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Spring 2014 Online MSP Science Proctor Training KSD Assessment Office. Please p ut away your cell phones and pay attention to this absolutely fascinating and informative presentation. Thank you!. MSP Proctor Training Agenda. Who Takes the MSP? Scheduling Test Security Test Preparation
Spring 2014Online MSP Science • Proctor Training • KSD Assessment Office Please put away your cell phones and pay attention to this absolutely fascinating and informative presentation. Thank you!
MSPProctor Training • Agenda • Who Takes the MSP? • Scheduling • Test Security • Test Preparation • Test Materials • Accommodations • Test Administration • MSP Jeopardy
Who will be taking the Science MSP in Spring 2014? All students in grades 5 and 8 must take either the Science MSP or Science WAAS-Portfolio. • Exception: New Non-English Proficient (NNEP) exemption -- • English Language Learners in an English-speaking US public school less than one year: • must attempt at least two items on the Science tests. • Code “Y” for NNEP on all test booklets or in the online system for qualified students and submit all booklets for scoring. • NNEP scores are not included in school results unless they passed the test.
How will Students take the Test? District-wide: Grades 5 and 8 will take all Take the MSP Science online. NOTE: Students requiring accommodations may still take paper/pencil tests.
MSP Schedule Exceptions to the above schedule occurwhen an accommodationrequires a paper/pencil test. All paper/pencil tests must be completed by May 15, even if the rest of the grade level has not completed online testing. This includes all accommodations in which a student is using paper/pencil even if the rest of their grade level is testing online, including ELL students using the translated CD. • Schools testing Paper & Pencil • Carriage Crest • Schools using Paper & Pencil for Ell and IEP accommodations.
MSP Daily Scheduling • Applies to both paper/pencil and online testing • Whenever possible, start tests early in the day. • Avoid scheduling tests across lunch, recess, or special classes such as music or PE. • Once students have started testing, the class should NOT go to specialists if they have not completed the test. • Students should never miss lunch; provide supervised lunch as needed during testing.
Test Security? OMG! MSP Data Recognition Corp Secure Test Materials NEVER leave test materials unmonitored, out in the open, and/or in an UNLOCKED room!
Test Security continued • Ensure each test booklet/ticketis given to the correct student; use personal recognition or Skyward photo. • If student moves to a different location, a STAFF member must carrythe test booklet. • Account for all test booklets and online test tickets at all times. • Check off each student’s name on list as they return their test booklet/ticket. Do not let students leave room until all booklets/ticketsare returned.
Test Security continued • Do not read test questions or student responses unless necessary for test administration. • If you have access to test questions or student responses, do not copy them or communicate them to others, unless necessary for test administration. • Make sure all: • Staff and student cell phones are turned off before starting test. • Student backpacks, books, purses, cell phones, IPOD’s, and MP3 players are out of reach of students until testing is done.
Test Preparation • What you can explain to students before the test • Tell students that this test is a way for them to show teachers what they know and can do, so teachers can help them learn what they still need to learn. • This is not a time to ask their friends for help.
Student Responses in a Test Booklet Explain to students before the test: Use any open white area in test booklet as scratch paper. Do not write answers in the 1/2-inch border around the edge of each page. Keep stray marks or writing an inch away from multiple-choice option bubbles, so scanner picks up intended response. Erase completely changes made in multiple-choice bubbles. Underline, circle, figure, take notes throughout test to aid thinking. May draw additional lines in between existing lines to provide more writing lines for a response. We CANNOT submit extra sheets of paper. Responses must be in space provided in booklet.
Test Preparation • Test Environment Seating – All Testing • Arrange furniture so students have adequate workspace and cannot see each other’s booklet or computer. • For Online Testing • Create a seating plan using the Test Forms found on the Test Tickets or Roster. • Do not sit students next to each other if they have the same letter form of the test (do not sit a B1 next to a B2, but you can sit an A1 next to a B1). • Use manila folders or other partitions to block neighbor’s view.
Test Environment: Take down or cover up anything in the room that may assist students while testing. • Charts that may be displayed are: • Positive Reinforcements (You can do it! Answer every question!) • Alphabet Line • Hundreds Chart (0-99 or 1-100) (No multiplication matrices) • Number Line
Test Preparation Whether testing online or paper/pencil, please read the Directions for Administration (DFA) prior to testing! There are separate instructions in the DFA for paper/pencil vs. online testing (make sure to read the correct set of instructions). For the Writing MSP, remember to read the prompt from a student booklet as part of giving instructions. (The Writing prompts are not printed in the DFA.)
Test Preparation Before starting the test, place a Testing - Do Not Disturb sign on the door.
Test Preparation • For Online Testing To adequately prepare students to use the online test system, additional tasks must occur before testing. This is a shortcut to the tutorial (aka demo). This is a shortcut to the Online Tools Training (OTT) (and to the actual test). There are different tutorials and OTTs for each subject test at each grade level, and Lesson Plans/Tips for Teachers to help teachers administer the Tutorial/OTTs with students.
