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European School Munich. There are aproximatly 2000 pupils in our school. The Entrance / Information point. The Aula. Here is where you meet your friends and where in your free time you can sit around or do homework.
European School Munich There are aproximatly 2000 pupils in our school
The Aula Hereiswhereyoumeetyourfriendsandwhere in yourfree time youcansitaroundor do homework
Ourschoolhastwofloorsandisshapedasthree different stars. Every staris a different colour. On thefirstflooreveryclassroomisnumbered from100 and on thesecondfloorfrom 200. Goingtotheclassroom The firststarisyellowandclassroomsarenumbered 111-119 or 211-219. The secondstarisgreen, numbered 121-129 or 221-229. The thirdstarisredand numbered131-139 or 231-239.
To the science classes From the red star to the science laboratory This is the view from the path that joins the red star to the science laboratories
Lockersand a passagethatleadstothe sportshall The sportshall haswallsthatcancome down to separate thedifferent sportsclasses
A historyorgeographyclassroom, thelibraryandtheschoolplayground
Cafeteria andthecantine Thereis also a kioskwhichis open between 8.20 and 11.50
Ahelmetis not obligatory but itisrecommended. Do you have one?