1. Grant Writing Workshop Linda Mason, Ed.D.
2. Agenda Types of Grants
Locating Grants
Assessing Eligibility
Planning a Grant
Writing the Grant
Proposal Review and Follow-up
Grant Management
Hiring and Selecting Grant Writers
4. Types of Grants Monetary award given by a government agency, foundation, corporation or other entity to fund a particular project
Generally given to organizations as opposed to individuals
5. Categories of Support Operating – running program to meet community needs
Special Project – new project or project with limited timeframe
Capital/Equipment – specified amount for construction, renovation, expansion, purchase land or equipment
Endowments - planned gifts, will or trust
6. Basic Grant Sources Government - Federal, State, Local
26 Federal Agencies (900 programs)
Foundations - Second-largest source
Direct Corporations or Philanthropists
Over 66,000 foundations in USOver 66,000 foundations in US
7. Assessing Funding Eligibility Eligibility
Type of organization
Geographic restrictions
Size of Award
Sufficient amount to complete program activities
Number of grants
Award size and duration
Project Focus
Project complements funder’s goals and priorities
Not uncommon for family and corporate foundation to limit grants to organization located in regions, state, city or towns where they do business.
What activities the funder will and will not fund – Fund tutoring, scholarships, construction, funding categories, populationsNot uncommon for family and corporate foundation to limit grants to organization located in regions, state, city or towns where they do business.
What activities the funder will and will not fund – Fund tutoring, scholarships, construction, funding categories, populations
8. Assessing Funding Eligibility Cont. Type of Activity
Specified use of funds
Matching funds
Expenditure limitations
Evaluation requirements
9. Searching For and Locating Grants Finding the right grant opportunity is most of the time
consuming work in grantsmanship. Plan to spend at
least half your time in:
finding the agency
investigating previous projects that the agency has funded
learning about the grant proposal requirements
Become familiar with your chosen grant funders.
Search locally first.
SHOTGUN: Shoot a scatter shot and see what falls.
Look for funding agencies, investigate what they fund, and apply for something from the agency. Your goals are broad enough to be modified to fit their goals.
RIFLE: Take careful aim at one specific target.
Look for funding agencies that fund only what you want.
Search for an exact match to fund your project using your
specifically stated goals.
11. Search Engines A search engine is a data base that you may use to
find information by using key identifying terms.
COS – Community of Science @ www.cos.com
SPINPlus – InfoEd @ www.infoed.org
Foundation Center Online - fconline.fdncenter.org/
Foundation Grants to Individuals - gtionline.fdncenter.org/
Grant Services – www.grantservices.com
FedBizOps - www.fedbizopps.gov/
Charity Channel – charitychannel.com
Google – www.google.com
12. Grant eNewsletters
All funding agencies and most foundations send eNewsletters with their grant information.
Grant Opportunities for Oklahoma Higher Education – www.okhighered.org/grant-opps/ (weekly announcements)
Philanthropy News Digest – www.foundationcenter.org
Philanthropy News Network Online – www.pnnonline.org
Chronicle of Higher Education – chronicle.com/
Don Peek (schools) – www.schoolfundingcenter.com
Faith Based and Community Initiatives Digest – c._lyn_larson@hud.gov
13. Grant Resources Grant Opportunities for Oklahoma Higher Education – www.okhighered.org/grant-opps/ (click on Grant Resources)
Cleveland State University - www.csuohio.edu/uored/FUNDING/other-fs.html
National Endowment for the Arts - http://arts.endow.gov/federal.html
Grant.gov (all federal grants)- www.access.gpo.gov/su_docs/fedreg/frcont07.html
University of Wisconsin at Madison - http://grants.library.wisc.edu/organizations/proposalwebsites.html
14. Grant Resources Funders Online (Europe’s philanthropists) - www.fundersonline.org/grantseekers/
FundsNet Online - www.fundsnetservices.com/
Open Directory - dmoz.org/Society/Philanthropy/Grants/Grant-Making_Foundations/
Oklahoma Foundations – www.grantmakersofoklahoma.org
Foundation Data Book (all foundations by state)- www.foundationdatabook.com/
SSTI Weekly Digest (State Science and Technology Institute, Ohio) - http://www.ssti.org
