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Creative Problem Solving

Creative Problem Solving. Visualization. Visualization. “Seeing with the mind’s eye” can expand creative thinking and problem solving. Dorothy A. Sisk, Professor, Lamar University. Memory. Human Brain: Short-term memory Long-term memory Information processor

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Creative Problem Solving

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Creative Problem Solving Visualization

  2. Visualization • “Seeing with the mind’s eye” can expand creative thinking and problem solving. Dorothy A. Sisk, Professor, Lamar University

  3. Memory • Human Brain: • Short-term memory • Long-term memory • Information processor • Associate/connect information • Experienced based/logic based • Adaptable

  4. Improve Memory • Practice new techniques • Time repetitions effectively • Connect with what you already know • Pay attention • Observe carefully • Use memory aids • Healthy life style

  5. Mental Languages • Verbal: talking/listening • Mathematical: uses symbols, quantities • Sensory: smell, feel, taste, hearing, … • Visualization: “see” things, mental images • Think of TV commercial, how do they fix their message in your memory?

  6. Mental Languages • Solve using different mental languages, • A farmer’s child receives a present of 8 animals (ducks and lambs) with a total of 22 legs. Find the number of ducks.

  7. Visualization • Difference between a million, billion and trillion? • One million seconds ≈ eleven ½ days • One billion seconds ≈ 32 years • One trillion seconds ≈ 30,000 years

  8. Visualization • All thinking modes can be improved through visualization • What is better, verbal directions or a map (even a sketch) with verbal directions? • Changing habit, visualize positive result • Watch news on TV, how is what is said colored by the pictures shown?

  9. Visualization • Tools to enhance memory • Association • Word substitution • Memory link • Phonetic alphabet

  10. Visualization • Sketching; developing visual ideas worth communicating • Drawing; communicating well-formed ideas

  11. Sketching • Steps in learning to sketch: • Learn to see • Learn to handle the tools (paper and pencil) and what they can do • Learn specific techniques (perspective, views) • Practice to develop necessary eye-hand coordination

  12. Sketching • Objects , diagrams • Processes, flow charts • Relationships, charts and graphs

  13. Visualization • Visualization = perception + imagination + communications • We see, we imagine, we draw Walter Rodriguez

  14. Visualization • 2D is representing 3D in only 2D. • 3D modeling is preferred method. • CAD is moving to 3D modeling • ENGR 131 will cover hand sketching and SolidWorks 3D modeler.

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