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Explore the migration of Asian people to America and the rise of early civilizations in Mesoamerica. Learn about the Native American cultures in different regions and the impact of European cultures on Africa. Discover the trade routes, empires, and the complex interactions between cultures in Chapter 1 of Converging Cultures.
CHAPTER 1 Converging Cultures SECTION 1 The Migration to America
I. Asian Migration to America • When did the first people come to America? The Ice Age occurred 100,000 years ago THEN about 15,000 years ago Asian people came across the Beringia – land mass between Asia & Alaska
II. Early Civilizations of Mesoamerica • A. 9,000 – 10,000 years ago, Native Americans learned how to plant & raise crops during the agricultural revolution. 1. What was the most important crop? 2. According to anthropologists the OLMEC was the 1st civilization in America and the first large city was Teotihuacan in what is now Veracruz, Mexico. They traded obsidian.
C 1, SECTION 2 I. Native American Cultures A. West– climate & geography played an important part. Depended on corn for survival. 1. Pacific Coast – fished & built homes out of lumber from the forests. 2. Between Sierra Nevada & Rocky Mountains – weather was drier so they were nomads. 3. Great Plains – became farmers first, then nomads. Followed buffalo. Spanish brought horses.
Native Americans in Alabama • Cherokee - NE • CHICKASAW - NW • CHOCTAW - SW • Creek - major part of AL
B. The FAR NORTH Inuit - Arctic (Alaska’s Aleutian Islands) to Greenland. Hunted & invented devices such as the harpoon & dogsled. Used whale oil and blubber for fuel
C. Eastern Woodlands • Hunted, fished, farmed. • Deer provided food & clothing. • Spoke two languages: Algonquian or Iroquoian. • Used slash & burn agriculture. • Lived in longhouses or wigwams. • Iroquois lived in kinship groups headed by the elder women. • Iroquois League – made up of five (5) Iroquoian groups to maintain peace.
C 1, Sec 2 D. THE SOUTHEASTERN NATIVE AMERICANS • 1. Lived in towns built around a central plaza. • 2. Farmed and hunted. • 3. Houses were made of poles covered with grass, mud, or thatch. • 4. Built mounds in Alabama & Mississippi
CHAPTER 1, SECTION 3 AFRICAN CULTURES I. WEST AFRICA • A. Ghana, Mali, Songhai. 1. Traded gold and salt. 2. Sahara Desert is the interior. Savannahs are on the edges. Tropical rain forest along the SW & Southern edge. 3. Niger River – major East-West pathway. Traded for salt. Used camels. B. Islam spread through trade routes. (Muslims) C. Gold trade made West Africa prosper.
Chapter 1, Sec 3II. Empires of West Africa A. Soninke from Ghana controlled trade. Muslims built mosques. Ended in 1200s because new gold mines opened in Bure. B. Malinke – upper Niger Valley & controlled gold trade from Bure. Conquered the Soninke & built Mali empire. Mansa Musa – leader Timbuktu – center of trade C. Sorko people built Songhai empire. Ruler – Sonni Ali who seized control of Timbuktu.
C 1, Sec 3 III. FOREST KINGDOMS of Guinea • Guinea – located on southern coast of Africa - Dense forests • A. Yoruba & Edo people • B. Hunters, farmers, traders • C. Produced a surplus of food and traded for copper & salt.
Chapter 1, Sec 3IV. CENTRAL & SOUTHERN AFRICA • A. CENTRAL– dense vegetation – RAIN FORESTS • Fished, grew wheat & raised livestock • Matrilineal – traced lineage through mothers • B. Kongo – located on the Zaire River
V. SLAVERY Slavery existed in African society! • A. Most were captured in war; they were sold back to their people or absorbed into their new African society. • B. THEN, Arabs began to trade for them. • C. Akans used them to clear land & mine gold. • D. Portuguese used them on sugar plantations. • E. Europeans set up sugar plantations on the Mediterranean Islands; Spain & Portugal set up sugar plantations on the West Coast of Africa. • F. THEN, traders shipped slaves to the Americas.
Chapter 1 – Section 4 EUROPEAN CULTURES • I. European Society – THE CRUSADES – means “cross” A struggle to regain the Holy Land. Helped get Europe out of isolation because it encouraged a new desire for exploration.
C 1, Sec 4 – European Cultures • A. Feudalism – a political system in which a king would give estates to nobles in exchange for their loyalty & military support.
Chapter 1, Sec 4 – European Cultures B. The Manorial System – Economic ties between nobles and peasants. Peasants worked for the Lords in exchange for protection. called SERFS – bound to the manor.
Chapter 1, Sec 4 – European Cultures C. The Economy Improves in 1000. 1. A better plow 2. Horse collar 3. Use of horses instead of oxen 4. Trade improved 5. More towns started up
Chapter 1, Section 4 – European Cultures D. THE CHURCH 1. The Roman Catholic Church helped promote stability and order. 2. However, the Church penalized rulers and common persons for disobedience.