15. Grant Information Sources Federal Register Notice -www.access.gpo.gov/su_docs/fedreg/frcont07.html
Catalog of Federal Domestic Assistance -
IRS Form 990 – www.grantsmart.org
Foundation Directory – foundationcenter.org IRS Form 990 – How foundation distribute funds – Who, Size, duration
Get copy of 990 by contacting IRS, directly form the public charity or Internet databases such as Guidestar (www.guidestar.org)IRS Form 990 – How foundation distribute funds – Who, Size, duration
Get copy of 990 by contacting IRS, directly form the public charity or Internet databases such as Guidestar (www.guidestar.org)
16. Grant Information Sources Annual Reports
Funder Guidelines
Agency Website
Contact the Funding Agency by phone or email
PIRS – Project Information Resource System - NSF DUE -https://www.ehr.nsf.gov/PIRS_PRS_Web/Search/default.asp
CRISP - Computer Retrieval of Information on Scientific Projects (NIH, SAMHSA, HRSA, FDA, CDCP, AHRQ, OASH) - http://crisp.cit.nih.gov/
IRS Form 990 – How foundation distribute funds – Who, Size, duration
Get copy of 990 by contacting IRS, directly form the public charity or Internet databases such as Guidestar (www.guidestar.org)IRS Form 990 – How foundation distribute funds – Who, Size, duration
Get copy of 990 by contacting IRS, directly form the public charity or Internet databases such as Guidestar (www.guidestar.org)
17. 5 Top Ways to Get Funded Read the RFP.
Read the RFP.
18. Additional Considerations Necessary resources to implement the project and evaluate its progress?
Staff expertise to develop and implement the project?
Proper facilities and resources?
Value of the project? Replication? Reinvention?
Sustain project beyond funding?
Time and resources to write and implement?
19. Letters of Inquiry Alternative to a call or visit
(Investigate organization to find preference)
Do homework before the letter for previous funding history, types of projects, amounts
Provide information about your organization
Provide information about your proposed project
20. Letters of Inquiry 1-2 pages!
Par 1 -- Who are you? Mission, organization, you are seeking funds
Par 2 -- Why this agency? You understand their priorities
Par 3 -- What is the need? Clear and brief
Par 4 -- What's the plan? Bullet goals/objectives
Par 5 -- Why fund you? Uniqueness, qualifications
Par 6 -- How much? Broad categories
Par 7 – Closing – thank you, contact information, whether you will follow up with a phone call
21. Letters of Intent
Why you are writing
Mission and population served
Demographic and statistical evidence
Project Description
Link funder’s priorities and project goals
How it addresses need
Best practices Letter of Intent or Inquiry
Often foundation and cooperation request a letter of intent to screen out projects that do not meet their funding guidelines and avoid length proposal writing.
Funder may also want to preselect projects in which it has an interest and request full proposals
Letters of Intent are brief and should be written on letterheadLetter of Intent or Inquiry
Often foundation and cooperation request a letter of intent to screen out projects that do not meet their funding guidelines and avoid length proposal writing.
Funder may also want to preselect projects in which it has an interest and request full proposals
Letters of Intent are brief and should be written on letterhead
22. Letters of Intent Project Plan
Activities, timetables, methodology
Organizational Capacity
Ability and commitment
Previous work and staff qualifications
Funding request, organizational support and other resources
Project continuation Letter of Intent or Inquiry
Often foundation and cooperation request a letter of intent to screen out projects that do not meet their funding guidelines and avoid length proposal writing.
Funder may also want to preselect projects in which it has an interest and request full proposals
Letters of Intent are brief and should be written on letterheadLetter of Intent or Inquiry
Often foundation and cooperation request a letter of intent to screen out projects that do not meet their funding guidelines and avoid length proposal writing.
Funder may also want to preselect projects in which it has an interest and request full proposals
Letters of Intent are brief and should be written on letterhead
23. Planning the Grant Start with an innovative idea that addresses a specific challenge and/or need (purpose).
Start documenting need. Social/economic costs, beneficiaries, nature of the problem, impending implications?
