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Discover why protecting water quality matters for everyone. Learn about stormwater runoff, the EPA's MS4 Program, and how you can help reduce water pollution with easy steps. Take action to safeguard lakes, rivers, and streams for a healthier environment.
Did You Know…? • We all live on multiple lakes or streams • It’s true -- we might not be able to see it from our window, but it’s there. It might be a small stream or ditch or even the storm drain in the street. All of these lead to a river or lake, which ultimately connect to the oceans.
The area of land that contributes to a specific lake or stream is called its watershed
What is Storm Water? Stormwater is water that accumulates on land as a result of rain or melting snow, including runoff from urban areas such as roads and roofs.
Untreated When it rains or when snow melts, storm waterflows through pipes or ditches and drainsuntreated into lakes, rivers and streams, carrying pollutants with it.
But the real water pollution comes from factories, right? • According to the US EPA, the primarycause of water pollution in the US today is contaminated storm water runoff. • A Salt Creek study produced for IDEM showed a 55 percent reduction in bacteria from sources other than factories is needed to meet standards.
MS4Program • Because stormwater runoff is such a problem nationwide, the EPA created the MS4 Permit Program.
An MS4 Community owns or operates a systemfor collecting and conveying storm water, such aspipes or ditches, in an urban or urbanizing area.Importantly, this system is separate from sewage treatment, so none of the water is treated before being released.
What does the MS4 Program Do? Through 6 required MinimumControl Measures to improve water quality Reduces water pollution from stormwater runoff.
Six Control Measures • Public Education and Outreach • Public Participation and Involvement • Illicit Discharge Detection and Elimination • Construction Site Run-off Control • Post-Construction Stormwater Management • Pollution Prevention and Good Housekeeping at Municipal Operations
Four Simple Steps • Here are some simple steps you can follow to help keep our water clean. • Give them a try. A few simple changes can make a big difference! • Plus, you’ll save time and money in the process.
Step 1: Use Chemicals With Care – They Don’t Belong Out There
Think, would you want to consume it? • Remember all storm drains are untreated.Any chemical which enters drains are consumed by anything which uses the water, including humans and wildlife. If you would not consume the chemical, be sure to keep it out of the storm drain so nothing ends up consuming it down the waterway.
Action Examples • Sweep it.Do you have extra fertilizer, grass clippings, or dirt on your driveway? Sweep it back onto your lawn. Hosing your driveway sends these pollutants into storm drains that lead to our lakes and streams. • Only rain in the drain.Never dump motor oil, chemicals, pet waste, dirty or soapy water, or anything else down the storm drain. All of these materials pollute our lakes and streams. Watch for household hazardous waste collections in your area • Care for your car. Cars are full of chemicals including gasoline, oil, antifreeze, and brake fluid. Cars also require the use of detergents and waxes. Make sure that all of these chemicals stay out of storm drains. • Label it.Volunteer to label storm drains in your neighborhood to inform residents that storm drains flow directly to our lakes and streams. Encourage citizens to contact their local community for more information on storm drain stenciling programs.
Step 2: Use the Can, Not the Land – On the Ground, In the Water
Fertilizer • Improper fertilization (e.g., leaving fertilizer on paved surfaces, using improper type, applying on frozen ground) harms our water. Improper fertilization causes it to get into storm drains in streets, which empty into lakes and rivers. Fertilizer in lakes and rivers causes algae to grow, which uses oxygen that fish need.
Action Examples Clean up after your pet Prompt and proper disposal If left on the ground, it can raise bacteria levels in water bodies. Pick up litter and debris Trash on the ground can be swept into rivers and lakes by stormwater. Chemicals can leach off large items left on the ground outside such as appliances. Fertilize Caringly Fertilize in the fall. Keep it on the lawn. Use a fertilizer meant for the lawn. Follow directions and be patient. Make fertilizer-free zones.
Outside Water Use • Water wisely. Generally, your lawn needs about an inch of water a week. Overwatering lawns results in shallow-rooted plants that are less tolerant of heat and drought, and more prone to disease. Avoid overwatering by using a rain gauge and watering only when necessary, instead of on a fixed schedule. • Improve your aim. Adjust your sprinklers to water only your lawn and plants — not your driveway, sidewalk, or street. • Use mulch. Place a thick layer of mulch (e.g., four inches) around trees and plants. This helps retain water, reduce weeds, and minimize the need for pesticides. • Mow high. Make your lawn cheaper and easier to maintain by mowing high (three inches is recommended). Longer grass has deeper roots and requires less water.
Indoor Water Use • While indoor waste water is treated, most treatment plants discharge treated water into the streams as well. This discharge adds water to our streams which can lead to erosion of streams when combined with the flow after a large rainstorm. All water conservation is important!
Think, save on shipping! We use 77 gallons of water each day, yet most of the water that falls on our properties flows away just to be sent back to us by city utilities or pumped from groundwater. Save money and water quality by keeping as much storm water on the property as possible.
Rain Barrels • Rain Barrels are an old-fashioned idea that are finding new life in today’s gardens. Did you know that one inch of rainfall on 1000 square feet of roof amounts to 623 gallons of water? At that rate, a 55 gallon rain barrel will fill up pretty fast! • Rain barrels are an easy way to take advantage of all that free water falling from the sky; it makes sense to save it and use it later for watering the lawn and garden, or even washing the car (on the grass, of course). Some gardeners connect soaker hoses to their barrels to make watering effortless! Image courtesy iaswcd.org
Rain Gardens Rain Gardens are more than just pretty places! • Rain gardens are an effective way to reduce runoff pollution and control local flooding and erosion by keeping rainwater in your yard and out of the storm drain. • These gardens recreate a forest meadow or prairie and can collect about 40% more water than conventional lawn. • Location: rain gardens can be placed in a naturally low-lying area of the lawn, or along a road or driveway to catch runoff from paved areas. • Use native flowering plants in your rain garden; once they are established, your garden will need minimal care. Image courtesy iaswcd.org
Permeable Pavement • Save a step and instead of sending water off pavement to rain gardens, just let the water soak through the pavement. • Permeable pavement allows the water which falls on pavement to soak into the ground below the pavement, helping to recharge groundwater and support vegetation in your area.
Rain water is free, so instead of thinking of it as a problem to send down the drain, turn it into a blessing by keeping it on site.
Remember Four Steps to Follow • Use Chemicals With Care – They Don’t Belong Out There • Use the Can, Not the Land – On the Ground, In the Water • Use Water Wisely – It Doesn’t Grow on Trees • Use Water Where it Lands – Why Let it Run Away?
The Fifth Step • Spread the word! • Tell everyone about these four steps to follow.