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High p T Charged Hadron Suppression at s =200 GeV. Jiangyong Jia State University of New York at Stony Brook. Introduction Detectors Charged hadron analysis Background Correction High p T Results and Discussion Charged Hadron Spectra and Suppression
High pT Charged Hadron Suppression at s =200 GeV Jiangyong Jia State University of New York at Stony Brook • Introduction • Detectors • Charged hadron analysis • Background • Correction • High pT Results and Discussion • Charged Hadron Spectra and Suppression • d-Au results: Suppression is Final State Effect • Details of the Suppression Patterns • Collision Geometry and Jet absorption • Summary and outlook
Quark Gluon Plasma RHIC • Achieve in the laboratory by colliding heavy-ions • Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider at BNL • Estimate from measured transverse energy ET Formation time t0 = 0.3-1fm/c i ~ 5 - 15 GeV/fm3 Tc ~ 250-350 MeV • QCD coupling constant is “asymptotically free” • as 0 as r 0 • Lattice QCD predicts a deconfined phase • Quarks and gluons are freed Quark Gluon Plasma • TC ~ 155-175 MeV eC ~ 0.3-1.0 GeV/fm3 • How can we confirm the existence and study the properties of QGP?
The Experimental Probe for QGP proton proton p+p->p0 + X s= 200 GeV schematic view of jet production hadrons leading particle • Jet dominate pT>2 GeV/c • Calibrated probe: Jet cross section can be calculated in pQCD for nucleon-nucleon collisions q q hadrons leading particle • Use Hard Scattering or “Jets” as the probe • Example : p—p collisions
Calibrated probe • Incoming quarks and gluons (a,b) • described by Parton Distribution Function • PDF deduced from experimental data • Scatter with large momentum transfer“Hard scattering” and create c,d • Early in the collision (t ~ 1/Q2) • With large momentum (jets) • Calculable in pQCD • c,d fragment and create hadrons • Fragmentation functions from data • Fragmentation Theorem AB hXfa/A(xa,Q2a)fb/B(xb,Q2b) a b cdDh/c(zc,Q2c)
Medium Modification of Jets jet production in quark matter jet production in quark matter hadrons hadrons leading particle leading particle q q • Created early t0~1/E~0.2fm/c for 1 GeV parton • Experience the full time scale of the medium • Strongly interact and lose significant amount of energy (~ GeV/fm) • Attenuation or absorption of jets “jet quenching” q q hadrons leading particle • Suppression of high pT hadrons • By definition, processes that scale with Nbinary will produce RAA=1. Participants • Initial production rate is proportional to the number of independent binary nucleon nucleon collisions Nbinary spectators A A
High pT suppression at s=130 GeV • Detailed pT and centrality dependence of charged hadrons • PLB 561 (2003) 82 • Peripheral RAA 1 • Central RAA saturates ~ 0.6 at pT >2GeV/C • First observation of high pT hadron suppression in Au-Au at s = 130 GeV • PHENIX collaboration PRL 88 (2002) 22301 130GeV PHENIX More statistics from RUN-2. Higher in pT and more detailed centrality dependence
Pioneering High Energy Nuclear Interaction eXperiment (PHENIX)@Relativistic Heavy Ion Collider (RHIC) • 2 counter-circulating rings, 3.8 km circumference • Any nucleus on any other. • Top energies (each beam): • 100 GeV/nucleon Au-Au. • 250 GeV polarized p-p. • Maximal Set of Observables • Photons, Electrons, Muons, ID-hadrons • Highly Selective Triggering • High Rate Capability. • Rare Processes.