Scan and identify grant opportunities.
24. Planning the Grant Target a grant
Make sure your focus aligns to the grant criteria
Make contact with grantor agency!
Review successful and recent awards.
Identify partners, define roles and build partnerships as well as community support.
25. Key Planning Questions What new projects (or program expansions) are you planning for the next two to three years?
Which projects are most compatible with your current mission and purpose?
Who else is doing this project or similar projects?
What need/community need does each of your projects address?
26. Key Planning Questions What would an improved community/situation look like?
How can your organization/project improve the situation?
What members of your community -- including civic leaders and groups, political figures, the media, professional organizations, and your own clients -- could support the project?
Does your organization currently have the expertise to undertake each project?
27. Proposal Components Organization/Partner Organization Descriptions
Proposal Summary/Abstract
Statement of Need – Problem and Background
Project Description: Goals and Objectives
Methodology (Design and Timeframe)
Evaluation - Outside Evaluators, Quantitative and Qualitative Measures Aligned to Goals
Budget and Sustainability
Attachments – Commitment letters, Resumes of all Partners, Information Charts, References
28. Compelling Needs Statementsor Preliminary Research Heart of your entire case for support!
Capture attention!
A needs statement is a detailed account of the problem you plan to address.
If reader does not understand and agree with your presentation of need (problem) He/she will not pay much attention to the rest of your proposal. A need statement describes a critical condition or set of condition or a social need affecting certain people or things in a specific place at a specific time.
Answers the question…What is the community need to be addressed?
A needs statement is a detailed account of the problem you plan to address.
If reader does not understand and agree with your presentation of need (problem) He/she will not pay much attention to the rest of your proposal. A need statement describes a critical condition or set of condition or a social need affecting certain people or things in a specific place at a specific time.
Answers the question…What is the community need to be addressed?
29. Key Considerations Relate need – present a clear relationship to your organizations mission and goals.
Focus on need in the community, target population or clients, even in research.
Support need with evidence.
statistical facts, expert testimony, literature, preliminary research
Be consistent with entity’s ability to respond.
Make proposal easy to read and understand. Effective needs statements do not focus on needs of your organization….
Make sure all data are well documented.
Use stories and examples.
Focus your explanation of the need on the geographic are you can serve.
Eliminate jargon and acronyms
Effective needs statements do not focus on needs of your organization….
Make sure all data are well documented.
Use stories and examples.
Focus your explanation of the need on the geographic are you can serve.
Eliminate jargon and acronyms
30. Using Statistics Statistics Tell
How much?
How many?
How often?
How severe?
How costly? …but don’t overwhelm! Short! Use statistics judiciously…Do not use dramatic figures that paint a negative picture of an area or target population just to demonstrate how bad things are. May backfire…. Tie statistics directly to the problem that you are trying to solve.
Start a file that includes items such as statistical data, reports, newspaper articles, white papers and other pertinent info you come across throughout the year.Use statistics judiciously…Do not use dramatic figures that paint a negative picture of an area or target population just to demonstrate how bad things are. May backfire…. Tie statistics directly to the problem that you are trying to solve.
Start a file that includes items such as statistical data, reports, newspaper articles, white papers and other pertinent info you come across throughout the year.
31. Using Statistics Sources
US Census Bureau: www.census.gov
Bureau of Labor Statistics: www.bls.gov
Oklahoma Department of Commerce: www.okcommerce.gov
Employment Security Commission: www.oesc.state.ok.us
Oklahoma Regents for Higher Education: www.okhighered.org
Education Oversight Board - www.schoolreportcard.org/
Local universities, school districts
Local Chambers of Commerce, nonprofits, professional associations Use statistics judiciously…Do not use dramatic figures that paint a negative picture of an area or target population just to demonstrate how bad things are. May backfire…. Tie statistics directly to the problem that you are trying to solve.
