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Local Requirements. LOCAL REQUIREMENTS. The FIFA Laws of the Game are written for use in all matches, however in accordance with the FIFA Statutes, local associations are allowed to modify the laws with respect to their application for: Players under 17 years of age. Women footballers.
LOCAL REQUIREMENTS • The FIFA Laws of the Game are written for use in all matches, however in accordance with the FIFA Statutes, local associations are allowed to modify the laws with respect to their application for: • Players under 17 years of age. • Women footballers. • Veteran footballers (over 35 years of age). • Players with disabilities. • There are a number of modifications with Granville District and Football NSW which you need to remember.
LOCAL REQUIREMENTS • In all matches run by Granville Football (GDSFA) these are the current modifications: • In all ages (Except Premier League 1st Grade) INTERCHANGE is allowed instead of substitutions • Interchanges are to follow the following basic procedure: • They can only happen during a stoppage in play, • Referee must be notified and aware an interchange is being made • Player off the bench must enter the field from half way • Player leaving the field must leave the field at half way. • For full interchange procedure read you law book (Page 80) • Don’t get confused, DO NOT STOP the game because the coach/manager wants an interchange, an interchange happens when there is a stoppage in play (i.e. throw-in, free kick, penalty, corner or goal kick).
LOCAL REQUIREMENTS • Treatment of Injured Players • Players who are injured during a match and are able to be moved after assessment on the field of play will now be required, as per the laws of the game, to leave the field of play after being assessed. • This is a mandatory requirement for all age groups. • In a match where interchange is played, the injured player can be simply interchanged with a bench player. In a match where substitutions only are permitted, the team will either play short until the player is ready to return to the field and the referee gives their permission to return, or substitute the player. • Clubs will be informed of this requirement and GDFRA expect it to be enforced in Round 1 this season.
LOCAL REQUIREMENTS • Timing of matches / Match Ball • In Law 7 each match consists of 2 equal periods of 45 minutes. • In Football NSW (FNSW) and GDSFA competitions, this procedure is different • Timing of matches is dependent on the age of the participating teams. • The Ball (Law 2) also advises that the size and shape of the ball must conform to the requirements under this law. • In GDSFA and FNSW competitions the size of the ball used is dependent also on the age of the participants
LOCAL REQUIREMENTS • The timing of matches and ball size are as follows for each age group: • Under 12’s – 25 minutes e/w, Size 4 Ball • Under 13’s – 30 minutes e/w, Size 4 Ball • Under 14’s – 30 minutes e/w, Size 5 Ball • Under 15’s and U16’s – 35 minutes e/w, Size 5 Ball • Under 17’s – 40 minutes e/w • Under 18’s Under 21’s and AAM / AAW • 45 minutes e/w, Size 5 Ball • Over 35’s, Over 45’s Over 30 Women • 40 minutes e/w, Size 5 Ball
LOCAL REQUIREMENTS • Timing of matches. • In Granville, half time consists of 5 minutes whistle-to-whistle. • This applies to all levels of football, junior, senior and females. • Also, Matches must kick off at the correct time, if a match is running late the referee must take time off each half of the game to ensure following matches kick off on time. • All 3pm fixtures must kick off at 3pm, NO EXCEPTIONS. • Referee of the prior game to calculate time and reduce each half appropriately to ensure the match finishes at or before 2:50pm, so the 3pm fixture kicks off on time.
LOCAL REQUIREMENTS • ID Cards / Team Sheets • Referees do not undertake the ID Check, this is to be facilitated between the two teams. • Referees should only get involved in ID Card issues if there is a player wearing glasses, or an issue in the ID check. • Referees do NOT need to collect ID cards if they send a player off. • All players must be listed on the team sheet (including borrowed players) before kickoff. Once the Referee has the team sheet in his possession, NOALTERATION BY WAY OF ADDING PLAYERS NAMES IS TO BE ALLOWED. • If a coach can’t remember all his players numbers and they are arriving late, he is allowed to add numbers, BUT NOT NAMES.
LOCAL REQUIREMENTS • ID Cards / Team Sheets • Team sheets now come in printed format for the ease of use by participants. • NO MATCH IS TO START WITHOUT THE TEAM SHEET BEING IN POSSESSION OF THE REFEREE PRIOR TO KICKOFF. • No team sheet = no game • No ID Cards = no game • Referee to make notification on the team sheet advising of the circumstances surrounding a team not playing in the match. • GDSFA will determine if match is to be forfeit / replayed etc…
LOCAL REQUIREMENTS • Jewellery • Jewellery requirements is as per Law 4 – Players Equipment, which states: • A player must not use equipment, or wear anything that is dangerous to himself or another player (including any kind of jewellery). • In GDSFA this is a mandatory requirement, the only exception is a flat wedding band (not taped), and medical alert bracelets/necklace, which must be taped down. • We expect all referees to ensure this is enforced.
LOCAL REQUIREMENTS Over 30 and 35’s Slide Tackles Slide tackles are not permitted in Over 35’s, Over 45’s and Over 30 Womens fixtures within GDSFA competition. This rule applies in situations where a player commits a slide tackle (sliding for the ball with an opponent within playing distance of him and the ball). He is punished with an Indirect free kick. If a slide tackle is ruled careless, and involves contact with an opponent, then a Direct Free Kick is to be awarded as per the Laws of the Game Repeat offenders shall be sanctioned appropriately. Remember that it is not an offence to bend down to control the ball, or get on your knees to control the ball, but this rule applies to the act of sliding for the ball with an opponent within playing distance.
LOCAL REQUIREMENTS • Glasses • Players are allowed to wear glasses to play in so long as the photo on their ID card clearly shows the player wearing the same glasses. • Referees can check this for clarification should the need arise. • If it is obvious that the glasses the player is wearing are different to the glasses on the ID Card, the referee must make a judgement call as to whether the glasses could pose a risk to the player themselves, or an opponent. • Referees should let the GDFRA Secretary know if there is a dispute about appropriate glasses.
LOCAL REQUIREMENTS • Hand Ball – Girls and Ladies Competitions • THIS RULE HAS NOW CHANGED AND IS TO BE ENFORCED IN ENTIRETY! • GDSFA NO longer allows female players to protect their chest against the ball by allowing their arms in front of, or across their chest. • GDFRA expect referees to enforce this mandatory requirement from Round 1 of this season.
LOCAL REQUIREMENTS • Plaster Casts • Any player who is wearing a plaster cast, or is wearing a hardened arm brace, is NOT allowed to play. • Even if the player has wrapped the cast / brace in foam or bandages, the player must not play. • For this rule there are NO EXCEPTIONS!
LOCAL REQUIREMENTS • Corner Kicks in Under 12’s • In Under 12’s fixtures, corner kicks shall be taken from an imaginary point 8 yards (approximately 8 steps) from the edge of the penalty area • The ball may be placed up to 1 metre inside the field of play. • On some fields in GDSFA the fields are not large enough for the 8 yard requirement, therefore they are to take the GK from the corner arc in accordance with the laws of the game.
LOCAL REQUIREMENTS • Match Reports • GDSFA have requested that GDFRA officials who send off players are to provide a send-off report with 48 HOURS of the match. • AR’s only need to provide a report if they provided advice to the referee which results in a player being sent off. • In instances of serious misconduct by team officials, spectators, mass brawl, assault on match official etc…the referee and his assistant(s) must submit incident reports within 48 HOURS of the match being played. • You may be asked to attend Judiciary, if you are GDFRA will provide a mentor to attend along side you.