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Explore the fascinating world of rocks - from molten magma to sedimentary layers to metamorphic transformations. Learn about the classification, formation, and properties of igneous, sedimentary, and metamorphic rocks. Discover the processes of lithification, compaction, cementation, and metamorphism that shape Earth's crust. Unravel the secrets of mineral composition, textural features, and the influence of heat, pressure, and chemically active fluids on rock formation. Dive deep into geology with this informative guide on the dynamic Rock Cycle.

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  1. Rocks

  2. The Rock Cycle • Magma—molten material that forms inside the Earth • It crystallizes either beneath the surface or as a result of volcanic activity to make • Igneous Rock • It weathers, is transported, and deposited to become • Sediment • It goes through lithification (changes into rock) to become

  3. The Rock Cycle • Sedimentary Rock • If it is exposed to great heat and pressure because of mountain building or being intruded with magma, it will change into • Metamorphic Rock • If it is exposed to more heat and/or pressure, it will melt and become • Magma

  4. The Rock Cycle • The full cycle does not always take place due to “shortcuts” or interruptions

  5. The Rock Cycle

  6. Igneous Rock • “Formed by Fire” • Slow cooling results in the formation of large crystals • Rapid cooling results in the formation of very small microscopic crystals

  7. Classifying Igneous Rock • Texture—Size and arrangement of the interlocking crystals • Fine-grained—microscopic crystals • Example: rhyolite • Course-grained—able to be seen unaided • Example: granite • Porphyritic—large crystals embedded in a matrix of smaller crystals • Example: andesite porphyry • Glassy—rapid cooling of molten rock ejected into the atmosphere during a volcanic eruption • Examples: obsidian, pumice

  8. Classifying Igneous Rock • Mineral Composition • Depends on the chemical composition of the magma from which it crystallizes • Influenced by crystal settling in the magma (density of the components)

  9. Naming Igneous Rocks • Basaltic Rocks • Derived from the first minerals to crystallize • Rich in iron and magnesium • Example: basalt • Granitic rocks • From the last minerals to crystallize • Mainly feldspar and quartz • High silica content • Example: granite

  10. Naming Igneous Rock • Rocks may have the same compositions, but are named differently because of their different textures.

  11. Sedimentary Rocks • Compacted and cemented sediment • Geologists date the Earth based on layers of sediment • Sediment can contain fossils • Economically important • Coal, natural gas, oil • Iron, aluminum, manganese, fertilizer, sand and gravel

  12. Classifying Sedimentary Rocks • Detrital • Form from solid particles from weathered rocks • Classified by particle size • Examples: • Shale (most abundant) • Sandstone • Conglomerate • Siltstone

  13. Classifying Sedimentary Rocks • Chemical • From material that was once in solution and precipitates to form sediment • Common Rocks: • Limestone (most abundant) • Travertine • Microcrystalline quartz • Chert, flint, jasper, agate • Evaporites • Rock salt, gypsum • Coal • Lignite, bituminous

  14. Lithification of Sedimentary Rocks • Compaction • Weight of overlying material compresses deeper sediments • Cementation • Materials such as calcite, silica, and iron oxide are carried in solution by water moving through the pore spaces between particles

  15. Features of Sedimentary Rocks • Strata or beds—layers of accumulated sediment • Bedding planes—flat surfaces along which rocks tend to separate or break • Fossils

  16. Metamorphic Rocks • Changed in Form • From heat, pressure, and chemically active fluids • Takes place when rock is subjected to conditions unlike those in which it originally formed • Regional metamorphism (mountain building) and contact metamorphism (molten material bake surrounding rock)

  17. Three Metamorphic Agents • Heat • Most important agent of metamorphism • Provides energy to drive chemical reactions that rearrange crystal structures • Increases with depth

  18. Three Metamorphic Agents • Pressure • Increases with depth • Stress during mountain building • Rock at great depth is warm and becomes plastic-like during deformation

  19. Three Metamorphic Agents • Chemically active fluids • Water is contained in pore spaces of virtually every rock • It acts as a catalyst to help ions migrate to form crystalline shapes

  20. Metamorphism Changes Texture • Foliated • Some minerals under pressure will recrystallize in an alignment that looks layered • Examples: • Shale becomes slate • Shists—metamorphic rocks that are platy • Gneiss—metamorphic rocks that are elongated and granular

  21. Metamorphism Changes Texture • Nonfoliated • Some metamorphic rocks are composed of only one mineral • Examples: • Limestone becomes marble • Quartz sandstone can become quartzite

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