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Unraveling Controversies in Biblical Wisdom

Explore differing opinions on John the Baptist, correct falsehoods from Matthew 11, solve the mystery of Jesus' statements, reflect on demonstrating faithfulness, and examine the challenges of following the gospel message.

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Unraveling Controversies in Biblical Wisdom

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  1. Vindicating Wisdom Lesson 5

  2. Introduction • Love It or Hate It • Lesson Context

  3. Creating Controversy • What non-politician is the media currently reporting as creating controversy? • Why does this person create such different reactions among various groups?

  4. Creating Controversy • Controversial figures have emerged throughout history. • Today we’ll explore differing opinions about the person and ministry of John the Baptist.

  5. John the BaptistMatthew 11:7-15 • A Reed, a Royal (vv. 7, 8) • A Prophet, a Messenger (vv. 9-15)

  6. Correcting Falsehood • Read Matthew 11:7-19. • Each sentence below has one false word. • Identify the wrong word and suggest the correct word to replace it. 1. Jesus spoke to the Romans about what they went into the wilderness to see. 1. Jesus spoke to the multitudes/crowd about what they went into the wilderness to see.

  7. Correcting Falsehood • Read Matthew 11:7-19. 2. John was less than a prophet. 2. John was more than a prophet. 3. No one greater than John the Evangelist has arisen. 3. No one greater than John the Baptist has arisen.

  8. Correcting Falsehood • Read Matthew 11:7-19. 4. Some of the prophets and the law prophesied until John. 4. All of the prophets and the law prophesied until John. 5. John was the Ezekiel who was to come. 5. John was the Elias/Elijah who was to come.

  9. Correcting Falsehood • Read Matthew 11:7-19. 6. Jesus compared the generation to donkeys in the markets. 6. Jesus compared the generation to children in the markets. 7. John came neither eating nor preaching. 7. John came neither eating nor drinking.

  10. Solving a Mystery • In Matthew 11:11 Jesus makes two very puzzling statements. • First, he says that no one born of woman is greater than John the Baptist. • Yet, the person least in the kingdom of Heaven is greater than he. • How can this be? • CLUE: When would the kingdom of God be established?

  11. Solving a Mystery • From the perspective of the kingdom as either near or future, Jesus can speak of John as less than the least in God’s kingdom. • John is the herald of God’s kingdom, first announcing its nearness. • But he is not yet a subject of that kingdom in terms of its future reality, for it has not yet arrived in that sense.

  12. Solving a Mystery • God has done great things through John, but God will do greater things through and for the subjects of God’s kingdom by way of Jesus’ death and resurrection, which John will not live to see.

  13. What Do You Think? • What distinctive thing could you do this week to demonstrate a faithfulness to God when it would conflict with cultural expectations? • Digging Deeper – Contrasting Matthew 15:12-14 with 17:27, how do you gauge when the offense caused by going against cultural expectations will do more harm than good?

  14. What Do You Think? • What’s the most important thing you can do this week to prepare for the gospel message to be received favorably in your circle of influence? • Digging Deeper – Considering 1 Corinthians 12:12-31, in what way(s) might your response differ from that of other Christians?

  15. What Do You Think? • What can you do to ensure that you do not become hard of hearing in a spiritual sense? • Digging Deeper – What would you say are the number 1, 2, and 3 causes of spiritual deafness?

  16. This GenerationMatthew 11:16-19 • Like Children (vv. 16, 17) • Like Fools (vv. 18, 19)

  17. Can’t Please Some People • In Matthew 11:18, 19, what accusation did his enemies bring against John the Baptist? • “He has a demon.” • What was the basis for this criticism? • John lived under the Nazarite vow, refusing wine. He also ate locusts and honey instead of ordinary food.

  18. Can’t Please Some People • In Matthew 11:18, 19, what accusation did His enemies bring against Jesus? • “He is a glutton and a drunkard and a friend of very sinful people.” • What was the basis for this criticism? • Jesus is known to attend banquets given by those on the margins of society, who are notorious for violating God’s law. Jesus shared meals with the people He came to save.

  19. Can’t Please Some People • For those unwilling to heed God’s wisdom, no messenger is good enough. • The children of wisdom, those who responded to John and Jesus in faith, will prove the truth of what those two proclaim.

  20. What Do You Think? • What will motivate you to conquer stubbornness with trust? • Digging Deeper – In what situations have you seen people refusing to trust because of stubbornness? What do you learn from this?

  21. What Do You Think? • How can you better equip yourself to refute the error in logic that Jesus is pointing out? • Digging Deeper – In what circumstances, if any, should you react as Paul did in Acts 18:6 when the message you bring is rejected? Why?

  22. Conclusion • Paradox of God’s Kingdom • Prayer • Thought to Remember

  23. The Path to Godly Wisdom • Look at the following areas of life. In which do you most struggle to practice godly wisdom? Saving moneyMarriage Setting priorities DietGivingExercise Spending money ParentingChoosing friends

  24. The Path to Godly Wisdom Saving moneyMarriage Setting priorities DietGivingExercise Spending money ParentingChoosing friends • Select an area that is most challenging for you, and suggest ways to begin an improvement plan.

  25. Thought to Remember What seemslike foolishness to humansis sometimes the wisdom of God.

  26. The Boy Jesus Next Week’s Lesson

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