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PRESS CONFERENCE, 7 November 2013. TEMPUS PROJECTS IN KOSOVO. TEMPUS IV – GENERAL OVERVIEW. TEMPUS is the European Union’s programme which supports the modernisation of higher education in the EU’s surrounding area Basic features:
TEMPUS IV – GENERAL OVERVIEW TEMPUS is the European Union’s programme which supports the modernisation of higher education in the EU’s surrounding area Basic features: • Establishment of new courses or reform of existing ones in the list of national priorities • Assist higher education institutions to restructure and to reform their management/ governance • Encourage institutions to work together and set up networks, in a particular discipline • Training and capacity building • Provide higher education institutions with teaching materials Kosovo Tempus Office
Tempus projects • 2002: 5 JEP • 2003: 4 JEP • 2004: 1 JEP • 2005: 3 JEP, 3 SCM • 2006: 2 JEP, 1 SCM • 2007: 4 JEP, 4 SCM • 2008: 1 SMGR, 3 JPCR, 1 JPHES, 1 SMHES • 2009: 1 SMGR, 4 JPCR, 1 JPHES • 2010: 4 JPCR, 1 JPGR • 2011: 3 JPCR, 1 JPGR, 1 JPHES • 2012: 4 JPCR, 1 JPGR, 1 JPHES • 2013: 6 JPCR, 2 JPHES, 2 SMGR, 1 JPGR Kosovo Tempus Office
Project 1: Connecting Science-Society Collaborations for Sustainability Innovations Project objectives: • to identify regional stakeholders in the field of higher education, research and practice for sustainable development; • to establish a science-society network for sustainability innovations; • to develop innovative teaching materials and methodologies for higher education institutions; • to develop and run structured workshops and trainings for science-society collaborations. Project partner: Riinvest College, Universum College, Institute for Development Policy, University of Peja "HaxhiZeka", Grant holder: Karl-Franzens-University of Graz, Austria Duration: 36 months (3 years) Budget: 968.205,72 Kosovo Tempus Office
Project 2: Developing and Adapting Proffesional Programs for Energy Efficiency in the Western Balkans Project objectives: • To develop education in the field of energy efficiency at post-secondary and proffesional Masters levels; • The design of quality professional programs in five universities in the region; • the delivery of programs according to European standards with a strong emphasis on applied skills and market needs; • The establishment of networks with industries, educational sector and society at wide; • Provide policy recommendation mainstreaming professional programs within each partner country. Project partners: University of Prishtina “Hasan Prishtina”, UBT College; Grant holder: Polis University, Albania Duration: 36 months (3 years) Budget: 742.557,07 Kosovo Tempus Office
Project 3: Strategic support on establishment and development of sustainable structures on quality assurance, international relations and student support services at the newly founded Public University HaxhiZeka in Kosova Project objectives: This project will provide strategic support to the newly established public University in Kosova, University of Peja “HaxhiZeka”, in the following areas: quality assurance, international relations and student support services. Project partner:, University of Peja “Haxhi Zeka” , MEST, KCIRT-Kosova Center for Int. Cooperation in Higher Education, Kosovo Accreditation Agency, WUS - Kosova Grant holder: University of Edinburgh, UK Duration: 36 months (3 years) Budget: 520.007,96 Kosovo Tempus Office
Project 4: Modernizing Teacher Education at University of Prishtina Project objectives: • Modernizing teacher education at the University of Prishtina in line with the legislation demands and good EU practices in the frame of Bologna process actions of developing curricula (programs) in three cycles. • Development of 5 new teacher education programs at Master level as well as revision of two existing Master programs at the Faculty of Education. Project partners: Ministry of Education, Science and Technology Grant holder: University of Prishtina “Hasan Prishtina”, Kosovo Duration: 36 months (3 years) Budget: 816.220,29 Kosovo Tempus Office
PROJECT 5: Development of a new master program in geodesy Project objectives: This project aims to develop geodesy education in Kosovo in order to support land reform, agricultural development, forestry management, urban and rural planning, and environmental protection. Developing a MA Programme in Geodesy and establish a new geodesy laboratory at UP. Project partners: University of Prishtina “Hasan Prishtina”, MEST, Ministry of Agriculture, Forestry and Rural Development, Istog Municipality, N.Sh. “Geo&Land”, Kosovo Cadastral Agency Grant holder: KungligaTekniskaHögskolan, Sweden Duration: 36 months (3 years) Budget: 461.493,85 Kosovo Tempus Office
