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REEEP SOUTH ASIA Partners Meeting and Regional Preparatory Meeting

REEEP was launched in 2002 at the World Summit on Sustainable Development. It currently has more than 225 partners - governments, businesses and NGOs who are committed to accelerating the uptake of renewable energy and energy efficiency. 39 National Governments (including in South Asia Sri Lank

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REEEP SOUTH ASIA Partners Meeting and Regional Preparatory Meeting

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    1. REEEP SOUTH ASIA Partners’ Meeting and Regional Preparatory Meeting

    5. Washington International Renewable Energy Conference (WIREC) In February, REEEP undertook a regional consultations in Asia (including South Asia), Africa, Latin America prior to WIREC. The consultation highlighted that the main barriers to the growth are: That many National and Regional Energy Plans lack long term and reliable policies and regulatory measures to encourage Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency technologies. There is a lack of finance and suitable business models to which provide attractive long term investment environments for Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency technologies.

    6. Future REEEP Strategy Show tangible measures of achievement – Sustainable Development, Wealth Creation, GHG reduction Demonstrate clear Added Value to REEEP partners Develop REEEP’s unique role of combining Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Increase the impact of REEEP activities, comprehensively explaining lessons learnt Focus on implementation and mobilising finance Developing a structure to support our strategy

    7. Structure follows Strategy Market Analysis – Regional and National Input Effective Regional Secretariats – regional focal points Expert Network Enhanced capacity and tools at the International Secretariat (more capacity, tools (reegle, new website, PMIS, toolkits and synthesis of lessons learnt) Reprioritise Funding – to where it makes a real difference in meeting REEEP’s aims and objectives.

    8. Partners Becoming a Partner of REEEP is an international and regional statement of intent that your organisation is committed to the development of renewable energy and energy efficiency technologies. Partners are invited to be involved in REEEP’s highest decision body – Meeting of Partners (MOP) MOP’s meet every two years and agree the overall strategy and direction of REEEP and select the formation and membership of the REEEP bodies and committees. Have the opportunity to represent REEEP and participate and direct REEEP’s strategy and goals at international and regional level.

    9. John French REEEP International Secretariat Vienna International Centre Vienna, Austria John.French@reeep.org +43 1 26026 3337 www.reeep.org www.reegle.info

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