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Pilot framework guideline on gas balancing – ERGEG initial steps. Erik Sleutjes (Ofgem) GRI NW Government Meeting The Hague, 6 May 2010. Overview. What is gas balancing? What are the requirements of the Gas Regulation for gas balancing? What are the key issues?
Pilot framework guideline on gas balancing – ERGEG initial steps Erik Sleutjes (Ofgem) GRI NW Government Meeting The Hague, 6 May 2010
Overview • What is gas balancing? • What are the requirements of the Gas Regulation for gas balancing? • What are the key issues? • What has been the process to date? • What are the next steps?
What is gas balancing? • Each shipper balances its portfolio (inputs and off-takes) • TSOs address the “residual” imbalances • TSOs also take actions for system reasons which are unrelated to shippers’ imbalances The overall amount of gas put onto a transportation system needs to match the amount of gas taken off the system
Requirements of Gas Regulation (715/2009) Article 21: Balancing rules & imbalances charges • Balancing rules shall be fair, non-discriminatory, transparent, market-based and reflect genuine system needs • TSOs shall provide information on balancing status of users • Imbalance charges shall be cost-reflective & provide incentives on users to balance their inputs and off-takes • Member States to ensure that TSOs endeavour to harmonise balancing regimes to facilitate gas trade Article 8.6(j): Network codes shall cover the following areas • balancing rules (including nomination procedures) • rules for imbalance charges • rules for operational balancing between systems
Key issues (for consultation) • Shippers have limited access to flexibility (required to balance their portfolios) • TSOs’ limited use of market based procurement of residual balancing gas/products • High imbalance charges hamper new entry vs. low imbalance charges do not incentivise shipper balancing • Shippers have insufficient information to balance their portfolios • Fragmentation of balancing zones; different balancing periods and gas days Questions for consultation include: What should be the scope and objectives of the gas balancing framework guidelines? To what degree do balancing regimes need to be harmonised to achieve these objectives?
Process to date & next steps • January 2010 Madrid Forum: ERGEG to start process of preparing a pilot framework guideline for gas balancing • ERGEG is preparing for public consultation (‘Pilot Framework Guideline & Initial Impact Assessment’) – planned for summer 2010: • problem identification • policy objectives for balancing framework guidelines • policy options for balancing rules & imbalance charges • ERGEG discussions of pilot framework guideline with: • ad-hoc expert group on gas balancing (Chatham House rules) • ENTSOG (in preparation for pilot network code) • ERGEG presentation at September 2010 Madrid Forum