Start a file that includes items such as statistical data, reports, newspaper articles, white papers and other pertinent info you come across throughout the year.Use statistics judiciously…Do not use dramatic figures that paint a negative picture of an area or target population just to demonstrate how bad things are. May backfire…. Tie statistics directly to the problem that you are trying to solve.
Start a file that includes items such as statistical data, reports, newspaper articles, white papers and other pertinent info you come across throughout the year.
32. Creating Sense of Urgency Statistics
Approximately ___women were murdered in the US by their husbands or boyfriends in 1993.
Leader/Expert Quotes
Dr. Flock said children who witness spouse abuse have a ___ percent chance of ….
Case Statements
Mary Quick, a typical Family Outreach Center client, suffers from …..
National Need Compared to Local Need
In the US, is estimated that ___percent of teenagers have tried drugs by age 17; this means that at Glory Side school ___ of seniors may have…..
33. Questions to Consider Who are the people with the need?
Where are the people with the need?
What is the need?
When is the need evident?
Why does the need occur?
What evidence do you have to support your claim?
What are the consequences of the need?
How is the need linked to your entity?
34. Sample Needs Statements
35. Student support to go to college… When 24-year-old Tyesha Penn decided to attend Tulsa Community College – Metro Campus (TCC-Metro), she almost quit before walking through the door. Trying to navigate the complexities of enrollment through the Internet, Tyesha, an African-American single mother of two, found the process overwhelming. “I was confused,” she says. “I wanted to go back to school for a better future for my kids, but I felt like I was in over my head.” With an income of…
36. Undergraduate research and education for science, technology, engineering and mathematics student majors….. Seventy-five percent of high school seniors intend to go to college. Of those, 43 percent actually enroll in college, and one-third of these becomes a STEM (science, technology, engineering and mathematics) majors (Science and Engineering Indicators, 2002). College freshmen who plan to pursue a career in STEM disciplines too often become discouraged, sidetracked into othr majors, or committed to other life-style choices and fail to matriculate to graduation. Regional universities in Oklahoma retain 67 percent of all first year, full-time freshmen, but graduate only 29 percent (OSRHE 1999-2000). Barriers to retention of all students in college apply as well to STEM students…
37. Medical research project… Drug treatment has fallen short of getting most treated hypertensive to go (BP below 140/90 mm Hg). A highly promising behavioral treatment is guided breathing, which involves a device that guides the patient to slow the breathing rate 6 to 10 breaths/minute (the typical respiration rate is 16 breaths/minute or more). The guided breathing intervention is typically used….
38. Tutoring program for at-risk students…. The Johnsonville School District has the highest high school dropout rate in the state of Texas. The district has found that the three most common reasons students drop out of high school are failing grades, a lack of interest in school, and a lack of parental support. To combat the dropout problem, the Johnsonville School District is seeking grant funding to implement the Stay in School Program district-wide. The program will…..
39. Project Plan or Description What you plan to do to
address the need.
40. Project Description What?
Goals and Objectives
Best Practices/Effectiveness
Program Personnel
Time Line Solution: What are you going to do to fix “the Need”
Review of literature- Why did you decide on this solution? What are the best practices?
Goals/Objectives/Activities/Outcomes – how are you going to accomplish the project
Program/Project personnel – Who is going to administer the project? What are there qualifications?
Timeline/Schedule of Activities- When will the project take place? What are the mile stones?
Solution: What are you going to do to fix “the Need”
Review of literature- Why did you decide on this solution? What are the best practices?
Goals/Objectives/Activities/Outcomes – how are you going to accomplish the project
Program/Project personnel – Who is going to administer the project? What are there qualifications?
Timeline/Schedule of Activities- When will the project take place? What are the mile stones?
41. Effective Goals/Objectives Goals - Broad statements reflecting ultimate results of accomplishment.
Decrease dropout rate….Increase retention rate….
Objectives – Measurement of what the organization will do to accomplish goal.
Hold 54 tutoring sessions for….between Sept. and May
Activities - Specific Tasks or Strategies
Design and develop tutoring model …..
Outcomes – Measure change as a result of project.