PHENIX Setup for Au-Au at s = 200 GeV in Year 2001 • Trigger and Centrality • Beam-Beam Counters:BBC 3.0<|h|<3.9, = 2 • Zero-Degree Calorimeters: ZDC • |h| > 6, |Z|=18.25 m Charged particle Tracking • ||<0.35, = Drift Chamber :DC • RDC = 2-2.4 m • Pad Chamber 1:PC1 • RPC1 = 2.4 m Background Rejection and Subtraction Pad Chamber 2:PC2 RPC1 = 4.2 m Pad Chamber 3:PC3 RPC1 = 4.9 m Ring Image Cerenkov Detector:RICH RRICH = 2.5-4.1 m
Centrality Selection Define centrality classes: ZDC vs BBC EZDC b • Centrality classes defined by cut on the BBC_Q and ZDC_E • Extract Npart, Ncoll from Glauber model simulation QBBC 15-20% 10-15% 5-10% 0-5% 0-5% • BBC charge is participants • ZDC energy is sensitive to spectators. 27 million minimum bias events used
Track reconstruction by DC-PC1 y r x • PC1 hits combined with the collision vertex fix the polar angle q. • Measured momentum resolution is r 0 z • Drift Chamber measure trajectory in (x,y) plane • Give the bending angle a after magnetic field
Backgrounds in Charged Hadron measurement • Backgrounds include • e+/e- from conversion of g in materials • Weak decays, mostly K± • These tracks have small a, consequently large apparent pT • Tracks with matching cut at PC2 and PC3 • Overwhelmed by background at high pT
Background under the matching distribution a) Define the shape from a sample of background b) Normalize the background outside the matching window c) Subtract to get the signal Different charge bend in opposite direction • Matching in r-f plane at PC • Plot the residual distribution • Tails are the background • Asymmetric shape due to residual bend • e produce Cerenkov light in RICH, and detected by PMT. • Tracks can be divided into two categories according to RICH response: • NPMT >0 ( e background and high pTp ) • NPMT <0 (decay background and high pT k,p )
Conversion Background Estimate • e background subtraction from the matching distribution • Require NPMT>4 to tag pure electron backgrounds • Normalize electron background and subtract it • Monte-Carlo reproduce the conversion background matching distribution. • Tracks with RICH hit contains both electron background and primary pions • eNPMT follows Poisson distribution with mean of 4.5 • Pions begin to fire RICH at pT >4.8 GeV/c, <NPMT> < 3 at pT <10 GeV/c 6<pT<7GeV/c
Decay Background Estimate • Tracks do not fire RICH (NPMT<0)contains decay background and primary K±,P± • Tracks at pT >10 GeV/c are dominated by decay background • This sample of tracks gives the background matching distribution • For each pTbin, normalize to background in 3-9 s region and subtract • Monte-Carlo reproduce the decay background matching distribution 6<pT<7GeV/c
Signal/background ratio • Signal/All-bg ~ 1 at 7 GeV/c and ~0.3 at 10GeV/c. Signal Conversion Decay Signal/bg
Corrections • Embed single particle into real events to estimate occupancy correction • correction for most central collision is 1.35 ± 6% • pT and centrality dependence factorize • Monte-Carlo simulation of single particles through PHENIX detector • Plateau is given by geometrical acceptance and efficiency • yellow band show the systematic error • At high pT dominated by background subtraction
Charged hadron spectra and evolution • Ratio of each centrality to minimum bias spectra • Peripheral central Concave Convex • High pT shape is almost centrality independent • pT spectra out to 10 GeV/c • Characteristic power-law tail “Central” Nuclear Physics Particle Physics “Peripheral”
Suppression of charged hadron in Central collisions • Peripheral RAA ~ 1 • Consistent with hard-scattering • Central RAA suppressed by factor of 4.5 *
Suppression: An Initial State Effect? xG(x,Q2) x QS • Multiple elastic scatterings (Cronin effect) • Wang, Kopeliovich, Levai, Accardi • Nuclear enhancement observed in pA and AA at lower energies • Nuclear shadowing • Relevant for x<0.01 • Not reached at RHIC • Gluon Saturation (CGC) • Wavefunction of low x gluons overlap; Gluon fusion ggg saturates the density of gluons in the initial state. (gets Nch right!) Broaden pT : Gribov, Levin, Ryshkin, Mueller, Qiu, Kharzeev, McLerran, Venugopalan, Balitsky, Kovchegov, Kovner, Iancu …
Jet Quenching: A Final State Effect? RdAu~ 0.7 D.Kharzeev et al., hep-ph/0210033 d+Au is the “control” experiment Final state effect: no suppression Initial state effect: suppression Gluon saturation model:: Hadron gas • Hadronic absorption of fragments: • Gallmeister, et al. PRC67,044905(2003) • Fragments formed inside hadronic medium • Energy loss of partons in dense matter • Gyulassy, Wang, Vitev, Baier, Wiedemann…
