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The educational models of bachelor and master learning in the field of information industry

The educational models of bachelor and master learning in the field of information industry at Dubna International University. Prof. E. Cheremisina Dubna International University, VNIIGeosystem , Russia Dr. N. Tokareva Dubna International University, Russia.

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The educational models of bachelor and master learning in the field of information industry

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  1. The educational models of bachelor and master learning in the field of information industry at Dubna International University Prof. E. Cheremisina DubnaInternational University, VNIIGeosystem, Russia Dr. N. Tokareva DubnaInternational University, Russia NEC'2011, Varna, Bulgaria

  2. The institute of Systems analysis and management (ISAM) is one of the division of the University of Dubna. The department of systems analysis and management – the head is professor CheremisinaE.N. The department of distributed information and computation systems – the head is professor Korenkov V. V. The department of information technologies – the head is associate professor Tokareva N. A The department of electronic engineering– the head is professor Sakharov Yu.S. The department of sustainable innovative development– the head is professor Bolshakov B. E. NEC'2011, Varna, Bulgaria

  3. the student’s design engineering bureau (in the field of electronics) the distance learning center the laboratory of information systems in education the study and science laboratory of geo-information systems in management and the use of nature resource ISAM ISAM the laboratory on municipal management and information the research center of knowledge management and distributed calculations the IBM academic center of competency the center of applied synergetic (together with Keldish Institute of Applied Mathematics of RAS NEC'2011, Varna, Bulgaria

  4. Our progress is as much as we use the systematic approach to practical activities. Our failures are caused by deviations from the systematic viewpoint. NEC'2011, Varna, Bulgaria

  5. Systematic viewpoint The system approach isthe research methodology. It is based on investigation of an object as complete set of elements in aggregate attitudes and links between them, that is consideration of an object as a system. The system analysis is the scientific method to acquire knowledge. It performs a sequence of actions aimed to form the structural links between variables or elements of the investigated system. NEC'2011, Varna, Bulgaria

  6. The innovative education • the integration of the scientific and educational capabilities of a university and applied science; • partner-like relationships with the potential employers; • using the opportunity for international cooperation; • enhancing of the creative thinking and responsible participationof students in the education process. • The new quality of professional skills of our graduate’s will be the result of innovation in the educational process . The employers should not spend additional financial resources to re-train graduate’s up to needs of the company. NEC'2011, Varna, Bulgaria

  7. Last innovation in high education Transition to other educational concept for the higher school of the Russian Federation (since 2011) ADVANTAGES Increase the academic mobility of students (on the basis of Bologna agreements ) High schools have received more independence at formation of curricula and educational programs New federal educational standards are based on a competence model and formulate the requirements to educational progress in the form of a set of personal and professional competence to be obtained by students. NEC'2011, Varna, Bulgaria

  8. What is the problem? The content of these competencies in standards are formulated indefinitely, in general words. For example: “ability to solve problems of professional work with the research and work group” Technique of objective formation of requirements to the professional competence in the field of information technology as well as mechanisms of training and the control of a level of their achievement practically are absent. NEC'2011, Varna, Bulgaria

  9. The major tendencies in IT education • The IT education is characterized by the continuous and fast growth of requirements for specialists. Thus, the requirements are constantly growing for the IT education. • The technological and information globalization dictates the international standards and requirements for the qualifications of the IT-specialists, and therefore, for the national system of preparing of the workforce. • The high speed of upgrading the technologies turns the education process into a constant process, which must not be interrupted, during the whole period of professional activity of each specialist. NEC'2011, Varna, Bulgaria

  10. Development of educational model in the fields of IT To develop an educational model in the fields of IT according to the new educational standard we suggest the method of “complete production cycle”. The main ideas (belong to prof. A.Minzov): Process of successful professional activity represents practical realization of a quantity of the professional cycles to perform the certain problems. Each cycle consists from the certain works. Full performance of these works in the certain sequence leads to the guaranteed result – mastering of technology of the successful solving of a professional problem. NEC'2011, Varna, Bulgaria

  11. Organizational maintenance of design and research works in the field of IT title of the cycle) : • scheduling (organizational, resource, financial, material); • management of design and research works; • interaction with the clients; • the organization of customer acceptance the IT-technologies in operation. • Each cycle represents the professional competency and the considered works are its content. NEC'2011, Varna, Bulgaria

  12. Developed by O. Melnikova NEC'2011, Varna, Bulgaria

  13. The employers opinions and the requirements of the federal educational standard should be taken into account at the cycle definition. This technique allows to single out the vertical and horizontal links between the different works and thus between the different courses which provide training in some competence. This technique has been successfully implemented to preparation of the basic educational program for different areas of professional activity in which the ISAM qualify students. NEC'2011, Varna, Bulgaria

  14. Innovative educational model New mechanism to organize educational process aimed to meet the requirements of employers and standard of education NEC'2011, Varna, Bulgaria

  15. ЦЕЛЕВАЯ МАГИСТРАТУРА Суконкина Настя, 6-ой курс магистратуры (ФГОУ ВПО «Чувашский государственный университет им. И.Н. Ульянова», г. Чебоксары) Андрющенко Игорь, 5-ый курс магистратуры (ФГОУ ВПО «Чувашский государственный университет им. И.Н. Ульянова», г. Чебоксары). «Очень интересно учиться, когда преподаватели с энтузиазмом и огромным желанием хотят передать свои знания. Приятно, когда каждому студенту уделяют внимание и стараются помочь. Когда приходишь на кафедру, то ощущаешь себя как дома, частичкой этой огромной, дружной семьи. Во время учебы нет ощущения нехватки нужного материала и необходимой помощи от преподавателей. Мне очень нравится учиться в университете «Дубна» и хочется как можно больше унести отсюда знаний и опыта.» «Подход к изучению языков программирования основан на практических навыках. Изучаемые предметы отвечают всем требованиям: выпускник кафедры на рынке труда будет востребованным квалифицированным специалистом». NEC'2011, Varna, Bulgaria

  16. ЦЕЛЕВАЯ МАГИСТРАТУРА Столяров Дмитрий, 6-ой курс магистратуры (Тверской государственный университет)) Станислав Попов, 6-ой курс магистратуры (ВИВТ) «Инновационный подход к обучению, т.е. студентов учат применять современные технологии. Доброжелательное, позитивное отношение преподавателей к студентам. Постоянно совершенствующаяся программа обучения, соответствующая современным потребностям рынка труда IT.» «Преподаватели кафедры – высокой квалификации. Обучение современное и интересное. Преподавательский состав и студенты кафедры – одна семья, а кафедра САУ – второй дом. Нисколько не жалею о том, что приехал сюда, начал здесь учиться и очень хочу остаться в аспирантуре на этой кафедре с тем же преподавательским составом и руководством». NEC'2011, Varna, Bulgaria

  17. Click to edit company slogan . Thank you for your attention! NEC'2011, Varna, Bulgaria

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