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6+1 Writing Traits Metaphor. 8th and 9th grades Language Arts Mrs. Fonseca. Writing. Writing is a process in which you must know the destiny before you begin . For example , you must know what the objective is before you begin the writing process . In other words ...
6+1 WritingTraitsMetaphor 8th and 9th grades LanguageArts Mrs. Fonseca
Writing • Writing is a processin whichyoumustknowthedestinybeforeyoubegin. For example, youmustknowwhattheobjective is beforeyoubeginthewritingprocess. In otherwords... Wouldyoueverbegin a racebeforeknowingwherethefinishline is?
Writingmusthave DIRECTION! Imagine drivingwithoutdirection! Writing is thesame...it willtakeyou a long time to getnowhere.
Weallneed a little GPS for writing. The 6+1 WritingTraits are yourwriting GPS! “Maintain to yourright 200 meters. Turnright...(youturnleft)...recalculatingroute...”
6+1 WritingTraits There are 7 traitsthatwill lead yourwriting in therightdirection...ifyoufollowthem. Do youwant to knowwhatthey are??? I knowyou are justdying to know!
Traits • IdeasandContent • Organization • Word choice • Voice • Sentencefluency • Conventions • Presentation (Oral)
Metaphors IdeasandContent Hangers to holdoutfits / sizetypeofengine
TheIdeasandContent are whatfillsthebodyofyouressay; withoutmeaningfulcontent, thetext is notworthreading! Imagine having tons ofclothes, but no hangers! Imagine having a beautifulcarwith no engine! Theybecomeworthless!
Organization Organization Howthe closet is arrangedHowthecars are parked in the parking lot
Organizationmakesthingsclearandeasy to find. Withoutorganization, youmayhavemanygoodideasandmeaningfulcontent, butnoonewillbeable to understand it. Imagine a parking lotwithoutlinesor a closet withtheclothesput in anysuchorder. Youwouldneverbeable to findwhatyouwerelooking for!
Voice • Voice T-shirtswithpersonalityandattitude Colorandmakeofthecar
Voice is yourownpersonaltouch Yourvoice is yourpersonalstamp...thistexthaspersonalityandsoundsdifferentthananywaythatanyotherpersonwrites. Throughmyvoice, thereaderidentifieswith me (thewriter) andmymessageevokesemotion in thereader.
Whichwouldyouratherbedriving? Toughquestion...hmmm...
SentenceFluency • SentenceFluency Thesizeofyoursentenceshoulddependonyourneeds...wouldyouwearpantswhenvisitingthedesertor shorts in Michigan? Ifyou are travelingwithyourwife/husbandandtenkids, wouldyourent a compactcar? Ofcoursenot! Pants: shorts, capris, long, etc... cars: compact, mid-sizedorFULL-sized
Thesame is true for yourwriting...youmust use theappropriatesizedsentence for thepropereffectuponthereaderandthesentence style mustvary. Imagine trying to fit 15 peopleintothis car...
Conventions • Conventions Underwear...theymaketheoutfit, butshouldnever show Tires: theydon’tnecessarilydrawyourattention, buttheymakethecar move
Underwear? Thesedefinitelyshouldnotbeseen!
Word choice Shoes: theyabsolutely MUST match theoutfit Gadgets: theymakethecar more fun to ride in • Word Choice Maybeyourwritingneeds:
Colorfulwords! • Wordsshouldbecolorfulandpowerful. • Insteadofsaying “happy,” whatwordcouldyou use? • Ecstatic? -- cheerful? • Euphoric? -- in highspirits? • Content? • Pleased? • Glad?
Conclusion • As youcansee, eachwritingtrait is importantandessential in its ownway. Ifyouhavetroublerememberingthemall, justremember: Closet: hangers, arrangement, t-shirtswith style, differentpants, underwearandshoes Cars: engine, parking lot, style/color, size, tires andaccessories
Yourassignment • In pairs, representthetraitthatyourteacherassigns to you. Givethetrait, themetaphor, themeaningandanexample. • See Mrs. Fonseca for more details.