First d-Au Results from RHIC d-Au control experiment: Initial state effects present in Au nucleus Medium volume too small for jet quenching PHENIX d-Au Result: No suppression of high pt hadron yields Pronounced “Cronin enhancement” RHIC at too high x for shadowing and gluon saturation! *
Centrality Dependence A.Accardi Au + Au Experiment d + Au Control Experiment Different and opposite centrality evolution of Au+Au experiment from d+Au control Centrality dependence is consistent with Cronin effect nucl-ex/0308006 Preliminary Data Jet suppression is clearly a final state effect *
Beam Energy Dependence • Expect xT scaling for hard processes: • Spectrum shape depends only on • Normalization by • Empirically n=6.3 Compilation of neutral pion data
Test xT Scaling for Au-Au • Compare data from 130 and 200 GeV beam energy • Central & peripheral p0 data consistent with n=6.3 • Peripheral h data consistent with n=6.3 • Small deviation for central h data consistent with proton enhancement Expected s dependence for hard scattering processes
Particle Composition: Charged-to-Pion Ratio • Intermediate pT region • h/p centrality dependent • ~ 1.6 for peripheral collisions • Reaches ~ 2.5 for central events Proton enhancement in central collisions • High pT region (pT > 4.5 GeV/c) • h/p ~ 1.6 • Independent of centrality • Same value as found in pp protons hard Particle composition like Jet fragmentation
soft hard Centrality Dependence of Jet Quenching • Hard region: pT > 4.5 GeV/c • Suppression depends on centrality but not on pT • Characteristic features of jet fragmentation independent of centrality • xT scaling • h/p0 constant • pQCD spectral shape Have jet quenching but particle production from jet fragmentation • Soft and intermediate region: pT < 4.5 GeV/c • Extends > 2 GeV/c into pQCD region • Changing particle composition unlike jet fragmentation • pT dependent suppression
Centrality Dependence of Suppression(I) • High pT yield per binary collision: • pT > 4.5 GeV/c • continuous decrease with centrality • Identical for charged hadrons and p0 • peripheral to central factor ~ 4 • High pT yield per participant • pT > 4.5 GeV/c • Initially increases like collision scaling • Decreases above Npart~100 by ~1.5 Approximate participant scaling??? *
Centrality Dependence of Suppression(II) • Hadron yield above 4.5 GeV/c • peripheral data scale with Ncoll • deviation for Npart > 50 Energy loss (B.Mueller, nucl-th/0208038) Energy loss (X.N.Wang,nucl-th/0307036) jet absorption with Woods-Saxon geometry (next) STAR data from nucl-ex/0305015 Jet absorption + nuclear geometry suggested by Bjorken 1982 Surface emission gives approximate Npart scaling: *
Number of hard scattering proportional to collision density rNcoll (x,y) Number of collisions determined from the nuclear overlap Woods-Saxon nuclear density distribution Project into plane transverse to beam and divide by transverse area Peripheral collisions (75-80%) Ncoll ~ 10 very dilute surface rmax<1/fm2 Modeling the Hard Scattering Central collisions (0-5%) Ncoll ~ 1000 rmax~17/fm2 probability of hard scattering rNcoll (x,y)
Matter density proportional to participant density rNpart (x,y) Number of participants calculated from collision geometry Participant density related to energy density Peripheral collisions (75-80%) Npart ~ 10 rmax<0.7/fm2 Modeling the Matter Density Central collisions (0-5%) Npart ~ 350 rmax~4/fm2
Jet Absorption Picture • Jets are absorbed in dense reaction volume according to: Interpretation: - static source absorption l • Neglect any pT dependence and jet fragmentation k is the absorption parameter (only free parameter) fix k to give f = 0.22 for central collisions in static limit k corresponds to absorption length l ~ 2.9 fm • Generate dijet isotropicly according to binary collision profile rNcoll(x,y) • Density of matter in transverse plane determined by participant density rNpart(x,y)
Centrality Dependence of High pT Yields • static source absorption l • static source absorption l2 • expanding source absorption l • Compare to jet absorption picture • describes centrality dependence of yield • Not very sensitive to absorption pattern used • Centrality dependence consistent with jet absorption in extremely opaque medium • Centrality dependence of yield reflects mostly collision geometry *
