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Shakespeare. April 26, 1564 (Baptized) in Stratford-on-Avon Married Anne Hathaway when he was 18 and had three children The Lord Chamberlain’s Men first performed in the Theatre as women were not permitted on the stage The Globe Theatre was the first theatre built and run by actors

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  1. Shakespeare April 26, 1564 (Baptized) in Stratford-on-Avon Married Anne Hathaway when he was 18 and had three children The Lord Chamberlain’s Men first performed in the Theatre as women were not permitted on the stage The Globe Theatre was the first theatre built and run by actors Died in Stratford on April 23, 1616 Most famous playwright in history 38 plays, 154 sonnets
  2. The Globe
  3. Plays Divided into three categories: Comedy, history, tragedy Comedies are usually characterized by: A light-hearted tone A struggle of young lovers to overcome difficulty Separation Mistaken identities A clever servant Heightened tensions, often within family Multiple, intertwining plots Frequent punning A Midsummer Night’s Dream is a comedy
  4. Plays continued Histories Any of Shakespeare’s plays that retell the story of lives or specific events within their lives. Examples: King John, Henry V, Richard II Tragedies Characterized by a tragic hero whose flaw usually leads to their downfall and a lot of people dying. Examples: Romeo and Juliet, King Lear, Othello
  5. A Midsummer Night’s Dream "Midsummer Night" is traditionally June 23/24, a festival of partying and dancing and superstitions regarding enchantment and witchcraft, when midsummer madness, probably associated with the heat, brings about an alternate state of mind "when people are most apt to imagine fantastic experiences" Midsummer is celebrated between June 21-June 25. Centered upon the summer solstice http://public.wsu.edu/~delahoyd/shakespeare/mnd1.html
  6. Setting Athens, Greece
  7. Plots Main Plot Fairies drug Hermia,Lysander, Demetrius and Helena, four young people, to make them fall in and out of love with each other and back into love with each other again Subplot The wedding of Duke Theseus and Hippolyta (an Amazon queen who the Duke defeated) is coming up. To celebrate the wedding, the Mechanicals, a group of working class people turned actors, is practicing to perform a play for the wedding.
  8. Theseus Son of Aegeus, A King of Athens Greek for "institution“ Reformer and social order Strength
  9. Theseus and Minotaur Slayed Minotaur with his bare hands
  10. Theseus and Hippolyta

    Queen of the Amazons (island) Kidnapped to marry Powerful Girdle (power belt)
  11. Pyramus and Thisbe - pair of ill-fated lovers
  12. Themes These are topics the play covers. To make a theme, answer what message the play is sending about each topic below: Love Art and culture Transformation Gender Versions of reality Foolishness and folly Humans and the natural world The supernatural
  13. Puck (Robin Goodfellow) A sprite Mischievous Either plays tricks on people or helps them with chores depending on his mood Brags about the trouble he has caused the villagers such as ruining kegs of ale or butter that housewives spend their mornings churning
  14. Bottom – A weaver, one of the “Mechanicals Peter Quince -One of the “Mechanicals” Gives the prologue for the play performed for the wedding Flute - One of the “Mechanicals” Plays the role of “Thisbe” in the play they perform called “Pyramusand Thisbe” Starveling - One of the “Mechanicals” Plays the role of Moonshine in “Pyramusand Thisbe”
  15. Snug - One of the Mechanicals While performing in the play, he tells the ladies in the audience not to worry because he’s only pretending to be a lion Snout - One of the “Mechanicals” Plays the role of a wall in their play Philostrate - Party planner for Duke Theseus Official title is “Master for the Revels” which was a job in the court during Shakespeare’s time. Duties were to organize the entertainment for the monarch and decide what could be performed. The job was basically a censor Philostratedoesn’t think the Mechanical’s play is good enough for the Duke to see Duke Theseus insists on seeing it to which Philostratereplies, “No, my noble lord / It is not for you: I have heard it over / And it is nothing, nothing in the world" (5.1.4).
  16. Theseus Duke of Athens, most powerful His wedding to Hippolyta is the subject of the beginning and the end of the play Hippolyta Amazon Queen Marries the Duke of Athens The Amazons are a mythological group of warrior women
  17. Oberon King of the Fairies Master of Puck Husband of Titania Titania Queen of the Fairies Oberon’s wife Expert in magic Gracious, yet sassy Raising a little boy from India and refuses to give him up Worries about the natural order that gets upset when her and Oberon have a quarrel Stands up for what she believes in
  18. The Changling The Indian boy Titania is caring for Causes problems in Titania’s relationship with Oberon because she spends all her time with the boy and Oberon wants the boy to perform errands for him. Does not have any lines In some performances of the play, he doesn’t even appear on stage Still important because of his role in Titantia and Oberon’s relationship
  19. Lysander Hermia’sboyfriend Wants to get married Hermia’sfather is against the marriage Runs off with Hermiato elope Puck drugs him in the woods by mistake and he falls in love with Helena Puck gives him an antidote later Hermia Daughter of Egeus Betrothed to Demetrius by her father but loves Lysander Her father wants her killed for disobeying him (which is allowed under Athenian law) Is brought before Duke Theseus for disobeying her father’s wishes and stands up for herself
  20. Demetrius Betrothed to Hermia Hermiadoesn’t love him and wants to marry Lysander The fairies drug him so he falls in love with Helena and marries her in the end Helena In the beginning of the play, no one is in love with Helena She spends her time thinking about love and dismisses it In the end though, she becomes a fool for love Pities herself often
  21. Shakespeare April 26, 1564 (Baptized) in Stratford-on-Avon Married ____________________________when he was 18 and had three children The Lord Chamberlain’s Men first performed in the Theatre as ____________________ were not permitted on the __________________ The ________________________________was the first theatre built and run by actors Died in Stratford on ____________________________ Most famous playwright in history __________plays, ________________sonnets
  22. The Globe
  23. Plays Divided into three categories: _________________, history, tragedy Comedies are usually characterized by: A _______________________________________ A struggle of young lovers to overcome difficulty _________________________________________ Mistaken identities ______________________________________________________ Heightened tensions, often within family Multiple, intertwining plots _______________________________________________________ A Midsummer Night’s Dream is a comedy
  24. Plays continued _____________________ Any of Shakespeare’s plays that retell the story of lives or _______________ events within their lives. Examples: King John, Henry V, Richard II ______________________ Characterized by a __________________ hero whose flaw usually leads to their downfall and a lot of people dying. Examples: Romeo and Juliet, King Lear, Othello
  25. A Midsummer Night’s Dream "Midsummer Night" is traditionally June 23/24, a festival of partying and dancing and superstitions regarding enchantment and witchcraft, when midsummer madness, probably associated with the heat, brings about an alternate state of mind "when people are most apt to imagine _______________________ experiences" ____________________ is celebrated between June 21-June 25. Centered upon the _____________________ http://public.wsu.edu/~delahoyd/shakespeare/mnd1.html
  26. Setting _____________________
  27. Plots Main Plot Fairies drug Hermia,Lysander, Demetrius and Helena, four young people, to make them fall in and out of love with each other and back into love with each other again Subplot The wedding of Duke Theseus and Hippolyta (an Amazon queen who the Duke defeated) is coming up. To celebrate the wedding, the Mechanicals, a group of working class people turned actors, is practicing to perform a play for the wedding.
  28. Theseus Son of Aegeus, A King of Athens Greek for "institution“ Reformer and social order Strength
  29. Theseus and Minotaur Slayed Minotaur with his bare hands
  30. Theseus and Hippolyta

