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Schizophrenia Symptoms and Etiology

Schizophrenia Symptoms and Etiology. Bizarre delusions, hallucinations, inappropriate affect, incoherent thought, odd behavior Genetic basis: Identical twins: 45%; Fraternal twins & sibs: 10% Prenatal trauma, infection, stress. First Antischizophrenic Drugs. Chlorpromazine Snake root plant

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Schizophrenia Symptoms and Etiology

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  1. Schizophrenia Symptoms and Etiology • Bizarre delusions, hallucinations, inappropriate affect, incoherent thought, odd behavior • Genetic basis: Identical twins: 45%; Fraternal twins & sibs: 10% • Prenatal trauma, infection, stress

  2. First Antischizophrenic Drugs • Chlorpromazine • Snake root plant • Reserpine

  3. Dopamine Theory of Schizophrenia • Similarity of effects • 2-3 weeks after • Mild tremors at rest; muscular rigidity, decrease in voluntary movement • DOPAMINE!

  4. Dopamine Theory • Reserpine: dopamine antagonist (leaky vesicles) • Stimulants trigger schizophrenic episodes • Carlsson and Lindqvist: drug action of chlorpromazine

  5. Binding Affinity • Snyder – Binding Affinity • Haloperidol • Chlorpromazine (the phenothiazines) – equal affinity to D1 and D2 • Haloperidol (butyrophenones) – highest affinity to D2 receptors • Schizophrenia – excess activity at D2??

  6. Unanswered Questions • D2 receptors are not the one and only • Glutamate, GABA, serotonin • Clozapine • Wide-spread damage • Small cerebral cortices, large ventricles

  7. Affective DisordersSymptoms and Etiology • Clinical depression • Mania • Bipolar (1%) vs. Unipolar (6%) • Causes: Reactive or endogenous • Genetic, stress

  8. Anti-depressant Drugs • Iproniazid – MAO Inhibitor • Cheese effect • Imipramine – Tricyclic • Lithium • Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitor • Selective Norepinephrine Inhibitor

  9. Theories of Depression • Tricyclic – serotonin and NE agonists • Diathesis-Stress Model

  10. Anxiety DisordersSymptoms and Classification • FIVE CLASSES • Generalized anxiety • Phobic anxiety • Panic disorders • OCD • PTSD • Etiology

  11. Pharmacological Treatment • Benzodiazepines (Librium, Valium) • GABA • Serotonin Agonist (Buspirone) • Neural Basis

  12. Tourette’s Syndrome • Symptoms and Etiology • Brain Mechanisms and Treatment • Basal ganglia; Limbic Cortex; Association Cortices • Antischizophrenic Drugs

  13. Development of New Drugs

  14. Have we become a society that believes in better living through chemistry?

  15. Placebo Effect??

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