85% of students participating in….returned to school…
42. Project Timeline Goal: Primary goal of the Meal Consortium is to allow homebound elders to live independently.
Objective: Reduce number of individuals leaving the Meal Consortium by 5 percent. Links Goals, Objectives, and Activities to timeframe.
Describe in narrative format (Broadly---not each activity) During year 1Links Goals, Objectives, and Activities to timeframe.
Describe in narrative format (Broadly---not each activity) During year 1
43. Timeline Sample Activity Month 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Hire coordinator
Recruit two social workers
Identify target elders
44. Q: How many grant writers does it take to
change a light bulb?
A: 100. Ten to do it, and 90 to write document number GC7500439-001, Multitasking Incandescent Source System Facility, of which 10% of the pages state only "This page intentionally left blank", and 20% of the definitions are of the form "A ------ consists of sequences of non-blank characters separated by blanks".
45. Project Personnel Who will manage the project?
Who will be involved in the project?
What are their qualifications?
What are their responsibilities?
What is the management/organizational structure for the project?
Are you using existing personnel or hiring someone after the award? If hiring, add a job description
46. Project Personnel Documentation Assure funding agency you have the qualified staff to carry out the project.
Job Description
Vita or Resume
Key Responsibilities
Project Experience
Organizational Chart
47. Questions to Consider Are goals/objectives/activities logically derived from needs statement?
Have you explained why you selected activities or methods?
Is the timing and order of events clear and understandable?
Is it clear who will perform specific activities?
Are proposed activities feasible considering resources?
Is the proposal easy to read? ww.plainlanguage.gov/
48. A grant writing professor was lecturing to his Grant Writing Workshop one day.
“Use the Plain English style to write clearly. In English," she said, “A double negative forms a positive. In some languages, though, such as Russian, a double negative is still a negative. However, there is no language wherein a double positive can form a negative."A voice from the back of the room piped up, "Yeah, right."
49. Management Plan How organization is structured and the resources available.
Key personnel
Organizational structure
Unique features, i.e. volunteers, student workers, leveraging other workers
50. Evaluation Plan Documenting Results and Impact
51. Evaluation Benefits Strengthens proposals in eye of reviewers.
What works best.
Learn what is going well and what is not.
Program improvement during the project
Ensures project is operating effectively.
Recipients of public trust.
Create a replicable model for others to use.
52. Planning Evaluation What questions will evaluation answer?
What are the specific evaluation plans and time frames?
What data will be collected?
Who will be evaluated/what will be measured?
When will data be collected?
What strategies, tools, or instruments will be used?
Who will conduct the evaluation?
Who will write and receive the report?
How will the information be used to improve the project?
53. Evaluators Internal versus external evaluator – or both
Funder requirements
External outside entity
Funding availability – rule of thumb = approximately 10% of project cost
Qualified candidates
www.okhighered.org/grant-opps/ (click on Grant Writing Resources)
54. Assessment Measures Quantitative
Number driven
Bottom line
Perceptions and experiences of participants
Adjust programs and procedures
55. Evaluation Processes Formative Evaluation
Ongoing process assessing project effectiveness
Regularly scheduled data collection
How well completing project activities
Summative Evaluation
Final results
Length of grant
Goals and Objectives
56. Dissemination Plan How will you share information about project discoveries and resources?
Who will you target?
What communication tools will you use?
57. Dissemination Plan Communication Tools
State and national conferences
Publications, i.e. journal articles
Web Sites
Pod casts, Wikipedia, Blogs, Webinars
Interactive Television; Videoconferences
Commercial Television Ads or PSA’s
News Releases
Newspaper Ads
Community Organization Meetings
School Classes
Speakers’ Bureau
58. Budget Budget justifies expenses and aligns with proposal narrative.
59. Budgeting Steps Establish budget period.
Estimate expenses.
Decide whether and how to include overhead or indirect costs. Remember that overhead costs are real!
Estimate donated goods and services based on real costs and valid sources.
Estimate project revenues. Estimate project length six months or a year. Estimate project length six months or a year.
60. Direct Expenses Consider: Implementation, continuation, and phase-down costs.
Salaries and increases.
Utilities, insurance, rental space, and equipment.
