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Wpk 1: Cultures

Wpk 1: Cultures. Individual collection Status Organize transfer of stable cultures to RCC Progress on selected strains Status of papers near completion What critical data are missing ? EM Pigments Sequences What about less advanced studies ?

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Wpk 1: Cultures

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  1. Wpk 1: Cultures • Individual collection • Status • Organize transfer of stable cultures to RCC • Progress on selected strains • Status of papers near completion • What critical data are missing ? • EM • Pigments • Sequences • What about less advanced studies ? • Are there new strains/groups that need to receive more focus?

  2. Wpk 1: CulturesNear completion • Prasinophyceae • Paper Laure: • species included ? • what is missing ? • Paper on PFGE by Banyuls team • RCC 391 (Mamiella) • Specific paper by Wenche/Jahn ? • Dictyochophyceae • Paper Wenche on RCC 446 (Dictyocha like) • Closely related strain in Blanes collection • Study of Rhizochromulina like (RCC 332 + others) ? • Telonema

  3. Wpk 1: CulturesIn Progress Wpk 1: CulturesIn progress • Prymnesiophyceae • Chrysochromulina strains • Data to be acquired (sequences, pigments) • Other strains from Blanes • Chrorarachniophyceae • RCC 365 • Data to be acquired (sequences, pigments) • What about the larger Chlorara RCC 337 • Other groups • Dinophyceae: Exuviella like (RCC 303) • Eustigmatophyceae: Nannochloropsis (RCC 357 + Blanes strains) • Trebouxiophyceae: Nannochloris like • Chlorophyceae: Chlamydomonas like (two strains)

  4. Wpk 2: Clones libraries • 18S library analysis of coastal sites • 16S library analysis of coastal sites • Full sequences • Telonema --> Kamran • Red group --> Klaus • Prasinophyceae --> Laure • Stramenopiles --> Ramon (Blanes) • Alveolates --> Agnès (Roscoff) • Cercozoa --> David Moreira ??? • Other ???

  5. Wpk 4: Probe methods • DNA chips • FISH-TSA with flow cytometry • Problems with non-Chlorophyta • Applicability ? (couple with sorting followed by cloning) • Quantitative PCR • Test a bit further Taqman vs SYBR • Primer optimization: • amplification efficiency • specificity • Groups targeted • General eukaryotic primers • Prasinophyceae • Normalization: use cloned DNA • Do some more tests: • Mixed populations • Natural samples • Apply on large scale

  6. Wpk 3: Probes Validated and used on field samples • Synechococcus (UW): paper in preparation • Stramenopiles (ICM): paper submitted • Prasinophyceae (SBR): paper in preparation • Cryptophyceae Crypt13 (SBR): validated (included in time series paper ?) In progress • Hetero01 (AWI): signal and specificity problems • Env Rhodophyta-like (SBR): almost validated • Prymnesiophytes (AWI): in progress • Cryptophytes (AWI): ??? To be designed • Alveolates (SBR):will be designed late 2002 • Eustigmatophytes , Dictyochophytes (SBR):already designed, not tested • Telonema, Chlorarachniophytes (SBR ??) • Chrysophyceae

  7. Wpk 5: Time series • It is necessary to start DNA/RNA samples extraction

  8. Wpk 5: Time series • Use general probes that correspond to groups abundant in clone libraries • Focus initially on photosynthetic groups

  9. Final symposium • Title: Marine Microbes Oceanic Picoplankton: from ecology to genomics • Location: Roscoff (limited to 120 persons) • Date: May or September: 2004 • Organizers: Bill Li and Daniel Vaulot • Funds to raise • Gordon Conference --> very good possibility of recurring series • EU • CNRS • ESF

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