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A revised approach to Corporate Performance Management at Nottingham City Council

A revised approach to Corporate Performance Management at Nottingham City Council. Chris Common Senior Corporate Performance Specialist. This presentation. What went before What we wanted to achieve New Elements What we did differently Progress Still work to do…. Before ….

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A revised approach to Corporate Performance Management at Nottingham City Council

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Presentation Transcript

  1. A revised approach to Corporate Performance Management at Nottingham City Council Chris Common Senior Corporate Performance Specialist

  2. This presentation • What went before • What we wanted to achieve • New Elements • What we did differently • Progress • Still work to do…

  3. Before… • Separate quarterly meetings to routine (weekly) CLT attended by leader/deputy leader • Sessions lasted 2-3 hours • Dense presentation (60+ slides) • Lengthy supporting report • Little discussion/dialogue/engagement • Delegation of attendance • Weak focus on Council priorities (based on political) • Weak connectivity with departments • = seen as ‘unimportant’ in the performance management of the authority

  4. What we wanted to achieve… • Provide effective challenge & support to drive performance improvement • Clear picture of progress against strategic priorities (Council Plan) underpinned by a key set of KPIs that summarises overall performance • Performance manage not monitor – focus on improvement actions • Celebrate good performance and share lessons learnt • Raise profile/importance of CLT’s role • Improve department/CLT consultation/buy in • Collective ‘corporate’ response

  5. ‘New’ Elements • Cross cutting impact analysis not focus on single PI(s) • Benchmarking analysis • Innovative and consistent use of Covalent to ensure timeliness and consistency and avoid duplication, use of iPads‘ = ‘one version of the truth’ • Improve coordination with finance reporting • More stringent controls/audit process for PI composition • Improve timeliness of data • Transformation progress • Key Corporate Health Measures – workforce and customer focussed

  6. What we did differently… • Introduced for Q2 2014/15 onwards • Performance discussions integrated in ‘routine’ CLTs (dedicated quarterly strategic meetings) • Focus on ‘failing’ and ‘good news’ PIs/activity from: • Council Plan • Corporate Health • Transformation Programmes • ‘Hot Topics’ – follow ups from CLT • Static performance data is not reported each quarter • CLT Terms of Reference • Informative commentaries, challenge ‘gaps’

  7. …What we did differently • Departmental performance management • Meetings aligned • Replicate CLT approach • Use of Covalent • Standing item at all performance DLTs – ‘peer challenge’ same set of red/deteriorating PIs that CLT consider • Extend deadlines to allow more preparation • Refresh roles of corporate & departmental performance leads • Use Balanced Scorecard - workforce, service, (finance), customer + transformation

  8. Corporate Performance Scorecard 3rd Quarter 2014/15 Council Plan Workforce Citizen 11 Priorities • Annual • Workforce Representation City Residency (new starters) 77.2%/100% Citizens Survey • Contact Centre 99%/95% • Unemployment • Good transport • Joint Service Centres 89%/95% Social Care • Crime • Housing mix City Residency (all colleagues) 54.6%/56% Agency/Consultancy spend • School Leavers • Business • investment Leisure & Culture Neighbourhoods • Clean • neighbourhoods • Leisure • Quarterly Overtime Allowances • Employability Housing Transport • Energy bills • Early intervention • Effective and Value For Money Services • Telephone response* • * Up to Nov 14 Big Ticket Progress Council BAU Portfolio savings £24.41m/£25.76m • Directorate operational KPIs below target • (TBC) Strategic Asset Management • Reshaping preventative and safeguarding Children’s Services • Public Health Integration • Customer Access Programme • Energy and Waste • NCC/NCH • Public Transport Commercialism • Adult Social Care & Adult Provision

  9. Progress • ‘Leap of faith’ – reduced reliance on PI performance • Live use of Covalent – drill at will! • Supporting presentation length (~ 15 slides) • Supporting document (PDF issued before meeting as ‘background paper’) • Engaged • Outcome focus (exceptions)

  10. Challenges remain… • Weak KPIs – not tell the story, targets, reporting frequencies • Commentary games • Distractions – budget, election • Political pressure – focus on manifesto • End of current Council Plan (March 2015) start of new – new leaf? • Departmentalism • Disconnect with finance reporting • No risk management

  11. What next? • New political administration (May 2015) • …and 4 year Council Plan (October 2015) = new actions and KPIs • Greater focus on transformation • Include Council wide service performance (> 5 business critical KPIs per directorate) – report exceptions • Revised Corporate Health PI suite • Include customer interaction PIs • Use of Covalent Dashboards (in meetings and personalised for CLT) • LGA Peer Challenge (October 2015)

  12. Any questions?

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