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Lesson #6 Church and Discipleship. Adult Confirmation: Immediate Preparation (Spring 2014). Archdiocese of Galveston-Houston. Opening Prayer ( Matthew 5:1-2, 14-16 ). Engage/ Abordar.
Lesson #6 Church and Discipleship Adult Confirmation: Immediate Preparation (Spring 2014) Archdiocese of Galveston-Houston
Engage/Abordar Thinking of our last lesson, what are some words, symbols, and actions visible during the celebration of the Sacrament of Confirmation?
Explore/Investigar: • Think/Pair/Share • What is Church? • (Jot down all words/phrases thatcome to mind.)
Explore/Investigar: “Meanings of the Word Church” [USCCA, p. 113]
Essential Question(s) …for this lesson and for lifelong faith formation: • How do we know that the Holy Spirit has been, remains, and will always be with the Church? • How does the Catholic Church help us to be good Disciples of Christ?
Explain/Explicar • USCCA, pp. 113-115: • “Planned by the Father” • “Founded by Jesus Christ” • “Revealed by the Spirit” • “The Church Manifests the Holy Trinity”
Explain/Explicar “Unpack” this Learning Target (MA #5.5.18): The Church is rightly called the Bride of Christ because it attests to the love Christ has for his Church, prepared by the Prophets and announced by John the Baptist. Christ has joined her with himself in an everlasting covenant and never stops caring for her as for his own Body. [CCC #796, 808, 1602, 1616]
Explain/Explicar Small Group Activity:
Explain/Explicar Confirmation Service Opportunities (Let’s share!)
Connect/Conectar……to the Rite of Confirmation: Solemn Final Blessing at the Rite: May God the Father bless you, whom he has made his adopted sons and daughters reborn from the water and the Holy Spirit, and may he keep you worthy of his fatherly love. AMEN. May his Only Begotten Son, who promised that the Spirit of truth would abide in his Church, bless you and confirm you by his power in the confession of the true faith. AMEN. May the Holy Spirit, who kindles the fire of charity in the hearts of disciples, bless you and lead you blameless and gathered as one into the joy of the Kingdom of God. AMEN.
Extend & Enrich/ Extension y Enriquecimiento • “The Four Marks of the Church” [USCCA, pp. 126-134] • Avery Dulles’ Models of the Church: A Summary in a Nutshell http://www.docstoc.com/docs/20886840/Avery-Dulles-MODELS-OF-THE-CHURCH-Summary
Evaluate/Evaluar Exit Slip: • How does the Holy Spirit “help (you) bear witness to the Christian faith in words, accompanied by deeds”? • What is the mission of the Church and how might you participate in it once you are fully initiated after celebrating the Sacrament of Confirmation?
Self-Reflect/ Autorreflexion • What new ah-ha do you now have about the Church and discipleship? • What new ah-ha do you now have about your parish and our universal Church? • What new insights about Jesus and the Paschal Mystery (Suffering, Death, Resurrection &Ascension)do you now have after learning more about the Church and discipleship?
Personal Commitment to Action/ CompromisoPersonal a la Acción How will the Holy Spirit send you forth to be a better disciple? Continue to pray this week as you approach the Sacrament of Confirmation.
Further Reading/LecturasAdicionales • United States Catholic Catechism for Adults, Chapter 10, pp. 111-124 and Chapter 11, pp. 125-139. • Compendium: Catechism of the Catholic Church, #147- #193. • Catechism of the Catholic Church, Part I,“The Profession of Faith,” #748- #962.
Pope Francis @ World Youth Day 2013 Do not be afraid to go and to bring Christ into every area of life, to the fringes of society, even to those who seem farthest away, most indifferent.