Food, transportation, and telephone.
Evaluation systems, audits, accounting systems, and dissemination activities.
Materials and supplies.
61. Indirect or Overhead Costs Shared by all of the program and entity but difficult to assign specific amounts to any one program, i.e.:
Liability Insurance
Copier Lease
Financial Management
Recovery of indirect costs.
Funders guidelines
Organization guidelines
Budget detail should include what is covered under indirect costs. For example, if telephone is covered as a direct expense it should not be covered included in indirect costs.
Indirect costs are usually calculated as a percentage of total direct costs. Indirect costs can range from as little as 5 percent for a charter school to as much as 60 percent for a major university. Your agency may already have an approved indirect cost rate from a state or federal agency. Contact your business manager or contact the US Office of Management and Budget or your state’s Fiscal Agency.Budget detail should include what is covered under indirect costs. For example, if telephone is covered as a direct expense it should not be covered included in indirect costs.
Indirect costs are usually calculated as a percentage of total direct costs. Indirect costs can range from as little as 5 percent for a charter school to as much as 60 percent for a major university. Your agency may already have an approved indirect cost rate from a state or federal agency. Contact your business manager or contact the US Office of Management and Budget or your state’s Fiscal Agency.
62. In-Kind Matching Funds Read funder’s definition carefully.
Can the match be an in-kind contribution (i.e., goods, facilities or services)?
Personnel • Contractual
Fringe benefits • Construction
Travel • Miscellaneous
Equipment • Indirect Charges
Cash Match:
When your are trying to find available money for hard cash match, check with financial officer and Cash Match:
When your are trying to find available money for hard cash match, check with financial officer and
63. Cash Match Cash match (hard cash)
Work with business manager to explore:
General operating funds
Specialized allocations
Other state or federal grants (allowable)
Private sector grants
Set up a fund internally for matching
64. Budget Principles
0 mistakes! (at least 3 proofers)
Consistent format – numbers, dollar signs, decimals, commas
Ask for enough, but just enough.
Clearly justify your figures with real estimates, real travel locations, real mileage, real salaries (no estimates).
Tell your story. If someone cannot understand your project from reading your budget, start over.
Include ALL project costs, ALL internal contributions, ALL partner contributions, and plans for sustaining the project.
When you do not have a person hired for a position, include a clear job description.
65. Sample Budget
67. Budget Presentation You should present your budget in four different
Narrative format (a short summary that refers to percentages and precedes the standard format).
Visual format, such as a pie chart that reflects the percentages mentioned in the narrative.
Standard numerical format.
Budget justification (details about each numerical item and follows the standard format).
68. Sample Preceding Narrative The overall annual budget for the Center for
Women and Children is projected to be
$465,000. Of this amount 53% is for salaries
and benefits, 37% is for programs and services
to women and children, and 10% is for
administration and fundraising expenses.
69. Sample Visual Format
70. Sample Standard Form(usually provided) Item Annual Expense
A. Personnel (Salaries, Wages)
Executive Director $65,000
Administrative Assistant, .5 FTE $22,000
Program Director $38,000
Program Assistant $32,000
Development Director $38,000
Membership Coordinator $32,000
Office Assistant $26,500
Total Personnel $183,500
B. Benefits Medical/dental coverage $22,000
C. Contractual
1. Web design and maintenance $11,500
2. Accounting (monthly) $ 500
71. Budget Justification Thoughtful narrative per each item
Summary overview
Discuss any significant increases or decreases compared with last year's or next year's budget
Important figures (such as a high per unit cost).
For example, if your $250,000 organization has a $75,000 increase in rent, explain why.
72. Sample Budget Justification Executive Director, Dr. Joan Smith - The budget
request is for .5 FTE director @ $95,000 annual
salary plus fringe at 28%.
Administrative Assistant, Ms. Mary Smith - The
budget request is for .5 FTE administrative assistant
@ $37,500 annual salary plus fringe at 22%. She
will be .5 FTE for the Oklahoma GEAR UP
Program at the same time. Office space is being
contributed to the project by the Oklahoma GEAR
UP program.
