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APPEAL and Neutrinos Advanced Physics with Photons Electrons And Lasers - Leptons

APPEAL and Neutrinos Advanced Physics with Photons Electrons And Lasers - Leptons Hiro Ejiri RCNP Osaka JASRI Spring-8, ICU July 29, 05 A view from the Ejiri’s. g - n probes are complementary. n e W s* u u d d. Pi +Pn ~0.

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APPEAL and Neutrinos Advanced Physics with Photons Electrons And Lasers - Leptons

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  1. APPEAL and Neutrinos Advanced Physics with Photons Electrons And Lasers -Leptons Hiro Ejiri RCNP Osaka JASRI Spring-8, ICU July 29, 05 A view from the Ejiri’s

  2. g - n probes are complementary n e W s* u u d d Pi +Pn ~0

  3. I. LEPS Project1994 -9---- 200x • 1. RCNP New frontier projects, Quark Lepton (Neutrino) Nucleon(H.R) Nuclear Physics • 2. Quark Nuclear Physics with Laser Electron Photons (multi GeV :Eg ~ k Ee2 polarized g’s) from Spring 8 (highest quality Ee=8 GeV 3. Agreement of JASRI & RCNP, and startR&D.Directors H. Ejiri and H. Kamitsubo.M. Date(JAERI) II. PEARL Idea Photon Electron Accumulator Ring Lab. 1998. New ring for Eg – sub. 8 GeV. Electrons with 4 1033/ cm2 sec. It is timely to start LEPS II in 2004. 9.

  4. GeM Photons :GeV-MeV Laser Electron photons • GeM LEPS Spring-8 are unique probes • Real photons in a wide energy range of multi GeV – MeV • Energy spectra with peak at the max energy. • Polarizations ~ 100 % for E1-M1 vector axialvector

  5. Advanced Physics with Photons Electrons and Neutrinos http://www.spring8.or.jp/e/conference/appeal/ • Present talk • I. APPEAL and Neutrinos: EM/g versus Weak/n • II. EM/g probes for Quark Nuclear Physics • II. EM/g probes for Lepton/n-DM nuclear physics • III. Concluding Remarks • ---Comments on the LEPS II project ---

  6. I. APPEAL and Neutrinos APPEAL is of great interest for quark n nuclear physics Physics interests to be studied in nuclear physics Constituents & Interactions of Universe/Cosmology A. Fundamental properties of n’s beyond SM Simple weak particle, n, is a key for new physics, B. Dark Matter and Super symmetry particle (LSP Neutralino). Major mass of the universe, and a key for new symmetries. C. Origins and structures of Baryons and Nuclei. Major strongly interacting particles , astro- nuclear physics. bb-n probesfor n mass nature, CP. n/g for n nuclear response. DM LSP scattering off nuclei, n/g for DM nuclear interactions n/g/N-probes for QCD hadron structures and interactions

  7. Nuclear EW(EMg, n,m,) Strong(N,K,p) probes 1. DM, n, Baryons are studied in nuclearmicro laboratories, with nucleons in quantum states, to select / enhance signals. 2. Here, DM, n, quark/barion nuclear responses are crucial. 3. EW(EM g, n,m,) and Strong( N,K,p) probes are complementary. 4. g can be EM probe,tagged quark/meson ( gK- =K+) K, Meson Tagged quark probe Gluon probe g EM probe

  8. II. EM/g probes for Quark nuclear physics

  9. A. Quark spin-flavor waves in a nuclear medium • Nucleon spin isospin waves • GT s resonance (Fujita Ikeda 1964) • sr resonance (Ejiri Fujita Ikeda 1968) g [ H.T ] ~ ET, T = t, s, ts, st Y Q+(s) = S aiQi coherent/in-phase sum over nucleons in one HO shell. Resonance with enhanced cross section at high/low excitation region t、ts resonances/waves : crucial in astro-nuclear reactions and transmutations

  10. Quark spin isospin wave N D g p

  11. Flavor-spin waves g • K K Flavor spin flip = Anti-s Strangeness flip d s N X gK=K* X : L, S, Q X can be at rest by K N X

  12. B. Spin parity of Q+spin observables • Triple spin correlation • S = [s(p/2) - s(0)]/[s(p/2) + s(0)] = -1 at Q=1 reaction plane, • Ri = Rf with R = P exp(i p Sn), DSn = even/odd as Pi=+/- Pf • Linear pol. Perpendicular –Parallel+ Initial and final N spin up • S incrases at Q < 1 if Q+ is positive and p-wave K decay. • S remains -1 at Q < 1 if Q+ is negative and s-wave K decay. • Here Q is the angle of K+ to the incident N in the rest Q frame. A. Titov, H. Ejiri, H. Haberzettl, K. Nakayama. PR D C71 (2005) 035203

