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TUESday 29 October 2013 Bell work week 9 CO: W e will show our understanding of Julius Caesar using an expert folder poster. LO: W e will annotate and paraphrase information from the articles. Create a double bubble map: -to compare/contrast plebeians and patricians
TUESday 29 October 2013Bell work week 9CO: We will show our understanding of Julius Caesar using an expert folder poster. LO: We will annotate and paraphrase information from the articles. Create a double bubble map: -to compare/contrast plebeians and patricians Create a bubble map: -for Caesar, pompey, Mark Antony, Brutus, Cassius, Gaius,
CO: We will show our understanding of Julius Caesar using an expert folder poster. LO: We will annotate and paraphrase information from the articles. • Literary Terms Handout • Yesterday we took background notes on Julius Caesar (absent? Find a friend) • Today we will show and record what we knew about Julius Caesar and what we learned about him.
CO: We will show our understanding of Julius Caesar using an expert folder poster. LO: We will annotate and paraphrase information from the articles. 4. Expert Folders • groups: number from 1-9 • Sit with your group members • Send 1 person to get the markers and paper • Record your prior knowledge of JC following the model on the board in ONE color • Then, send 1 person to get the expert folder • Each group member reads/analyzes an article/photo from the folder • In a new color marker, add information to the inner circle that you have learned
tuesday 29 October 2013Bell work week 9CO: We will analyze characters using dialogue.LO: We will justify a character analysis using evidence. Have your homework on your desk. Let’s practice quoting MLA style. • find a sentence in the play. • Quote it on your paper correctly. Be ready to pair share and then class share.
CO: We will analyze characters using dialogue.LO: We will justify a character analysis using evidence. • Find group from yesterday and complete character “blame”