Test Preparation • For Online Testing • If you are administering Online Tests, make sure that YOU TOO have reviewed the Online Tutorial and Online Tools Training. • This will ensure you will be able to assist students who need help in navigating the online test system during the test.
Specific Preparation for Administering MSP Online • Pre-Test tasks include but are not limited to: • District Tech Department will download online test system to all computers that will be used. • Students must: • View the Tutorial(a 10-15 minute narrated walk-through of the online test system)for each subject test they will take (since tools vary from one subject to another). • Participate in the OTT (Online Tools Training) for each subject test they will take. This provides practice using all available tools on released items in that subject area.
Specific Preparation for Administering MSP Online • Pre-Test tasks include but are not limited to: • A seating chart must be designed so that students sitting next to each other have different versions of the test. • Test Tickets that give students access to the test must be printed. • Confirm all laptop storage carts are plugged into power and charging the day before testing.
Test Materials • For all tests, for each student: • A Pre-identified test booklet or test ticket • At least two No.2 pencils with erasers • For specific tests: • Approved supplemental materials (see next slides) See page 29 in your DFA for full list of Test Materials!
Supplementary Materials Science Test
Glossary of Non-Science Terms • Defines terms on the test that are not part of the tested content but that students (especially ELL) may not know. • Share and discuss with students before test day. • Included in the online test system. • Limited paper quantity supplied by OSPI. • Regular size and poster-size versions downloadable from OSPI website. • Do not need to distribute one to each student. • May project page onto wall using document camera before and/or during test. • Not to be used as scratch paper during test. • Shred used copies after test.
Accommodations • Some accommodations are allowed for all students, such as: • Additional breaks. • Re-reading directions to student. • Noise buffers (not attached to audio device). • A heavy strip of paper to assist student in tracking while reading test questions. • Individual or small group testing. • Preferential seating.
Accommodations • Some accommodations are only for special populations, such as: • SpEd/504(must be listed on IEP or 504 Plan) • Reader to read Science test questions aloud • Scribe Answers • Word Processor • Large Print or Braille booklet • Extended time (continue test into second day) • ELL • Reader to read Science test questions aloud in English • Translated CD Science tests • Dictionary/thesaurus in native language (Writing test only) • Scribe or speech-to-text, when writing in English presents a barrier NEW Special Circumstances If you must provide an accommodation for a non-IEP student, such as when a student has a broken arm, follow procedure listed in Coding Checklist.
Translated Tests Science tests are translated (on CD) into 6 languages: Spanish, Russian, Mandarin Chinese, Vietnamese, Korean, and Somali Translated tests are NOT part of the Online Test System. Students requiring a translated test must use a paper test booklet. • CD’s are used with Form A test booklet, computer, and headphones. Students: • hear test questions translated into their language. • see test questions on computer screen in English. • write responses in English in the test booklet. Before test day, try a translated CD with each computer to be used for this purpose. Also, practice versions are available on the OSPI website: www.k12.wa.us/TestAdministration/TestProctorResources.
Scribing and Transcribing Accommodations SCRIBING = Student gives answers to questions aloud and a staff member writes down student responses (VERBATIM) or enters them directly into online test system. TRANSCRIBING = Student writes responses on scratch paper or in Large Print or Braille booklet, or on a computer. Staff member transfers (transcribes) student responses into test booklet VERBATIM.
Scribing and Transcribing Accommodations • The DFA no longer includes detailed instructions about these accommodations. • Therefore it is essential that those scribing or transcribing watch the district’s Accommodations Training videos located in the Staff Portal. • If you scribe or transcribe make sure to: • bubble the accommodation on the back of the test booklet. • print your name and what you did (scribed or transcribed) in the Notes box on the test booklet cover.
Scribing and Transcribing • Key points: SCRIBING For the Writing Test: Scribe uses no capitalization or punctuation when writing the draft – student must review the draft and indicate where corrections and punctuation are needed. Spelling is not scored when a scribe is used. For other tests: Scribe may use capitalization and punctuation. TRANSCRIBING Always transcribe student responses into the test booklet exactly as written by the student and use only a No. 2 pencil.
Test Administration Aha!
Test Administration • Test Administration • Read directions aloud verbatim from the Directions for Administration. Do not elaborate or paraphrase. • Monitor by walking around the room, making sure students are: • Using only a No.2 pencil. • Not sharing their work with others. • Using only authorized materials. • Not using cell phones.
Avoid giving assistance to students beyond that which is allowed… No pointing at skipped questions
What IS OK During Test Administration • Suggest to students who ask for help on a question: • Read the question quietly out loud to yourself. • Use your pencil to underline key words in the test question. • Think about what the question is asking you to do. Re-read test directions(NOT test questions) aloud for any test as many times as students need. • Remind students at the start of the test to complete all items. • Ask students when they turn in their booklets if they completed all items.