    Queen of the Amazons (island) Kidnapped to marry Powerful Girdle (power belt)
  31. Pyramus and Thisbe - pair of ill-fated lovers
  32. Themes These are topics the play covers. To make a theme, answer what message the play is sending about each topic below: Love Art and culture Transformation Gender Versions of reality Foolishness and folly Humans and the natural world The supernatural
  33. Puck (Robin Goodfellow) A sprite Mischievous Either plays tricks on people or helps them with chores depending on his mood Brags about the trouble he has caused the villagers such as ruining kegs of ale or butter that housewives spend their mornings churning
  34. Bottom – A weaver, one of the “Mechanicals Peter Quince -One of the “Mechanicals” Gives the prologue for the play performed for the wedding Flute - One of the “Mechanicals” Plays the role of “Thisbe” in the play they perform called “Pyramusand Thisbe” Starveling - One of the “Mechanicals” Plays the role of Moonshine in “Pyramusand Thisbe”
  35. Snug - One of the Mechanicals While performing in the play, he tells the ladies in the audience not to worry because he’s only pretending to be a lion Snout - One of the “Mechanicals” Plays the role of a wall in their play Philostrate - Party planner for Duke Theseus Official title is “Master for the Revels” which was a job in the court during Shakespeare’s time. Duties were to organize the entertainment for the monarch and decide what could be performed. The job was basically a censor Philostratedoesn’t think the Mechanical’s play is good enough for the Duke to see Duke Theseus insists on seeing it to which Philostratereplies, “No, my noble lord / It is not for you: I have heard it over / And it is nothing, nothing in the world" (5.1.4).
  36. Theseus Duke of Athens, most powerful His wedding to Hippolyta is the subject of the beginning and the end of the play Hippolyta Amazon Queen Marries the Duke of Athens The Amazons are a mythological group of warrior women
  37. Oberon King of the Fairies Master of Puck Husband of Titania Titania Queen of the Fairies Oberon’s wife Expert in magic Gracious, yet sassy Raising a little boy from India and refuses to give him up Worries about the natural order that gets upset when her and Oberon have a quarrel Stands up for what she believes in
  38. The Changling The Indian boy Titania is caring for Causes problems in Titania’s relationship with Oberon because she spends all her time with the boy and Oberon wants the boy to perform errands for him. Does not have any lines In some performances of the play, he doesn’t even appear on stage Still important because of his role in Titantia and Oberon’s relationship
  39. Lysander Hermia’sboyfriend Wants to get married Hermia’sfather is against the marriage Runs off with Hermiato elope Puck drugs him in the woods by mistake and he falls in love with Helena Puck gives him an antidote later Hermia Daughter of Egeus Betrothed to Demetrius by her father but loves Lysander Her father wants her killed for disobeying him (which is allowed under Athenian law) Is brought before Duke Theseus for disobeying her father’s wishes and stands up for herself
  40. Demetrius Betrothed to Hermia Hermiadoesn’t love him and wants to marry Lysander The fairies drug him so he falls in love with Helena and marries her in the end Helena In the beginning of the play, no one is in love with Helena She spends her time thinking about love and dismisses it In the end though, she becomes a fool for love Pities herself often
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