73. Get Budgeting Help If you are new to budgeting or want to take a moment to be sure that you are up-to-speed on preparing a budget, there are sources available on-line that have good budget examples. One tutorial may be found at the Foundation Center's website http://fdncenter.org/learn/classroom/prop_budgt/index.html
Work with your budget officer!
74. Supporting Documentation Common Requests
Organization's IRS determination letter
DUNS number – fedgov.dnb.com (Dun & Bradstreet)
Central Contractor Registry (CCR) – www.ccr.gov –
E-Business POC – M-PIN password
AOR – Authorized Organization Representative
Board members and affiliations
Organization’s budget
Organization brochure/current newsletters
Latest annual report
Strategic plan
Supplemental funding sources
Letters of commitment Most government and foundation funders give a list of what they wish to receive in the appendixes. But most corporations do not.Most government and foundation funders give a list of what they wish to receive in the appendixes. But most corporations do not.
75. Letters of Commitment Must have substance!
Avoid duplicate wording
All partners
Need perspective
Why proposal will solve need
What support will they provide the project?
Donate equipment/funding
Hire graduates
Identify participants
Serve on committees
Sustain after the grant period
76. Abstract or Summary Proposal initiative
Project name, funding competition
Statement of need
Measurable objectives
Key activities
Impact on problem
What will improve and how many will project impact over project duration.
Brief one page review of what the reviewer will find in the application/proposal
Written after grant narrative
Key sentences from the main sectionsBrief one page review of what the reviewer will find in the application/proposal
Written after grant narrative
Key sentences from the main sections
77. Abstract or Summary Short – 1 paragraph to 1 page
This is the summary that is sent to your local congressional office, and they use it to send out news releases.
78. Submission Process Oklahoma DOES NOT have a central point of contact requirement except for Homeland Security funds
Read submission requirements early
Individual or Partnership
Drives grant/process
Clearly defined roles
Lead organization
Fiscal sponsor
Plan Ahead (submit at least 1 week early)
Follow Funder Process
Application Instructions
Technical requirements
Electronic (Electronic takes TIME, sometimes days or weeks!)
Decide early in the process
Fiscal sponsors occurs when an organization that applies for grant funding uses another organization to serve as its agent for the receipt and management of grants funds.
Meet all deadlines
Allow time for all signatures, mail delivery, postmark dates
Registration process
Submittal requirements: special sing-off , notarized copies of the board minutes and resolutions that authorize you organization approval, letters of commitment form consortia membersDecide early in the process
Fiscal sponsors occurs when an organization that applies for grant funding uses another organization to serve as its agent for the receipt and management of grants funds.
Meet all deadlines
Allow time for all signatures, mail delivery, postmark dates
Registration process
Submittal requirements: special sing-off , notarized copies of the board minutes and resolutions that authorize you organization approval, letters of commitment form consortia members
79. Double Check Create checklist of required items and supplements.
Proposal elements
Technical requirements (proof font, tabs, margins, style)
Submittal requirements (hard copy, e-copy)
Outside readers evaluate.
New pair of eyes to evaluate work. Get three persons to review: one close, one semi-close, and one cold. Try a teen-ager or a grandmother.
Track submission with follow-up note, call, or electronic verification.
80. Proposal Review Process Guidelines vary by entity
Selection criteria and scoring
Published in solicitation and federal register
Available from Program Director
Peer review
Foundations and state and local government review quicker than federal government.
Federal government six to 12 months
Amount of points assigned to each session indicates importanceFoundations and state and local government review quicker than federal government.
Federal government six to 12 months
Amount of points assigned to each session indicates importance
81. Become a Reviewer WHY?
Learn to write better grant proposals
Learn about the funded grants of the agency
Learn the process and improve your odds
Network with others like you
Simplify your writing
Provide a service
Tell the recipient of a grant
Tell the funder, program director, head of agency
Apply online – provide a vitae and short synopsis of why you may be of help
Need not have grant experience, just content expertise
82. Life After the Grant Grant is Accepted
Negotiated. This is VERY OK!!!
Grant is Rejected
Have 8 hours of depression and regroup.