Jet-Jet Azimuthal Correlations(I) f • Back jet are easier to be quenched in medium f • Di-jet are correlated in azimuth direction • Leading particle + angular correlation • Strong near side and far side correlation in p-p collisions
Jet-Jet Azimuthal Correlations (II) • Compare STAR data 4 < pT < 6 GeV/c to absorption picture • by construction, same side jet (Df~0) will always give unity • Away side jet (Df~p) suppression by factor ~ 7 well described by jet absorption and collision geometry • Away side jet have almost factor of 2 more suppression than single hadron suppression, consistent with surface emission Near side centrality dependence of yield reflects mostly collision geometry Away side *
Azimuthal Anisotropy(I) • Centrality dependence of v2 at pT > 4 GeV/c from data • Measured v2 for different methods are quite different • v22-particle-cumulant>= v2BBC-reaction-plane> v24-particle-cumulant • The difference comes from contributions that do not correlate with reaction plane • 4 particle cumulant method is less affected by non-flow contribution In plane • Different direction have different energy loss • Jet are more likely to be emitted in plane than out of plane Out plane
Azimuthal Anisotropy(II) • Comparing to jet absorption calculation • largest v2 from jet absorption picture 5-10% • 1 s from v24-particle-cumulant • Sensitive to the energy loss assumption and dynamic evolution of the medium
Nuclear profile dependence • However, it misses the centrality dependence of the suppression • Woods-Saxon matter density has defuse surface • v2 increase by using hard sphere or cylindrical nuclear geometry • May imply that the medium has a different shape other than Woods-Saxon
Summary • Charged hadron pT spectra measured out to 10 GeV/c with bg rejection • Rich high pT phenomena observed at RHIC Jet quenching well established experimentally • Suppression of high pT hadron yields • d-Au data indicate it is an final state effect • Consistent with jet quenching and surface emission • xT scaling of pion production similar to pp • Particle composition at high pT are like pp • pT >4-5 GeV/c, suppression is ~ constant, spectra shape like pp • Jet absorption picture and collision geometry works reasonably well • Describe general features of jet quenching • Consistent with suppression of hadron yields • Consistent with back-to-back jet correlation • Azimuthal anisotropy described qualitatively
Outlook • Suppression is a well established effect. • What is future of high pT physics? • s dependence SPS s = 17.2 GeV i =3 GeV/fm3 RHIC s = 200 GeV i ~ 5 GeV/fm3 where the jet quenching set in? or does it already happen in SPS? • Hadron pT>20 GeV/c At certain pT, jet should penetrate the medium again. • More details on the Jet modification pattern: • RAA for baryon at high pT back-to-back correlation High pT v2 for identified particle Jet absorption
Track reconstruction by DC-PC1 • PC1 hits combined with the collision vertex fix the polar angle q. • Measured momentum resolution is • Drift Chamber provides 12 hits in (x,y) plane. • Give the bending angle a after magnetic field, which provide the initial momentum measurement
y x r-f PC3 PC1 PC2 DC • r-f at PC2 and PC3 are correlated • Define optimized matching variables: D+f and D-f
Nucleon-Nucleon Reference • PHENIX p-p data at 200 GeV • p0 data out to 14 GeV/c • consistent with NLO pQCD calculation • charged hadron results not available yet • Comparison to fit of UA1 data • UA1 data at 200GeV • PHENIX p0 spectra scaled by 1.6(ISR result) • Charged hadron N-N reference • Use p0 data to constrain fit • systematic uncertainty ~ 20%
xT-scaling in pp • Charged hadrons s = 23-1800 GeV • Approximate xT scaling with n = 6.3 • Deviation from xT scaling for pT < 1-2 GeV/c
xT-scaling in pp (II) • Neutral pions s = 39-540 GeV • Approximate xT scaling with n = 6.3 • No data for pT < 1-2 GeV/c
Testing xT scaling with 130 and 200 GeV Au-Au • xT scaling can be used to test pQCD in heavy-ion collisions • Shadowing and gluon saturation is basically a scaling effect • Partonic final state medium effect may or may not scale • Hadron absorption and parton coalesce probably does not scale Scaled by
xT scaling power n from 200/130 ratio n=7.530.180.4 n=6.410.250.49 n=6.330.390.37 n=6.120.330.36 n= ncent-nperi = 1.410.43 proton “enhancement” up to 4 GeV