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Carbon offset project in Blitta

Carbon offset project in Blitta. T eak plantation/reforestation in Togo. Dom Adabi. Background. This document outlines Mr. Dom Adabi research into carbon offset project in Blitta, Togo as a part of Africa Our Home (AOH) long term investment plan. Africa Our Home Carbon Offset.

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Carbon offset project in Blitta

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  1. Carbon offset project in Blitta Teak plantation/reforestation in Togo Dom Adabi

  2. Background This document outlines Mr. Dom Adabi research into carbon offset project in Blitta, Togo as a part of Africa Our Home (AOH) long term investment plan. • Africa Our Home • Carbon Offset

  3. Africa Our Home Africa Our Home is a social entreprise created by Dom Adabi; a Togolese and Ghanaian citizen who studied in Vancouver, Canada. Africa Our Home is registred with the chamber of commerce in Togo and provides tour packages to foreigners who want to experience life in Africa while assisting the local population n their struggle to achieve a sustainable development. please see http://www.africaourhome.net/tours/img0.html

  4. Carbon offsets: how does it work? • Emissions trading was agreed upon in 1997 in Kyoto, Japan as one the main elements of the United Nations Kyoto Protocol • Governments set the limits, or caps, on how much carbon dioxide companies can emit. If firms go above these, they must buy permits to do so • The credits are bought from companies or individuals who carry green projects

  5. How does Africa Our Home trade its credits? • Plant teak trees • Request Green Project Permit from the government • Propose carbon credits to Africa Our Home clients • 1 ton of C02 = 1 carbon credit

  6. Africa Our Home team: Africa Our Home ( AOH) www.africaourhome.net info@africaourhome.net N. CFE : 4497PP/2013 N. RCCM: TG-LOME2013 A 3858 N. FISCAL: 138921K N. CNSS: 28846 • Dom Adabi • AOH Founder • dom@africaourhome.net Shawn DillardAdabi AOH Board of Directors: Chair Woman Country Director, ProWorld Ghana shawn@africaourhome.net John Mcpherson AOH Board of Directors: Secretary Business Development Officer Vancouver Economic Development Commission john@africaourhome.net

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