Obtain reviewer comments.
Make personal visit.
All might not be lost...
Write Thank You
In either case, keep writing. BE PERSISTENT!
83. Remember….. REJECTION IS GOOD!plansdevelopmentlearning curvecontact
84. Grant Administration Financial Administration Critical
Determine allowable/unallowable costs
Maintain records
Financial and staff
Determine cost accounting standards, OMB Circulars
Property management
Reporting Staff- How salary is distributed across funding streams (time and effort) reports
Federal grants regulated by OMB circulars
Staff- How salary is distributed across funding streams (time and effort) reports
Federal grants regulated by OMB circulars
85. Hiring and Selecting Grant Writers Using an outside grantwriter may seem to be
the best method of success in grant seeking,
but maybe not… Ask:
Does our organization have the skills required for this project? (no = hire)
Is this a short term project or require long term commitment? (long term = in house)
Does this project require outside objectivity? (yes = hire)
86. Hiring and Selecting Grant Writers PROs
On time
On budget
Attention & time given to project
Experience CONs
External values
Have to gain knowledge
Lack of passion
Lack of relationships
Expensive with no guarantee
87. Principles of Working With a Grantwriter Prepare a one-page Scope of Work
Get referrals
Cost, Confidentiality Statement, Code of Ethics
Pay a fee, not a % - same amount whether grant is funded or not
Interview 3 at your expense
Select based on chemistry, calendar, cost
Turn loose! Let the professional work.
Final report - hours spent on meetings, research, writing - costs of materials, postage, copying
90. Book References Joseph Barbato and Danielle S. Furlich, Writing for a Good Cause: The Complete Guide to Crafting Proposals and Other Persuasive Pieces for Nonprofits, Simon and Shuster, 2000.
David Bauer, The “How To” Grants Manual: Successful Grantseeking Techniques for Obtaining Public and Private Grants, 3rd, Oryx Press, Phoenix, AR, 1995.
Alexis Carter Black, Getting Grants: The Complete Manual of Proposal Development and Administration, Self-Counsel Press, Bellingham, WA, 2006.
Bev Browning, Grant Writing for Dummies, 2nd., Wiley Publishing, Hoboken, NJ, 2005.
Mim Carlson, Winning Grants Step by Step, Jossey-Bass Publishers, San Francisco, 1995.
Arlen Sue Fox and Ellen Karsh, The Only Grant-Writing Book You’ll Ever Need, Publishers Group West, 2006.
Kenneth Henson, Grant Writing in Higher Education: A Step-by-Step Guide, Prentice Hall, 2003.
91. Interesting Articles “Hiring and Working With Grantwriters and Consultants: Know What You Need and Let Them Do It!” – Linda Hauser, Wednesday, May 04, 2005, http://charitychannel.com/.
“Positioning Grant Writers For Success” - www.raise-funds.com/040202forum.html
“The Buck Starts Here” – Karen Markin, The Chronicle of Higher Education, February 21, 2005.
“Know the Process, Improve Your Odds” – Brian Cobb and Stacy Abate, February 22, 2006. http://charitychannel.com/.
“Lessons in Evaluation: How Serving on Grant Panels Could Make You a Better Writer” – Jennifer Phelps, July 7, 2004, http://charitychannel.com/.
“Lets Ask for One Million Dollars or Why Successful Grantsmanship Isn’t Like Buckshot” – Katherine Felts, April 8, 2003, http://charitychannel.com/.
“Tips for New Grant Writers” – Shelly Uva, March 12, 2002, http://charitychannel.com/
92. Helpful Websites Oklahoma State Regents for Higher Education - www.okhighered.org/grant-opps/
Training Videos - http://www.onenet.net/ops/streaming/brown_bag/brown_bag_index.html
The Art of Grantsmanship - http://www.hfsp.org/how/ArtofGrants.htm
The EPA Grant Writing Tutorial -
The Foundation Center - http://fdncenter.org/
Writing Winning Proposals, the US Department of Energy - http://www.leeric.lsu.edu/sample.pdf
Association of Fundraising Professionals - http://www.afpnet.org/