  13. A. Titov, H. Ejiri, H. Haberzettl, K. Nakayama. PR D C71 (2005) 035203

  14. C. Nucleon/Baryon spin carriers: ud, ss*, orbital, gluons • M1/E2 moments (diagonal and transition moments ) by pol. g asymmetry to probe spin carries. • HIGS 0.01 GeV for D M1/E1 excitations • LEGS 0.1 GeV for D q-spinflip and orbital excitation • LEPS 1 GeV for flavor non-pertabative QCD • 1. s-sspin content. • C.f. n beam for s content

  15. III. EM/g probes for Weak/n-LSP

  16. DM, n, Baryon study in nuclearmicro laboratories • Nuclei , being made of nucleons in quantum states, are • excellent micro-laboratories to study fundamental physics interests, enhancing & selecting signals/BG’s. • bb decays in nuclei, where n-exchange between 2 n is enhanced by 107, and BG single b is forbidden. • DM, n, quark/barion nuclear responses are crucial. n bb

  17. Neutrino and Neutralino sectors in nuclear physics • Neutrino nuclear physics n-mass, spectrum, nature Majorana, CP-phases by 0nbb with 10 meV. T0n = |M0n<mn>|2 H. Ejiri, JPS(2005) Invited Review Paper • DM/LSP nuclear physics TDM = |MDM|2rDM J. Vergados H.Ejiri, PLB606 2005 313 • Astro n nuclear reaponse

  18. Present

  19. Nuclear probes for n response studiesEW(EMg, n,m,) Strong(N,K,p) H. Ejiri, Phys. Rep. 338 (2000) 265. Charged (t+,t-) and neutral (t3) Vector (sS S=0) and axial vector (sS S=1) Isospin <tYL> and spin isospin <tsYL>J • 0nbb L=0,1,2,3,4,5, E < 50 MeV Supernova n L = 0,1. E < 50 MeV Weak, EM, and hadron probes for spin isospin responses for n

  20. I. Photons : neutral & charged weak currents g + A = A’ for n + A = n + A’, g + A = IAS B for b + A = n + B, g + A = p + B for b + A = n + B <f |b Mb| i> = b /e <f | eMg |T- i> = b/e (2T)1/2 <f | eMg | IAS> H. Ejiri PRL 21 ’68, H. Ejiri PR 38 ‘78 T,Tz=5,4 T_=IAS T\ T,Tz=5,5 g b T,Tz=6,6 T,Tz=6,6 T,Tz=5,5 bb T,Tz=4,4 H.Ejiri, JPS(2005) Invited Review Paper

  21. Photo-excitation of IAS • Cross section∫s dE = k G(g) = h B(EM-L) • Use Ig ~ 108/0.2 MeV, T ~ 30 mg / MeV, Gt ~ 0.2 MeV • B(EM1)   s(EM 1) mbY/sec • E1 0.5/(2T) 2.050 • M1 0.3/(2T) 0.15 4

  22. HIGS (High Energy g source) and RCNP • Linear pol. g Eg = 2~5 MeV by 670 nm laser off 0,3 ~ 4 GeV e.E1/M1 strength on D from azimuthal distribution • B(M1) EM excitation by • g HIGS Tornow et al., • B(MI) (7Li, 7Be) charge exchange reaction at RCNP Osaka S. Nakayama….Ejiri….

  23. Electron probes for weak responses • e+ n n e - • B* B * C • . A.Probe E MeV I s cm2 Reaction T- Mo Yield /y Electron 20 1 mA 10-40 (e,ng) 10 gr/cm2 1.1 105 Positron 20 1012/s 10-40 (e,ng) 10 gr/cm2 1.8 102 * 20 MeV electron range 12 gr/cm2 Experiments Real time measurements with highly segmented detectors to reduce accidental coincidence from EM processes. Off-beam b activity of B* to get total strength. B. Internal beam L ~ 4.1033/cm2s Y / y = 12 for s = 10-40

  24. IV. Concluding remarks 1. LEPS-2 is encouraged, as well as neutrinos and DM physics, A. To promote further the quark nuclear physics programs for non-perturbative QCD through quark nuclear spectroscopy. B. Nuclear response studies for n and DM LSP studies . 2. LEPS 1-2, together with high-resolution nuclear spectroscopy at Osaka and n-LSP at Oto, are complementary to each other, and are potential bases of a new COE at East Asia, APPEAL (Advance Physics with photons, Electrons And Leptons) 3. The COE of nuclear physics was established in 1990’s to promote low-energy nuclear physics at Osaka/Oto/Spring-8. Let’s start the new APPEAL, to be complementary to J-PARK, J-lab, LNG, etc. with existing core facilities (8-GeV symchrotron-ring, 0.25 GeV linac, Oto lab. Ring) andwith core groups from the East-North-West universities in Japan, Asia, and in the world.

