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Section 3. The Thirty Years War. The Thirty Years’ War. HRE by 17 th century patchwork of small states Religion was the original cause 1618- Began in Bohemia, Catholic Hapsburg king tried to suppress Protestant revolt Local conflict became general war HRE supported by Catholic states
Section 3 The Thirty Years War
The Thirty Years’ War • HRE by 17th century patchwork of small states • Religion was the original cause • 1618- Began in Bohemia, Catholic Hapsburg king tried to suppress Protestant revolt • Local conflict became general war • HRE supported by Catholic states • Protestant powers sent troops • Fought all across Germany, led to 1/3 of pop. dying • Ruined German trade and agriculture
The Thirty Years’ War • Ended in 1648 with the Peace of Westphalia • Weakened Hapsburg Spain and Austria • Made France the most powerful country in Europe • Ended religious wars in Europe • Introduced new method of settling disputes, where participants decide terms of peace • Treaty recognized European countries as equals and was the beginning of the modern state system
Section 4 Absolute Rulers of Russia
Absolute Rulers of Russia • 1463-1505 Ivan III first strong ruler of Russia • Conquered territory around Moscow • Centralized the government • Liberated Russia from Mongol rule • 1554 Ivan’s grandson Ivan IV became Russia’s first czar
Absolute Rulers of Russia • Ivan became czar when he was 3 years old • Early life he competed for power with the boyars (Russia’s landowning nobles) • When he was 16 he seized power for good • 1560 his wife dies and Ivan accused the boyars of poisoning her • Became known as Ivan the Terrible • He organized a secret police force to hunt down and murder people that did not agree with him • He took the boyars estates and gave them to people that were loyal to him
Absolute Rulers of Russia • 1581 Ivan kills his son and heir in an argument • Ivan died three years later that left his younger less competent son as ruler of Russia • After his son died there was a period of turmoil in Russia • Boyars struggled for power • 1613 representatives from many Russian cities chose the next czar, Michael Romanov (who was related to Ivan’s wife) • Began the Romanov dynasty that ruled Russia for the next three hundred years
Absolute rulers of Russia Russia Contrasts with the Rest of Europe • Russia was a land of boyars and serfs • Landowners needed serfs to work on the lad to produce harvests • Serfs were seen as property, they were sold when the land was sold • Serfs were also given as presents and to pay debts • Most boyars looked to Constantinople not to Rome for religious guidance • Most Russians were Eastern Orthodox not Catholic or Protestants • Mongol rule had cut off Russia from the Age of Exploration and the Renaissance • Geographic barriers isolated Russia, its only seaport was frozen in ice most of the year
Absolute Rulers of Russia Peter the Great comes to Power • Romanov’s restored order to Russia • Passed new law codes and put down revolts • 1696 Peter I becomes ruler of Russia (known as Peter the Great), he continued the trend of increasing the czars power • Peter believed the future of Russia depended on the country having a warm water portto compete with the rest of Europe • 1697 Peter leaves to tour Western Europe to learn European customs and manufacturing techniques (he traveled in disguise to keep his identity secret)
Absolute Rulers of Russia • Peter came back from his trip to “westernize” Russia (adoption of Western European ideas, technology, culture) • Russia would compete military and commercially with other European countries • To bring changes to Russia Peter became an absolute ruler • He reduced the power of the boyars • Gave power to lower ranking families, and gave them grants of land • Modernized army, hired officers, used weapons and tactics from other European countries
Absolute Rulers of Russia • Other attempts to “westernize” Russia included: • Introduction of potatoes, became a staple of the Russian diet • Raised the status of women • Ordered nobles to give up traditional styles of clothing and dress for European fashions • Opened universities to promote arts, sciences and navigation • Peter thought that education was the key to advance Russia • Promoted mercantilist policies • Improved waterways, roads, developed industry Had no mercy for those that resisted his orders
Absolute Rulers of Russia • Peter wanted a seaport to open trade with the west • Fought a 21 year war with Sweden to gain port on Baltic Sea • Before war was over Peter began to construct the city of St. Petersburg • Built on a desolate swamp used the labor and lives of 50,000 serfs • Ordered nobles to move to capital from Moscow • 1725 Peter dies and leaves Russia as European power