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Junior English: American Literature Lauren Gustafson D-10. Welcome! Please find a seat or an empty place to stand. The information from this presentation also appears on the class syllabus, which is on my website for your viewing. Click on the link for Per. 3, 4, & 5 – Junior English.
Junior English: American LiteratureLauren Gustafson D-10 Welcome! Please find a seat or an empty place to stand. The information from this presentation also appears on the class syllabus, which is on my website for your viewing. Click on the link for Per. 3, 4, & 5 – Junior English. http://www.foothillfalcons.org/apps/pages/index.jsp?uREC_ID=77190&type=u
Personal Background & Education • I am a proud Bay Area native. I grew up in Pleasant Hill, attending College Park High School (which is also home of the Falcons!) and graduating in the top 1% of my class. • I attended the University of California, Santa Barbara, where I obtained a B.A. in English, with Highest Honors. I also participated in UCSB’s Study Abroad Program (spending a semester in Spain) and interned with its Writing Program. • I also obtained my Masters of Education degree from UCSB, as well as a single subject California teaching credential in English. • I previously taught 7th, 9th, and 11th grade in Santa Barbara. • I have taught 9th, 10th, and 11th grade (college prep and Honors) during my five years at Foothill High, and I am pleased and honored to be working with your students this year!
Curriculum • Junior English is an integrated, California Language-Arts Content Standards-aligned course, meaning that students will meet the requirements of the California English Language-Arts Content Standards for grade 11. These may be viewed online at:http://www.cde.ca.gov/be/st/ss/documents/elastandards.doc • The course focuses on American literature and the themes characteristic of historical periods. • Students will study a variety of literary genres, i.e. novels, poetry, drama, short stories, and non-fiction.
Literary Movements and Texts • Colonialism, core text: The Crucible & anthology selections • Rationalism, anthology selections • Romanticism, anthology selections • Realism, anthology selections • Modernism, core text: The Great Gatsby & anthology selections, possible supplemental text: A Streetcar Named Desire • Postmodernism/Contemporary Literature: anthology selections, possible supplemental texts: The Catcher in the Rye, One Flew Over the Cuckoo’s Nest, and/or Joy Luck Club
Grading • A = 90% and above, B = 80-89%, C = 70-79%, D = 60-69%, F = below 60% • I will be using a standards-based, weighted grading system. Grades are weighted as follows: Listening, Speaking & Participation = 15%, Reading = 40%, Writing = 45% • Since this is a semester course, quarter grades will continue cumulatively after the 1st and 3rd quarters. • Note: The English department requires a satisfactory submission according to assignment standards on all of the major writing assignments for each course in order for the students to have met the course requirements, regardless of other points accrued which may total a passing grade. Without these writing assignments, the student will fail the course. In order to complete the course requirements, the writing must be made up, even when all of the points possible have been lost due to late work. • Students are responsible for keeping graded work and for knowing their current grade at all times. They may request a grade printout or access their grades online through the Zangle student (https://sis.pleasanton.k12.ca.us/studentconnect/) or parent portal (https://sis.pleasanton.k12.ca.us/parentconnect/).Use the password from walk through registration. If you have misplaced your password, email zanglehelp@pleasanton.k12.ca.us to request one.
Assessment & Routines • SAT Vocabulary & Greek/Latin Roots: weekly lists (review of lists on Mondays, verbal review of contextual sentences on Wednesdays, and quizzes on Fridays) • Literary comprehension & analysis: reading comprehension quizzes/tests, guiding questions, additional assignments, etc. Notes on literary terms and devices are usually taken on Tuesdays. • Grammar and Punctuation: notes and grammar exercises (typically on “Writing Wednesdays”), quizzes/tests • SSR: sustained, silent, recreational reading on Fridays, with the possibility of accompanying assignments/projects. *Parents need to approve their students’ SSR books of choice by signing the SSR log once per book. • Essays: timed or processmajor writing assignments using various modes of discourse (reflection, research, responses to literature, etc.), with a particular focus on response to literature. Students will be required to keep a portfolio of major writing assignments throughout the year to document their progress. Process essays must be in MLA format and will also be submitted to turnitin.com. • Oral presentations& Projects: students will deliver not only polished, formal oral presentations but will also analyze and evaluate media communications. Some projects (both individual and group) will require the use of the library and electronic media to enhance work.
Homework/Late Work Policies • Students should record homework assignments each day and keep their binders organized. • Students should expect to have homework every night, especially reading and writing/note-taking. • Only students who have excusedabsences may make up work (one day per excused absence). They are responsible for determining missed assignments and for making appointments with the teacher for test make-ups; this must be done on the day that they return from an absence. Otherwise, no late work will be accepted (exception: major writing assignments may be submitted late but will be severely reduced in points). • Major assignments such as essays and projects are due on the exact due date whether or not the student is in school.
Student Materials • A class binder with loose-leaf paper and dividers labeled: HOMEWORK, NOTES, VOCABULARY, WRITING & GRAMMAR, HANDOUTS, RETURNED WORK, SSR. • FHS agenda book (organizer/student handbook) or assignment calendar • Pocket stapler • Black/blue pens and pencils with erasers • Timeless Voices, Timeless Themes literature anthology • Texts being studied (I recommend that students purchase their own copies for annotating purposes but doing so is not required.) • Self-selected and parent-approved SSR book • Recommended: colored pencils, highlighters, post-it notes, pocket dictionary/thesaurus, and a composition book/journal
Other information… • For information concerning other class policies, rules/consequences, work standards, and class materials, please see your student’s course syllabus.
Communication • If you have specific concerns or questions, please contact me via email or phone. • Phone: (925) 461-6600 ext. 5810 • Email: lgustafson@pleasanton.k12.ca.us • Conferences by appointment: Before school: 7:00 - 7:30 After school: 3:15 – 3:45 During school: 1st period (prep) • Please note: I am able to respond to emails more quickly than voice messages.
Wish List ( things that I can always use for student projects & assignments) • Smaller items that need regular replenishing:Kleenex/tissue boxes, colored construction paper (we go through this very fast),hanging files, file folders, scrapbooking/decorative items, binder clips, whiteboard erasers, dry erase markers, rulers, tape, hand sanitizer, white out, staples, glue sticks, poster board, white board cleaner, markers (both thin & thick), colored pencils, crayons, post-it notes, colored sticky tabs, white printer paper • Larger items :a document writer/camera, a HP laserjet printer, an "art cart" (or something similar that stores art supplies neatly), staplers, medium/large paper cutter, books for the classroom library (that are age and content appropriate), yard stick, etc. • Note: I appreciate contributions, but I understand if you are unable to make any! Thank you.
If there is extra time… • Please complete the “Back to School Night Parent Information Form.” This will provide me with additional information that can help me to meet the needs of your student. • Find your student’s “I Hear America Singing” poem poster on the wall and glow with pride. • Thank you for attending! It has been a pleasure meeting you, and I look forward to having a great year with your student!