PROJECT 6: Increasing the Financial Autonomy and accountability at public Higher Education Institutions in Kosova Project objectives: To enhance modernisation of human and organisational capacities of financial management in Kosovo public HEIs through capacity building and experience exchange To develop a sustainable communication platform between those HEIs and the relevant ministries with the objective of improving transparency and systematisation of financial management practices To develop a White Paper on Financial Autonomy and Accountability with a view of contributing to the legal framework for Kosovo Public HEIs Project partners: University of Prishtina “Hasan Prishtina”, University of Prizren “UkshinHoti”, University of Peja “Haxhi Zeka”, MEST, Kosovo Accreditation Agency, WUS Kosova, KCIRT- Center for Int. Cooperation in Higher Education, Grant holder: FH Campus Wien, Austria Duration: 36 months (3 years) Budget: 689.583,11 Kosovo Tempus Office 13
PROJECT 7: Public Health in the Western Balkans-Improvement in the Field of Public Health and Development of a “One Health” Educational and Scientific Architecture in Western Balkan Countries Project objectives: To build-up and/or improve the educational and scientific PH architecture in the WB PC and to promote a "One Health" approach as relatively new and modern a concept in addressing PH issues. To create a Public Health academic network between EU and WB Institutions that will upgrade WB HEI international cooperation and promote a lifelong process of modernisation in the WB, facilitating their opening up to society at large. Project partners: University of Prishtina “Hasan Prishtina”, Grant holder: UniversitadegliStudidi Milano, Italy Duration: 36 months (3 years) Budget: 668.657,03 Kosovo Tempus Office 14
PROJECT 8:“Modernizing the 3rd cycle at the University of Prishtina and Developing a PhD Program at the Faculty of Economics” Project objectives: Supporting curricular reform and capacity building at the University of Prishtina and developing a PhD Programme at the Faculty of Economics. Project partners: Kosovo Accreditation Agency, WUS Kosova, Kosova Center for Int. Cooperation in Higher Education, MEST Grant holder: University of Prishtina “Hasan Prishtina”, Kosovo Duration: 36 months (3 years) Budget: 451.241,88 Kosovo Tempus Office 15
PROJECT 9: Support to the Internationalization of Kosova Higher Education System through establishment of the Kosova Students’ Union Project objectives: Development of legal framework on establishment of the Kosova Students Union; To facilitate student elections for establishment of the Kosova Student Union; To support Ministry of Education, Science and Technology of Kosovo on setting up the Kosova Student Union Office and develop administrative regulations and guidelines for sustainable operation; Supporting membership of Kosova Students’ Union at the European Students’ Union; Facilitating the international cooperation and networking of Kosova Students’ Union. Project partners: MEST, University of Prishtina “Hasan Prishtina”, University of Prizren “UkshinHoti”, University of Peja “Haxhi Zeka”, WUS Kosova, Kosovo Accreditation Agency, KCIRT- Kosova Center for Int. Coop. in HE, Grant holder: Paris-London University Salzburg, Austria Duration: 36 months (3 years) Budget: 743.539,64 Kosovo Tempus Office 16
PROJECT 10: Sport Professions – Education, Employment, Development in the Balkan Region Sport is a powerful tool for socioeconomic development and personal & collective wellbeing. Project objectives: Extending the reform to the WB Universities and fostering harmonisation in the region & with EU; Developing a common approach to SpS accounting for modern standards & the manifold potentialities of sectorial qualification in sport as related to health, education, employment, development; Addressing the shared national priority personal services/sports & the regional priority vocational training with a joint, vocationally oriented Master & LLP targeting SpS professions, with a common core in line with EU standards, and specialisations with diverse learning outcomes & competencies to meet local needs & personal preferences. Developing the MA Programme on Sport Sciences at the Region Universities Project partners: University of Prishtina “Hasan Prishtina”, Ministry of Education, Science and Technology, Kosova Chamber of Commerce Grant holder: University of Rome "ForoItalico“, Italy Duration: 36 months (3 years) Budget: 1.006.985,29 Kosovo Tempus Office 17
