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ISAF and missions related communication efforts, struggles and challenges. (LTH MOND PRD perspective) March, 2012 Tbilisi. Content. Public opinion issues on military missions abroad Public communication part in National strategy document on Afghanistan issues
ISAF and missions related communication efforts, struggles and challenges (LTH MOND PRD perspective) March, 2012 Tbilisi
Content • Public opinion issues on military missions abroad • Public communication part in National strategy document on Afghanistan issues • Public communication implementation plan • Civil vs military Public information flows from the ground • Public information officers institute in the mission • Informal public information on ISAF, activities via families, internals social initiatives, social networks • Military pre mission PA training /consultations • + Couple of movies as a samples of our communication routine • “9 letters form Afghanistan”; • “Sand generals”; • MTV video clip; • Japanese TV report from Chagcharan
Public opinion issues on military missions abroad • 1994 Croatia • 1996 Bosnia and Hercogovina >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> • 1999 Kosovo • 1999 Albania • 2003 Macedonia • 2002 Afghanistan • 2003 Iraq >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>.>>>>>> • 2005 Afghanistan >>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>
Lietuvos karių dalyvavimo tarptautinėse operacijose už Lietuvos ribų vertinimas
Public opinion (open / independent sources) 2008 • First casualties in Afghanistan • Natural political reaction • Worsening statistics • Changes in communication approach
Public opinion (open / independent sources) 2010 1 2010 09:16 |Category: Lietuvos politika , Baltijos šalių gynyba ir saugumas • Gyventojai norėtų greito Lietuvos karių išvedimo iš Afganistano – apklausa • Vilnius, 2010 rugsėjo 13 d. (BNS). Už greitą Lietuvos karinės misijos Afganistane pabaigą šalyje pasisako daugiau gyventojų nei yra manančių, kad reikėtų laukti bendro NATO sprendimo, rodo naujos apklausos rezultatai. • Naujienų agentūros BNS užsakymu tyrimų bendrovės RAIT atliktoje apklausoje 43,5 proc. respondentų sakė, kad Lietuvos kariai misiją Afganistane turėtų baigti nedelsiant. • Ketvirtadalis (24,4 proc.) laikėsi nuomonės, kad Lietuvos kariai misiją turėtų baigti, kai NATO nuspręs, kad saugumą šalyje gali užtikrinti patys afganistaniečiai. Trečdalis (32,1 proc.) nepareiškė nuomonės šiuo klausimu. • Krašto apsaugos ministrė Rasa Juknevičienė BNS sakė, kad tokie rezultatai ją maloniai nustebino, nes ji tikėjosi, jog už pasitraukimą iš Afganistano nedelsiant pasisakys daugiau gyventojų. • "Nudžiugino žmonių supratingumas. Suprantu ir tuos žmones, kurie nori greito pasitraukimo, aš ir pati to norėčiau, jei nežinočiau situacijos su mūsų tarptautiniais įsipareigojimais. Tačiau mes stengiamės rengti afganistaniečių pajėgas perimti savo šalies kontrolę, Goro provincijoje tuo užsiims bendra mūsų ir amerikiečių karių grupė", - rezultatus komentavo ministrė. • Anot tyrimų autorių, kad Lietuvos kariai turėtų baigti misiją Afganistane nedelsiant, statistiškai reikšmingai dažniau nurodė 55-64 metų respondentai bei pensininkai. • Rugpjūčio 19-29 dienomis apklausta 1016 Lietuvos gyventojų nuo 15 iki 74 metų. Apklausos rezultatų paklaida neviršija 3 procentų. • Šiuo metu Afganistano Goro provincijoje tarnauja apie 150 Lietuvos karių ir civilių, o pietuose yra dislokuotos specialiųjų operacijų pajėgos.
National strategy document on Afghanistan issues Resolution of the Government of the Republic of Lithuania No 989 As of 19 August 2009 STRATEGY FOR ENGAGEMENT OF THE REPUBLIC OF LITHUANIA IN THE INTERNATIONAL COMMUNITY’S ACTIVITIES IN THE ISLAMIC REPUBLIC OF AFGHANISTAN IN 2009-2013
National strategy document on Afghanistan issues • GENERAL PROVISIONS II. LITHUANIA’S ENGAGEMENT IN AFGHANISTAN Bilateral Political and Diplomatic Cooperation Contribution to International Operations Training and Supervision of the Afghan National Security Forces Development Cooperation III. SWOT ANALYSIS Strengths Weaknesses Opportunities Threats IV. OBJECTIVES AND TASKS V. PRINCIPLES GOVERNING LITHUANIA’S ENGAGEMENT IN AFGHANISTAN VI. MEASURES AND INSTRUMENTS FOR STRATEGY IMPLEMENTATION Civilian Activities Training of the Afghan National Security Forces Military Operations and Ensuring Security Communications and Public Relations VII. PLANNED RESULTS OF STRATEGY IMPLEMENTATION VIII. FINAL PROVISIONS
National strategy document on Afghanistan issues • Communications and Public Relations • 56. Coordinated and streamlined public relations are key to effective attainment of the objectives under the Strategy. This will ensure reasonable use of the existing resources, facilitate rising of public awareness, and help sustain durable links with the target audiences. • 57. The following is needed in Lithuania in order to ensure public understanding of and support to the national efforts in Afghanistan: • 57.1. Provide society at large, politicians, and media with access to extensive information concerning comprehensive activities of Lithuania and efforts of the international community in Afghanistan; • 57.2. Promote dialogue between the state authorities, NGOs, and the public at large on the role, benefits, progress, and results of Lithuania’s engagement in Afghanistan; encourage the engagement of all levels of society, academic community, and all kinds of organisations into the implementation of projects and publicising them.
National strategy document on Afghanistan issues • Communications and Public Relations • 58. In an effort to ensure the support of allies, partners, international organisations, and present and potential donors for Lithuania’s engagement in Afghanistan, they should regularly be informed about Lithuania’s political, military, and civilian activities in Afghanistan; the information should put an emphasis on the positive aspects and results, discuss the challenges, and be targeted at getting support for further development of Lithuania’s activities. • 59. In order to ensure greater visibility, acknowledgement, and effectiveness of Lithuania’s efforts in Afghanistan, the following needs to be done: • 59.1. Relevant visual, written, and oral information on Lithuania as a country and its political, military, and civilian engagement in Afghanistan needs to be provided regularly to the Afghan Central Government and Afghan local authorities, communities of administrative and geographical units, and the media. Emphasis in particular should be made on the work with local opinion makers in an effort to affect through them the opposing elements that are active in spreading discord in Ghowr; • 59.2. The media channels in Kabul and in Ghowr Province as well as NATO information channels are to be used extensively for dissemination of information; Lithuania should contribute to the creation of a balanced image of the general situation in Afghanistan.
Civil vs military Public information flows from the ground • Equal communicational efforts • Vertical and horizontal coordination • Administrative capabilities • Cooperation instead of Competition • Military information overlaps development…
Informal public information on ISAF Activities via families, internals social initiatives, social networks