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Telangana Epass scholarship Status 2016-17: Ts epass Renewal Last Date<br>AP Epass scholarship Status 2016-17: Ts epass Renewal Last Date<br>epass account<br>epass scholarship application status 2012<br>epass application status<br>ap epass know your application status<br>ts epass status 2012-13<br>ts epass status 2013-14<br>ts epass status 2014-15<br>ts epass status 2015-16<br>ts epass status 2016-17<br>epass renewal<br>epass status check online<br>epass renewal application 2014-15<br>http://www.epassstatus.co.in<br>http://www.epass.net.in<br>http://www.telanganaepass.co.in<br>http://www.epassscholarships.in
Ts/Ap Epass grant Status 2016-17: New and Renewals TS Epass grant 2016-17: The Telangana Government needs to instruct the general public and better the training framework by giving the understudies incredible offices and helping them from the PhD and Scheduled areas of the general public. The state government is taking measures and has maybe presented the Fee Reimbursement conspire/grant for every one of the understudies who have effectively completed the SSC/Matriculation for seeking after the post-matric capabilities like, for example, Intermediate/twelfth class, polytechnic/Diploma ITI, Graduation, post-Graduate, Ph.D. what's more, Professional courses. Teaching the state understudies is an absolute necessity thing to do and on assuming the liability, the state government has is giving an immediate help to poor understudies so they can finish their instruction with no money related issues. The Telangana State has passed an epass 2016-17 under which, the understudies whose yearly wage is under 1 Lakh are made qualified for the Telangana Reimbursement Scheme/grant. It is a vital part of giving and better training framework with a specific end goal to light up the fate of the state and also the country. There is such an extensive amount ability in the adolescent nowadays and one right direction to them helps them to allow their stones and sparkle. The state government is maybe attempting to be that one assistance for poor understudies. Qualification criteria for Telangana ePass 2016-17: The understudies having a place with SC, ST, whose yearly parental wage is under 2 lakhs and BC, EBC, handicapped Welfare applicants whose parental wage ought to be short of what one lakh rupees are qualified for the pre-post metric training grant 2016-17 under the TS ePass. The other critical thing is that each individual understudy must have no less than 75% of participation toward the finish of every quarter, coming up short which the understudy is not qualified further. The most effective method to apply for Telangana ePass grant 2016-17: There are sure strides to be taken after which are assigned for the accommodation of the understudies, here are those: • Go to the connection in light of your prerequisites like crisp or recharging. • supplementary or coordinate Degree. Later on, proceed by picking Pass Type like TS Regular, CBSE, and other board, APOSS, OSSC, • year and Date of birth. Ensure you give precise data and afterward tap on submit after re-checking the points of interest. Now here you are required to give points of interest like SSC Hall ticket number, SSC Passed • number, Aadhaar card or UID number; Address, Father's name, versatile number, and so forth ensure you give exact spellings and numbers with no oversight keeping in mind the end goal to stay away from any issue promote. A new page shows up on the screen requesting that you give more points of interest like CET • declarations, apportion card and Aadhar card. Then next thing to do is append your seat allocation arrange, wage authentications, position
• transferred with clear data gave and required and after that approval for accommodation of the application. Be watchful with the rundown of reports and ensure that the records are legitimately • further reference. Once finished with the accommodation, take a print of the submitted application shape for Archives to be required for Fresh Registration • Candidate identification measure photo. • Aadhar card. • Bank Pass Book first page. • Study testament/Benfied Certificate. • SSC, Intermediate Study Certificates. • Permission letter issued by the College. • Income Certificate. • Caste Certificate. • Date of Birth points of interest. Archives to be required amid Renewal: • Previous year update. • Bank Account Number, First page of Bank Passbook. • A Valid portable number for getting one-time secret key. • Original wage endorsement. Instructions to apply for Epass grant 2016-17 : We have drilled down couple of basic strides on the most proficient method to apply for Epass grant. • Visit the official site of Epass System i.e., telanganaepass.cgg.gov.in. • Now tap on the connection of either Fresh of Renewal. • Select the sort i.e., AP consistent, CBSE, APOSS, OSSC, supplementary or coordinate degree. • subtle elements and tap on submit catch. Provide your SSC corridor ticket number, SSC passed year and date of birth and different
• versatile number and so forth. Now enter the subtle elements like CET number, Aadhaar card, address, father name, • Aadhaar card and so forth. Attest your seat distribution arrange, pay authentication, rank declaration, apportion card, • Recheck the application for any errors before submitting. • Take a printout of the application and secure it for future reference. TS Epass Scholarship Renewal Application 2016-17 : • 17. Understudies need to upgrade the data and present the required archives at their separate schools. As we said before, the recharging procedure is simple for Telangana Epass application 2016- • number, SSC pass year and so forth. Enter the points of interest like earlier year application ID, SSC pass sort, SSC corridor ticket • pay testimony. Attest the filtered duplicates of bank passbook, most recent imprints update, and unique • Recheck the data before presenting the application. • Take a print out of the affirmation/submitted application and secure it for future reference. Step by step instructions to check TS Epass Scholarship status online 2016-17 : • Visit the official site of Epass System i.e., telanganaepass.cgg.gov.in. • page. In the official page tap on the connection 'Know Your Application Status' on the landing • Select either Post Matric or Pre Matric. • number, SSC go out the year, date of birth. Enter the points of interest like application number, scholastic year, SSC corridor ticket • After entering the points of interest tap on 'Get Status' catch. • The application status will be shown on the screen. • Check it and take a printout of it and keep it secure for future reference. Ts/AP epass more information to click here....