 20 CSOs spread across the continent • Split into sub-groups. • Women’s Land Rights • Community Land Rights • Natural Resources • Large Scale Land Based Investment (LSLBI) • Transparency and Accountability • Monitoring, Evaluation for Impact

  10. Reflections • How do effectively monitor Land Policy reform processes in countries to align to the F&G on Land Policy in Africa and commitments of the members states • How do CSOs actively engage with land reform processes within the shrinking CSO spaces

  11. . Thank You

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