Chapter 1, Section 4 – European Cultures II. Expanding Horizons. A. By 1200 – Italian & Arab merchants controlled the trade. B. Arab traders wanted money for payment, & this led to an economy based on money. C. Demand for gold from Africa increased. D. The Mongols opened borders for trade & secured the roads from bandits. E. Then, the Mongol empire collapsed & Europeans began to look for a new way trade – the sea.
Chapter 1, Sec 4 – European Cultures III. NEW STATES, NEW TECHNOLOGY A. Western European monarchs began to unify their kingdoms and create strong central governments. The four strong states in the mid-1400s were: Portugal, Spain, England, and France
Chapter1, Sec 4 – European Cultures B. THE RENAISSANCE. “Rebirth” of interest in the culture of ancient Greece and Rome. Produced great works of art and triggered a scientific revolution.
Chapter 1, Sec 4 – European Cultures C. NEW TECHNOLOGY – Navigational Instruments 1. Astrolabe – used the position of the sun to determine direction, latitude, and local time. 2. Compass– showed the direction of magnetic north. 3. Lateen sails– could sail against the wind 4. Caravel – small vessel that could carry about 130 tons of cargo
Chapter 1, Sec 4 – European Cultures IV. Portuguese Exploration 1. Portuguese were the first Europeans to find a sea route to Asia. 2. Prince Henry, the Navigator, set up a center for astronomical and geographical studies in Portugal. 3. Bartolomeu Dias reached the Cape of Good Hope on the tip of Southern Africa in 1488. 4. In 1497, Vasco da Gama landed on India’s SW coast. This was the 1st European sea route!!
Chapter 1, Sec 4 - Review Crusades Plow & Horse Collar Advances in Shipbuilding & Sailing End of European Isolation Collapse of The Mongol Empire Navigational Instruments Renaissance Decline of Feudalism And New Strong States
Chapter 1, Section 5Europe Encounters America I. The Vikings Arrive in America A. Archaeological evidence says that the Vikings probably arrived before Columbus. B. A.D. 1000 – Lief Ericsson explored the coast of Labrador and stayed the winter in Newfoundland. C. The Vikings did not stay.
C 1, Sec 5 II. Spain Sends Columbus West A. GEOGRAPHY 1. Claudius Ptolemy – drew maps of a round world w/ 360 lines of longitude on a flat surface. 2. al-Idrisi – published a geographical survey.
C 1, Sec 5 B. Columbus. 1. 1492 – Columbus got financing from Spain, King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella to seek a route to Asia across the Atlantic. His shipswere: Pinta, Nina, Santa Maria. 2. Probably landed at San Salvador Island & met the Taino people. Called them Indians. He thought he had landed in India.
C 1, Sec 5 3. Columbus saw gold around the Tainos’ necks and went farther to Cuba and Hispaniola. He thought Cuba was China and Hispaniola was Japan. 4. He left his men while he took back treasures to the King & Queen of Spain.
Chapter 1, Section 5 5. On his next trip to back to Hispaniola, he learned his men had been killed. He established a new colony – Isabella. 6. Columbus left for Spain again. His brother, Bartholomew founded Santo Domingo – 1st capital of Spain’s empire in America. 7. On his third voyage back to American he landed in South America. 8. On his last voyage he mapped the American coastline from Guatemala to Panama. HOW MANY TRIPS DID COLUMBUS MAKE TO AMERICA?
Chapter 1, Section 5 III. Spain Claims America. A. Spain had explored The Caribbean Islands & established colonies in: Hispaniola, Cuba, Jamaica & Puerto Rico in addition to exploring the American mainland.
Chapter 1, Section 5 B. The Treaty of Tordesillas – Established by Pope Alexander VI to avoid a war between Catholic nations. 1. Line of Demarcation divided the Atlantic Ocean down the middle. Spain got the land west of the line. Portugal got the land east of the line. 2. Two things it did: * Confirmed Portugal’s right to the route around Africa to India & gave them most of Brazil. * Confirmed Spain’s claim to the new lands in America.
Chapter 1, Section 5 C. AmerigoVespucci – (Italian) sailed for Spain then for Portugal. Determined that the new land was not Asia. German scholar proposed that the new continent be named America for “Amerigo the discoverer.”
Chapter 1, Section 5 D. Other Spanish Expeditions. 1. Juan Ponce de Leon – Spanish governor of Puerto Rico, explored Florida – named for land of flowers. 2. Vasco de Balboa – first European to reach the Pacific coast of America. 3. Ferdinand Magellan - gave the Pacific Ocean its name (pacific means peaceful). Died in the Philippines, but his crew was the 1st to circumnavigate the globe.
Chapter 1, Section 5 IV. THE COLUMBIAN EXCHANGE A. Native Americans taught Europeans about farming & new crops. Corn, squash, pumpkins, beans, sweet potatoes, tomatoes, chili peppers, peanuts, chocolate, tobacco, chewing gum, & potatoes went to Europe.
Chapter 1, Section 5 B. EUROPE TO AMERICA. Europeans introduced these items to America: wheat, oats, barley, rye, rice, coffee, dandelions, onions, bananas, oranges & citrus fruits, chickens, cattle, pigs, sheep, horses, technology – metalworking, shipbuilding, weapons (firearms), and diseases.
Chapter 5, Section 1 DISEASES