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Welcome Employment Programs for Special Target Populations: Homeless Individuals Bidders ’ Webinar. Telephone Lines are Muted Presenters Rebekah Lashman, Commonwealth Corporation Theresa Rowland, Commonwealth Corporation April 12, 2013. Dial in to our conference line for the audio.
WelcomeEmployment Programs for Special Target Populations: Homeless IndividualsBidders’ Webinar Telephone Lines are Muted Presenters Rebekah Lashman, Commonwealth Corporation Theresa Rowland, Commonwealth Corporation April 12, 2013 Dial in to our conference line for the audio. Call: 1-888-265-4641When prompted, enter pass-code: 2300388045
Overview of Request for Proposals Grant Application Package Attachments Answers about the RFP or Application Package If you encounter any technical issues during this session please contact Angela Holley at 617-717-6911. Today’s Webinar Will Cover…
Status Attendee List Presentation Area Chat Box
Funding Availability: $1Million Match Requirement: None Duration of Contracts: 2 Years Maximum Amount Per Grant: $250,000 Grant Type: Performance Based Overview
Employers with operations in Massachusetts and that employ Massachusetts residents Nonprofit employers with operations in Massachusetts and that employ Massachusetts residents Business or Industry Associations Labor organizations Community-based organizations, including adult basic education providers Institutions of higher education Vocational education institutions One-stop career centers Local workforce development entities Non-profit education, training and other service providers Local workforce investment boards Page 3 of the Employment Programs for Special Target Populations: Homeless Individuals RFP. Eligible Lead Applicants
This solicitation does not require any specific quantity or type of partners However, successful applicants will demonstrate that they have two types of organizational relationships Business/Employer Relationships Other Program Support Relationships Page 3 of the Employment Programs for Special Target Populations: Homeless Individuals RFP. Partners
Commonwealth Corporation seeks proposals from applicants to prepare, support and place un/underemployed homeless individuals into jobs. Page 4 of the Employment Programs for Special Target Populations: Homeless Individuals RFP. Goals of the Grant Program
Un/underemployed Massachusetts residents, 18 years or older, who are homeless. For the purposes of this RFP, and pursuant with the Stewart B. McKinney Homeless Act, a homeless individual is an individual who lacks a fixed, regular, and adequate nighttime residence. It also includes persons whose primary nighttime residence is either: A supervised publicly or privately operated shelter designed to provide temporary living accommodations (including welfare hotels, congregate shelters, and transitional housing for mentally ill), An institution that provides a temporary residence for individuals intended to be institutionalized, or A public or private place not designed for, or ordinarily used as, a regular sleeping accommodations for human beings Underemployed Working part-time (fewer than 35 hours per week), OR Working in a low-wage job ($14 or less per hour), OR Working multiple jobs Target Population • Page 4 of the Employment Programs for Special Target Populations: Homeless Individuals RFP.
Applicants should propose a set of services that are necessary for the target population to enter employment. Page 4 of the Employment Programs for Special Target Populations: Homeless Individuals RFP. Program Services
Written Statement from an Individual Providing Temporary Residence Written Statement from Shelter/Social Service Agency Letter from Commonwealth of Massachusetts EOHHS Agency (for Foster Child and State Custody Youth, only) Applicant Statement if no other forms of documentation are available – must be supported with a corroborative contact or reliable witness Telephone verification if other forms of documentation are not readily available Document inspection if provided document cannot be legally photocopied Page 5 of the Employment Programs for Special Target Populations: Homeless Individuals RFP and Questions & Answers posted on Commonwealth Corporation’s website. Participant Eligibility
Payments will be contingent upon enrollments and job placements 50% of grant award allocated toward each milestone Payments per participant will be calculated based upon planned enrollments and job placements Enrollment = an individual must have attended a minimum of 75% of the scheduled class days for a two week period Job placement = an individual must have retained continuous employment for 30 days with the same employer Example Organization X is awarded a grant of $250,000 and agrees to serve 50 participants and place 30 participants into jobs. $125,000 allocated for enrollments This is the maximum that the organization can be paid for enrollments Per Participant Enrollment Payment = $2,500 $125, 000 allocated for job placements This is the maximum amount the organization can be paid for job placements Per Participant Job Placement Payment = $4,166 Page 8 of the Employment Programs for Special Target Populations: Homeless Individuals RFP. Payment Terms-Performance Based
Attachment A: Letter of Intent Form Required Due May 15, 2013 at 5pm Submit via email tosrs@commcorp.orgp.org Page 9 of the Employment Programs for Special Target Populations: Homeless Individuals RFP. Letter of Intent
Part 1: Application Summary Form Part 2: Application Narrative Form Part 3: Budget & Budget Narrative Forms (Excel) Part 4: Outcome Chart Form (Excel) Part 5: Certificates of Good Standing Part 6: Certification Pages 10-11 of the Employment Programs for Special Target Populations: Homeless Individuals RFP. Application Package
Cover Page Summary Level Information Project Summary will be shared publicly for all organizations awarded funding Page 10 of the Employment Programs for Special Target Populations: Homeless Individuals RFP. Part 1: Application Summary Form
Narrative Questions Do not exceed 15 pages Feel free to provide additional information beyond the questions we have provided Page 10 of the Employment Programs for Special Target Populations: Homeless Individuals RFP. Part 2: Application Narrative Form
Forms are in Excel File Detailed instructions on Part 3 in RFP Budgets will be used to evaluate applications Payments will be issued on performance basis Budget Form (3a) Summary Level Formulas to calculate cost per enrollment & cost per outcome These rates will become the basis for distributing funds on a performance basis Budget Narrative (3b) Narrative explaining how funds will be used Rate @ Unit calculations Actual Costs vs. Cost Allocation Page 10 of the Employment Programs for Special Target Populations: Homeless Individuals RFP. Part 3: Budget & Budget Narrative Forms (EXCEL)
Form in Excel file Detailed instructions on Part 4 in RFP Outcome Rate Formulas Page 10 of the Employment Programs for Special Target Populations: Homeless Individuals RFP. Part 4: Outcome Chart Form (EXCEL)
Must be submitted for all partners benefiting financially from grant funds Complete Part 5 to determine which partners must submit a Certificate of Good Standing (C.O.G.S.) C.O.G.S. must be less than 6 months old Certificates of Good Standing may be accessed online Allow time for any delay in receiving C.O.G.S C.O.G.S are required and must be submitted in order to meet threshold criteria Submit as PDF file Page 10 of the Employment Programs for Special Target Populations: Homeless Individuals RFP. Part 5: Certificates of Good Standing
Must be signed by an authorized signatory for the lead applicant Submit as PDF file Page 11 of the Employment Programs for Special Target Populations: Homeless Individuals RFP. Part 6: Certification
Evaluation Process and Criteria • Process • Threshold Screening • Compliance Screening • Scored based on 6 criteria • See Page 13 for list of criteria & point values • Commonwealth Corporation reserves the right to consider other criteria in making competitive awards. • Pages 12-13 of the Employment Programs for Special Target Populations: Homeless Individuals RFP.
Monday, July 1, 2013 12:00 noon Electronic copy sent to srs@commcorp.org Page 9 of the Employment Programs for Special Target Populations: Homeless Individuals RFP. Application Submission
Thank You!Employment Programs for Special Target Populations: Homeless IndividualsBidders’ Webinar Additional Questions Additional questions will be accepted until June 14, 2013 Email all questions to trowland@commcorp.org All Questions & Answers will be posted to www.commcorp.org