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Earth’s Natural Resources

Earth’s Natural Resources . Natural Resources . Definition- things occurring in nature, like air, water, sunlight, and crops, that can be used to fulfill a need. Examples- metals power plastics arable land

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Earth’s Natural Resources

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  1. Earth’s Natural Resources

  2. Natural Resources • Definition- things occurring in nature, like air, water, sunlight, and crops, that can be used to fulfill a need. • Examples- metals power plastics arable land fossil fuels old-growth forests coal oil water

  3. Renewable ResourcesDefinition- energy sources that can be recycled or replaced by natural processes in less than 100 years Advantages- • Stays for a long time • They are constant • Examples- sun wind water geothermal energy

  4. Nonrenewable ResourcesDefinition- resources that cannot be replaced by natural processes in less than 100 years Advantages- • We need it to make gasoline Examples- fossil fuels Disadvantages- • Acid rain • Pollution

  5. Fossil FuelsDefinition- an energy resource formed from the decayed remains of ancient plants and other organisms Advantages-a chemical energy is changed into heat and light Examples- coal oil natural gas Disadvantages- pollutes the atmosphere

  6. CoalDefinition- formed from the remains of ancient swamp vegetation Advantages- changes a chemical to heat and light Examples- lignite, bituminms, and anthracite Disadvantages- pollutes the atmosphere

  7. Oil and Natural GasesDefinition- oil and natural gas formed over millions of years from the decay of algae and other microscope ocean organisms called plankton Advantages • Changes into heat and light • Power vehicles • Power stoves, ovens, fireplaces Examples- lamp oil, gasoline, diesel fuel, crude oil Disadvantages • Develops over long periods of time • Air pollution • Water pollution

  8. Solar EnergyDefinition- energy from the sun Advantages • Renewable does not cause pollution Examples- solar panels and flat mirrors Disadvantages • We do not have the technology to harness all of its energy • Cover large areas with solar power • Noise pollution

  9. Wind EnergyDefinition- energy produced by wind Advantages • Nonpolluting • Not harmful to the environment • Does not produce waste Examples- windmills, wind, farms Disadvantages • Few regions have winds strong enough to generate electricity on a large scale • Noise pollution

  10. Hydroelectric PowerDefinition- production of electricity using water Advantages- does not cause pollution and it is renewable Examples- Niagra Falls, water falls, and dams Disadvantages • Reservoirs behind the dam can fill up with sediment • Increased erosion

  11. Geothermal EnergyDefinition- heat from the magma and hot rock that surrounds it can be used to generate electricity Advantages • Iceland and California use hot water and steam from geysers to heat their homes. Examples- geysers hot springs Disadvantages • Sometimes not found, close to Earth’s surface • Can release hot, salty water at Earth’s surface

  12. Nuclear EnergyDefinition- energy produced by splitting the nuclei of certain elements Advantages • only makes up 8 % of the total energy used in the U.S. • Power entire cities Examples- power plants uranium Disadvantages • Storing nuclear waste makes its use limited • Radioactive wastes • Nuclear accidents

  13. GroundwaterDefinition- water that soaks into the ground and collects in small spaces between bits of soil and rock Advantages- part of water cycle, so it is renewable EXAMPLES: Rainwater Disadvantages- it takes a long time for it to move through rock layers

  14. ForestsDefinition- a thick growth of trees and underbrush covering an extensive tract of land Advantages- take in carbon and stores it puts out oxygen Examples- Yellowstone Yosemite Disadvantages- no forests= more carbon in the atmosphere might cause global warming

  15. Mineral ResourcesDefinition- metal objects that come from rocks Advantages • Sometimes large deposits of valuable minerals are found in one place • Can be mined for profit Examples- hematite=make motorcycle parts and saw blades Disadvantages • Costs a lot to get the minerals out of the rocks • Air pollution • Water pollution

  16. Abiotic Factors Definition- any nonliving part of the environment Examples- • air current • Temperature • Moisture • Light • Soil

  17. Biotic Factors Definition- any living or once living organism in the environment Examples- • Animals • Plants • Insects • Humans

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