PROJECT 11: Lifelong learning for sustainable agriculture in Alps- Danube- Adriatic Region Project objectives: To develop the strategy for lifelong learning in sustainable agriculture among partner institutions in order to initiate and develop different models of lifelong learning; To establish pilot activities of lifelong learning in partner institutions; to set quality benchmarks and indicators for lifelong learning competencies in the field of sustainable agriculture; To develop an appropriate guidance and counseling services To develop a regional guidelines for LLL in sustainable agriculture Project partners: University of Prishtina “Hasan Prishtina” Grant holder: University of Zagreb, Croatia Duration: 36 months (3 years) Budget: 1.039.598,58 Kosovo Tempus Office 18
1. JoinEU-SEE - PENTA – EU & South Eastern Europe: Participating, Exchanging and Networking in a Transnational Alliance for Internationalization in Higher Education – Strand 1 Lot 7 • Kosovo Partner: University of Pristina “Hasan Prishtina” • Support to Mobility of Higher Education : To foster the development of both human resources and the international co-operation capacity of higher education institutions in the third countries by contributing to an increase in mobility flows between the EU and third countries on the basis of the principles of non discrimination and equal opportunities. New -The Open call will be announced on 11 of November 2013 • Budget: 3.999.875Website: http://www.joineusee.eu 2. EM2-STEM – City University London (Entrepreneurship and management training in science, technology, engineering & mathematics) • Kosovo Partner : University of Business and Technology - UBT • Support to Mobility of Higher Education : Offers scholarship to higher education students and staff for study, research and professional exchanges between in the European Union and the Western Balkans. • Budget: 3.878.025Website: www.em2stem.eu Kosovo Tempus Office
3. BASILEUS V - Balkans Academic Scheme for the Internationalisation of Learning in cooperation with EU universities – Strand 1 – Lot 7 (Western Balkans) • Kosovo Partner: University of Pristina “Hasan Prishtina” • Support to Mobility of Higher Education : To foster the development of both human resources and the international co-operation capacity of higher education institutions in the third countries by contributing to an increase in mobility flows between the EU and third countries on the basis of the principles of non discrimination and equal opportunities. New -The Open call was announced on 1st of November 2013 • Budget: 4.000.000Website: www.basileus.ugent.be 4. SIGMA – City University London (Entrepreneurship and management training in science, technology, engineering & mathematics) • Kosovo Partner : University of Business and Technology - UBT • Support to Mobility of Higher Education : Offers scholarship to higher education students and staff for study, research and professional exchanges between in the European Union and the Western Balkans. • Budget: 3.878.025Website: www.sigma.uw.edu.pl Kosovo Tempus Office
5. ERAWEB2 - Erasmus Mundus Western Balkans 2 –Strand 1-Lot7 • Kosovo Partner: University of Pristina “Hasan Prishtina” • Support to Mobility of Higher Education : To foster the development of both human resources and the international co-operation capacity of higher education institutions in the third countries by contributing to an increase in mobility flows between the EU and third countries on the basis of the principles of non discrimination and equal opportunities. New -The Open call will be announced on the end of the year 2013 • Budget: 3.999.550Website: http://erasmus-westernbalkans.eu/ Kosovo Tempus Office
Jean Monnet Programme • European Integration • The Jean Monnet Action stimulates teaching, research and reflection on European integration in higher education institutions worldwide. It includes the creation of Jean MonnetChairs, Centres of Excellence, Modules, information and research activities as well as support for academic associations of professors and researchers in European integration. • Website: http://ec.europa.eu/education/lifelong-learning-programme/doc88_en.htm • Professor Gazmend QORRAJ holds the Jean Monnet Chair for European Integration at the University of Prishtina. • Website: www.jeanmonnetchair.info Kosovo Tempus Office
Overview on Tempus Project Thank you for your attention KimeteCanaj, Coordintor Kosovo Tempus Office Kimete.canaj@tempuskosovo.org Kimete.Canaj@gmail.com www.tempuskosovo.org Kosovo Tempus Office