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Student Background Questionnaire

Student Background Questionnaire. National Research Coordinators Meeting Amsterdam, 16 - 19 October 2006. Characteristics of the Student background questionnaire (StBQ). Will collect contextual data at the student level Will be administered after the international test (before StPQ)

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Student Background Questionnaire

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Student Background Questionnaire National Research Coordinators Meeting Amsterdam, 16 - 19 October 2006

  2. Characteristics of the Student background questionnaire (StBQ) • Will collect contextual data at the student level • Will be administered after the international test (before StPQ) • Will take about 15 minutes to complete • May have similar questions as in TQ and ScQ

  3. Mapping StBQ contents to the Contextual Framework

  4. Proposed student background questions • All of these draft questions are in a preliminary stage • In particular questions on participation and communication may need further discussion and refinement • Some questions will require national adaptations, which should be reviewed and documented (e.g. ISCED categories for parental education)

  5. Changes from CIVED • Inclusion of questions on participation, communication and teaching (as factual student reports) • Categories for parental and expected education with reference to international framework (ISCED) • Re-writing of problematic CIVED items • Addition of items (e.g. country of birth for parents)

  6. Priorities were assigned to the preliminary set of questions * Low Priority ** Medium Priority *** High Priority Priorities are subject to further discussion!

  7. Student characteristics • Age*** • Gender*** • Optional: Ethnic background (“What best describes you?”)**

  8. Home characteristics • Household composition** • Number of people at home* • Country of birth (student, father and mother)*** • Year of coming to <country of test>* • Language use at home***

  9. Socio-economic indicators • Parental occupation (mother, father) – two questions each*** • Parental education (simplified)*** • Household possessions** • Books at home*** • Daily newspaper at home*

  10. Student activities • Frequency of involvement*** • Discussions • Media use • Social activities • Active civic-related participation out of school*** • Frequency of active civic-related participation*** • Civic-related activities at school***

  11. School-related issues • Classroom practices (climate for open classroom discussion)*** • Frequency scale instead of agreement scale! • Expected education*** • ISCED levels instead of years of education (to increase precision)

  12. Issues • Development of cross-nationally valid measures of active participation • Feasibility of capturing data on parental occupation (validity, reliability of coding procedures) • Trends from CIVED: Should some variables be kept unchanged for trend reporting? • Use of “Don’t Know” categories (parental education, others?)

  13. Questions or comments?

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