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Transdisciplinary theme Where we are in time and place 跨學科主題 我們身處甚麼時空. Where we are in time and place
Transdisciplinary themeWhere we are in time and place 跨學科主題我們身處甚麼時空 Where we are in time and place An inquiry into orientation in place and time; personal histories; homes and journeys; the discoveries; explorations and migrations of humankind; the relationships between and the interconnectedness of individuals and civilizations, from local and global perspectives. 我們身處甚麼時空 探究我們在時空中的方位;個人的歷史;家庭和旅程; 人類的各種發現、探索與遷徙; 從本地與全球的觀點考察個人與文明之間千絲萬縷的聯繫。
Central Idea中心思想All places have special features that make them distinctive.每一處地方都有其特色,從而辨別各地方的不同。 Lines of inquiry探究線索 • Local and global weather.本地及全球的天氣We want the children to be aware of the differences in temperature around the world and how this affects activities. 我們希望幼兒認識世界各地不同的天氣情況,及其如何影響人們的活動。 • The physical characteristics of where we live我們居住地方的物理特徵 We want children to be aware of the physical characteristics of Hong Kong in order to compare them with another city in the world. 我們希望幼兒能認識香港的物理特徵,並與世界各地的城市作出比較。 • How structures in Hong Kong relate to structures around the world香港建築物與世界各地的建築物之結構 We want children to be aware of how the buildings in a city can be unique and synonymous with that place. 我們希望幼兒明白世界各地的建築物都有其獨特之處。 • Hong Kong is unique香港獨特之處 We want children to be aware of how the buildings and leisure opportunities make Hong Kong a good place to visit. 我們希望幼兒明白香港的建築物及消閒活動能讓其成為國際之都。
Skills技能 • Thinking skills – Acquisition of knowledge, comprehension and application To gain knowledge about Hong Kong and other countries, including the weather in by investigating temperatures around the world, understanding what this means for that place in terms of what there is to do there, the kind of life people lead. • 思考技能 – 習得知識、領悟、應用 他們透過問卷調查對香港及其他城市的天氣、溫度得到更深入的認知,而且把知識應用於日常生活中。
Concepts概念: Form: To understand that cities are unique and have recognisable features that can be described and categorised. 形式︰ 明白每個城市也有其獨特之處,而且具備可識別之特點,能夠將其描述及分類。 Change: To understand that weather is universal and has a continuous cycle which varies around the world. 變化︰ 明白世界各地的天氣都是一個連續性循環,而又存在不同變化的。
Attitudes態度 Curiosity好奇心 • To want to find out about, Hong Kong, other countries, buildings, the temperature around the world and make appropriate decisions based on their findings • 樂於找出世界各地不同的景點,並依據結果作出適當的決策。 Confidence信心 • To be confident in the choices they make; that they are doing their best, asking questions, problem solving, and sharing their learning. • 有自信地作出選擇,他們能夠做得最好,提出問題、解決困難以及分享他們學習中所獲得的。
導入TUNING IN • 課堂討論Class discussions • Before the start of this unit, we invited the parents to discuss Hong Kong and the world with their child. During the first week of the unit, we engaged the students in numerous discussions about their knowledge of Hong Kong. They were eager to share their knowledge thus fueling their discussions further. • Next, the students explored a map of the world and talked about places they had visited, what was there, what the weather was like, and talked about the things unique to those places. • 在課題開始之前,我們邀請了家長與幼兒一起討論有關香港及世界各地的事情。在課題開展的第一星期,幼兒都樂於討論及分享個人對於香港的認識。幼兒從探索世界地圖的活動中,討論他們過往曾旅遊的地方,當中亦提及各地天氣的不同及其獨特之處。
幼兒對自己居住的地方「香港」,有更深入的認識,在地圖上探究香港的地理特徵和位置,然後與其他國家進行比較。幼兒對自己居住的地方「香港」,有更深入的認識,在地圖上探究香港的地理特徵和位置,然後與其他國家進行比較。 • 透過光影活動, 幼兒互相分享對香港建築物的認識。 • To further the children’s knowledge about their home city Hong Kong, they investigated maps, located familiar places, identified geographical features. • Through light and shadow they shared their knowledge of Hong Kong’s architecture with their peers.
發現及探尋FINDING OUT • Once the student’s interest was piqued, we introduced a video about Sophie and Ava, two young girls from America who traveled around Hong Kong and China. This lead to further discussions about why people visit Hong Kong as well as what the students themselves find interesting about Hong Kong. The students investigated travel brochures and maps rediscovering a variety of things that are unique to Hong Kong. They went a step further by writing about what a visitor might find exciting about Hong Kong. • 當幼兒對香港的事情產生興趣之後,我們讓幼兒觀看了一套有關兩位小女孩從美國到香港遊歷的故事,而這故事亦引發起幼兒進一步討論為什麼人們會選擇到香港旅遊的原因。他們不但搜集了很多有關香港的小冊子及地圖,而且在當中亦發現了原來香港有很多獨特的地方。此外,幼兒亦嘗試書寫一些有關香港不同景點的介紹,以吸引遊客到來參觀旅遊。
幼兒與家人討論及綜合旅遊的經驗,包括香港或以外的地方,然後帶相片回校分享,談談喜歡哪個地方的原因。幼兒與家人討論及綜合旅遊的經驗,包括香港或以外的地方,然後帶相片回校分享,談談喜歡哪個地方的原因。 • Children talked to their parents about places they had visited and brought in a photo of their favourite place in the world. What’s your favourite place? Why?