  25. APPEALAdvanced Physics with Photons Electrons And Leptons J-PARC Japan Proton AcceleratorResearch Complex3-50 GeV p, K,n. n RCNP Osaka p,He Cyclotron n-res. KEK e-collider B-fatoy CP, n New COE APPEAL RIKEN HI cyclotron SK/KamLAND Underground lab. n-osc. K2K, T2K.n / SN, the sun and earth, Spring-8 8 GeV e, GeV- MeV pol. g, quark-nuclei Oto under ground lab. bb-n, DM in nuclei

  26. RCNP Osaka Research Center for Nuclear Physic J-PARC 3GeV p n • Present talk , Neutrinos and photons for symmetries and spin physics, A, B, and C. • A. bb-n mass at Oto underground lab. and future bb project MOON • B. n-nuclear responses by nuclear probes at RCNP and n probes at J-PARC • C. GeV-MeV photons for quarks and astro nuclei.

  27. Nuclear response M2nfor 2nbb.2 real s-wave n’s via GT and F states. GT-GR cancels, and low ST with effective gA derived from experiments. H. EjiriPR 338 02 76Se(n,p) at 0.198 GeV TRIUMF Helmer et al.PR C55 ’97, 2802 State MeV GT(np) pn M2n 0.05 ~0.1 A 2.65 ~ 0.16 B 0.047/me, 2nbbExp. 0.065.

  28. SCSS Impact on science should be considered. A half Billion Project at Spring-8 from 2005 for 0.1 nm FEl http://www-xfel.spring8.or.jp The 8 GeV linac/synchrotron are of potential interest for effective use. The 0.25 GeV linac is of potential keV X-rays to produce 8 GeV g

  29. Low energy Neutrinos Complementary to GeV-MeV g p + Hg  np+ p+  m+ +nmm+ e+ + ne + nm Intense ( ~1015/sec) n’s with 1 MW p, time structures and n spectra in the E region of the astro nuclear particle physics interest. • Intense n of 1015/sec and large detectors(10 tons) fors ~ 10-41-42 cm2 • Source E GeV Np Nn / 4pDetector • SNS 1 9.5 10159.4 1014 NuSNS • J-PARC 3 2 10154 1014 MOON-type • J-PARC is of potential interest for low energy n beams. NuSNS http://www.phy.ornl.gov/nusns/ H. Ejiri NIM, 503 (2003) 276 H. Ejiri Nucl. Phys. Proc. 2005 NuFact 04

  30. References Nuclear n responses review H.Ejiri, Phys. Rep. 338 (2000) 265. Review bb H.Ejiri, JPS(2005) Invited Review Paper ELEGANT bb H. Ejiri, et al., Phys. Rev. 65 (2001) 065501 MOON bb solar n H.Ejiri, J.Engel, G.Hazama, P.Krastev, N.Kudomi, R.G.H.Robertson, Phys, Rev. Lett.,85 (2000) 2917 Supernova n H.Ejiri, J.Engel, N.Kudomi, PL B530 (2002) 27 Rev. bb and n-responses H. Ejiri Nucl. Instr. Methods, 503 (2003) 276 H. Ejiri Nucl. Phys. Proc. 2005 NuFact 04

  31. NNR05 Workshop Neutrino Nuclear Responses inbb and Low-energy Astro-n’sDec. 2-4, 2005.CAST visit SPring-8 1. Nuclear responses for bb-n 2. Charge exchange reactions for bb-n’s 3. Astro n nuclear interactions 4. Nuclear EM g/e and weak probes for n nuclear responses. 5. DM and Related subjects. http://www.spring8.or.jp/e/conference/appeal/nnr05/ ,

  32. NDMWelcomeEM・g as a partner of Electro-Weak n/LSP NDM03 H. Ejiri I. Ogawa

  33. Thank you for attention

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