What IS OK During Test Administration? For Online Testing you are allowed to help students use the online test tools and navigate the online test system. That includes helping students with use of: Tools Available on All Tests • Pointer/chooser • Cross-off (eliminating options) • Highlighter • Sticky notes • Magnifier • Line Guide Other Features • Color options for background of test page • Flag for noting questions student wants to return to • Help feature that explains tools and other test features • Page at end to review status of each question – Completed? Flagged? Blank?
Online Testing – Student Test Tickets • After students are at their computers, give them each their correct test ticket for that test. Treat tickets as secure materials. • Students sign their test ticket. • Collect all students’ test tickets after they have logged in, and check these off your list as if the tickets were test booklets. • If a student needs to log in again later, give them back their test ticket and then re-collect it.
Online Testing Breaks and Moving Students • BREAKS • Students click “Pause” to start the break, and “Resume” to continue testing without having to re-log in. • If the break “timed out” (meaning the test was paused more than 20 minutes), the student will need to log back into the test. • MOVE TO ANOTHER LOCATION • Students who will be moved to another location should first click “Pause,” and then click on the Exit Test button. • When in the new location, proctors redistribute test tickets so students may log back into the system.
Online Testing What if? • TEST ENDED WHEN TESTING WAS NOT COMPLETE • (Test is locked up) • When the test has been Ended, but the student needs to continue testing, the “Unlock” feature is needed. This occurs when: • a student ENDS their testaccidentally. • a student’s IEP allows them to continue testing into a second day. • Know your school’s procedure for getting the student’s test UNLOCKED. • The use of the Pause and the Exit Test buttons do NOT require a test to be Unlocked.
Online Testing What if? • INTERNET CONNECTIVITY IS LOST • If this occurs, a message appears to notify the student. • All student responses will have been saved. • Have the student attempt to log in again on that computer. • Do not have the student log onto another computer at that point. • Contact your building test coordinator.
Online Testing -- Still having trouble? • Gather data: • School Name/Room Number • Computer Model/Manufacturer (if available) • Barcode Number • Operating System (Windows XP, Windows 7) • Contact MSP Hotline – MSP0 (6770)
MSP Jeopardy! • Proctor Training • The Game Show Edition • Where you will NOT win large sums of money or a brand new car, BUT with your participation, we will hopefully have an irregularity-free test administration!
MSP Jeopardy! • Categories
Classroom Prep for 100 please Classroom Prep 100 The only charts that may remain on walls during state testing. • ANSWER • What are: • Hundreds chart • Number line (no fractions, decimals, or marking of prime or composite numbers) • The (formerly WASL) Writing Checklists
Test Security for 500 please Test Security 500 What you do with test booklets if school is over for the day and you need to leave your classroom. • ANSWER • What is: • Lock the test booklets in the classroom if you leave the room, even briefly. • If you are leaving for the day, lock the test booklets up in a cupboard or cabinet.
I’ll take Schedule for 200 please Schedule 200 What you do if the music teacher asks you to release a student while he or she is still testing. • ANSWER • What is: • Tell the music teacher (in the nicest way) that the student cannot be released until he or she has finished testing.
Irregularities for 300 please… Irregularities 300 What you do if you notice a student copying off another student’s test. • ANSWER • What is: • Document the situation (who the students are and what test questions or pages may have been affected). • Separate students. • Allow them to continue testing.
Potpourri for 100 please… Potpourri You are monitoring these students during testing. What do you see? 100 • ANSWER • What is: • Looks like there might be a cell phone or some other device on the girl’s desk; check it out. • Is the student in the back looking at someone else’s work? • The good news is those look like No. 2 pencils in their hands.
Irregularities for 300 please… Irregularities What you do if you catch a student using something other than a No.2 pencil. 300 • ANSWER • What is: • Complete an irregularity report as mechanical pencil or pen marks may not get picked up by scanner for scoring. Highlighters may affect scanning and scoring. • Contact Assessment Office to discuss best option; possibilities are: • Student can trace over responses with a No. 2 pencil, OR • Test can be transcribed into another blank test booklet using a No. 2 pencil.
Potpourri for 200 please… Potpourri What happens if a student testing online takes a lunch break that is longer than 20 minutes . 200 • ANSWER • What is: • Student’s test will be “locked” by the system after 20 minutes. • Student will need their test ticket to be able to log back into the test. • Everything will have been saved.
Proctors – Please remember to: • Complete a Test Security Assurance Form (required). • Go online and complete the OSPI Proctor Questionnaire (voluntary) – After testing, your building test coordinator will give you the website link. If you have any questions, please ask your School Assessment Coordinator, or call: Karen Forsloff (7080)
For helping us meet the goal of 2014 being another record year of zero irregularities in our state test administration!