整理SORTING OUT • To further their understanding about our line of inquiry “Hong Kong is unique” the students conducted a survey amongst the teachers and parents of our school. They used a variety of graphs to analyze and display their results; finding that people love the beauty of Hong Kong, employment opportunities and the food! • 為了讓幼兒明白我們的探究線索「香港獨特之處」,我們設計了一份問卷,並訪問了校內的老師及家長。訪問後,我們利用了不同的圖表來分析及展示我們的調查結果。而根據調查所得,幼兒發現了原來人們最喜愛香港漂亮的風景,其次是就業情況及不同的美食。
進一步延伸GOING FURTHER • From the students inquiries, interest was sparked about what made other cities interesting and worthy of visiting. They investigated the shape of the world and countries visited leading to an interest in learning about the seven continents. 在探索香港的活動中,引發起幼兒探索世界各地的興趣。我們調查世界各地在地圖上的形狀及幼兒曾到訪過的國家,從調查的過程中更引起他們學習「七大洲」的興趣。
家長與幼兒一起利用環保物料設計一座世界上不同國家的建築物。家校合作的互相影響下,鞏固幼兒對課題的認識。家長與幼兒一起利用環保物料設計一座世界上不同國家的建築物。家校合作的互相影響下,鞏固幼兒對課題的認識。 • Parents and children worked together to create a structure from the country they had chosen to research, in order to decorate the school for Christmas as well as reinforce their learning.
整合及反思SYNTHESISING AND REFLECTING • At the beginning of the unit, the students worked together to create a story about Hong Kong. The students created a character and wrote about where they would take them on a visit to Hong Kong. As the student’s knowledge about the world grew, so did their interest in writing a sequel. The students took time over their holiday to write about where they would take their character for an adventure around the world. • 在課題開展初期,幼兒合力創作了一個有關香港的故事,他們設計了故事中的人物角色,並寫下一個以遊覽香港為主題的故事。由於幼兒對世界各地的認識增加了,因此他們提議書寫一系列有關「南瓜小姐」及「星星先生」的故事,而這次幼兒利用了聖誕假期的時間,書寫了一個與故事主角環遊世界的故事。
幼兒選定不同國家進行深入探究,記錄所選國家的天氣,把資料所得,利用圖表記錄,並進行分析。幼兒選定不同國家進行深入探究,記錄所選國家的天氣,把資料所得,利用圖表記錄,並進行分析。 • Having recorded the temperature in our chosen country over a period of time, the children transferred this information into a line graph and talked about what this showed us.
行動及應用ACTING AND APPLYING • Great action has arisen from our learning. The students have begun to write their own stories with their peers about the world and their continuing adventures. The creativeness and learning that has arisen from this unit is incredible and we hope to carry on gaining more knowledge in Room one and five! • 在學習的過程中,幼兒自發性的行動增加了。他們開始會嘗試自行與同伴一起書寫有關香港或其他地區的遊歷故事。在這個課題中,幼兒透過創意來表達出他們對課題學習的認識,反映出幼兒知識的增長,而我們亦希望這種學習氣氛會一直延續下去。
Every day the students can be found in our reading corner sharing in their stories about adventures in Hong Kong and around the world with their class books. They also eagerly await their turn to take the story books home to share with their friends and family. • 在課堂活動中,我們幾乎每一天都能看見幼兒在閱讀區與同伴分享他們所製作有關香港及世界各地的遊歷故事書,而幼兒亦正耐心地輪候,希望把故事書帶回家中與家人及朋友分享。
在學習歷程中,幼兒對海盜歷險故事表現濃厚的興趣,他們發揮想像力,並配合不同的形容詞,合作做出海盜模型,亦替他命名為「海盜阿彼」。幼兒分組創作有關「海盜阿彼」的歷險故事,把整個課題學習到的知識,融會在故事內容中。在學習歷程中,幼兒對海盜歷險故事表現濃厚的興趣,他們發揮想像力,並配合不同的形容詞,合作做出海盜模型,亦替他命名為「海盜阿彼」。幼兒分組創作有關「海盜阿彼」的歷險故事,把整個課題學習到的知識,融會在故事內容中。 • The children were so loving their pirate adventure, we asked if they would like to turn this into a class book. They then went on in their group to write a chapter of their book about his adventures in the country they had studied. This showed their understanding and knowledge gained about their country.