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The Excellent Wife: Qualities to Develop and Encourage

Discover the qualities of an excellent wife outlined in Proverbs 31:10-31. Learn how to develop these virtues and encourage women in your life. Scriptures and examples provided.

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The Excellent Wife: Qualities to Develop and Encourage

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  1. Grace Bible ChurchGlorifying God by Making Disciples of Jesus Christ

  2. The Excellent Wife Ladies: These are qualities to develop in your life Men: These are qualities to encourage in the women in your life

  3. Scriptures & Examples Eph. 5:22-33 Titus 2:3-5 1 Peter 3:1-6 • Sarah • Lois & Eunice • Priscilla (Prisca) • Mary • Abigail • Deborah • Ruth • Many, many more!

  4. The Excellent WifeProverbs 31:10-31 This is spoken by King Lemuel – from what his mother taught him! This is a Hebrew alphabetical poem of 22 stanzas

  5. The Excellent WifeProverbs 31:10 Valuable (chayil): Strength of character and ability Moral goodness / propriety / manners Above “jewels” - Due to quality & rarity

  6. The Trustworthy WifeProverbs 31:11 A “helper suitable to him” Seeking what is best for the family, she brings gain, not debt Husband can pursue leadership in the community because she keeps the home

  7. The Good WifeProverbs 31:12 Continually Good – with no evil Arises from a deeply committed moral character in which true love reigns

  8. The Industrious WifeProverbs 31:13 She goes out to find and carefully selects what she will need She takes delight in the work she is doing with her hands Ruth – an example of such a woman

  9. The Prudent WifeProverbs 31:14 She sacrifices convenience and her comfort to search out value and quality in good things for her family

  10. The Diligent WifeProverbs 31:15 The care of her family is more important to her than her own comfort She is neither selfish nor lazy A diligent household manager

  11. The Entrepreneurial WifeProverbs 31:16 She understands business and knows how to increase her profits through diversification She controls her spending so she can save and invest Titus 2:5 sets the priority, not a prohibition

  12. The Strong WifeProverbs 31:17 She is not afraid of physical labor because she keeps herself physically fit

  13. The Attentive WifeProverbs 31:18 She is attentive to the outcome of her labor and investments She is attentive to the needs of her home and plans accordingly

  14. The Hard Working WifeProverbs 31:19 She will work hard with her hands to provide / make good things for her family / business

  15. The Compassionate WifeProverbs 31:20 This goes beyond just material needs to include comfort, counsel and encouragement

  16. The Confidant WifeProverbs 31:21 She has anticipated the future and worked hard to be ready for it

  17. The Elegant WifeProverbs 31:22 She wears fine clothing as a result of her virtues

  18. The Admirable WifeProverbs 31:23 Her excellence at home enables her husband to be a civic leader

  19. The Capitalist Wife Proverbs 31:24 She operates a manufacturing business and trades

  20. The Dignified WifeProverbs 31:25 She wears elegant clothes, but her real beauty is her personal dignity Her qualities enable her to face the future with confidence and joy

  21. The Wise WifeProverbs 31:26 Her wisdom is expressed in how she speaks and what she says

  22. The Watchful WifeProverbs 31:27 She is involved and active Her watchfulness protects her from the dangers of idleness (1 Timothy 5:10-14)

  23. The Honored MomProverbs 31:28 Children reared well will naturally give praise to their parents

  24. The Respected WifeProverbs 31:128-29 Her husband recognizes her many virtues and praises her

  25. The Godly WifeProverbs 31:30 Charm is deceitful because it is used to manipulate others Beauty is vain because it is fleeting The proper fear of the Lord results in godliness and virtue

  26. The Acclaimed WifeProverbs 31:31 Her excellent character shines in all she does including the products of her hands resulting in acclaim from others

  27. Conclusion These characteristics require a foundation of godliness Virtue starts with the proper fear of the Lord Men: Encourage the women in your life towards these virtues

  28. Grace Bible ChurchGlorifying God by Making Disciples of Jesus Christ

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