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1.3 History of marine science

1.3 History of marine science. Ancient explorations 5000 B.C. – 800 A.D. Egypt- 1 st recorded sea voyage (3200 B.C.) Phoenicians- 1 st trade routes through the Mediterranean (used stars and didn’t leave sight of the shore). Ancient explorations cont …

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1.3 History of marine science

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  1. 1.3 History of marine science • Ancient explorations 5000 B.C. – 800 A.D. • Egypt- 1st recorded sea voyage (3200 B.C.) • Phoenicians- 1st trade routes through the Mediterranean (used stars and didn’t leave sight of the shore)

  2. Ancient explorations cont… • Polynesians- navigated through the open oceans • Greeks- developed complex maps including latitude and longitude

  3. Middle ages (800- 1400 A.D.) • Scientific discovery suppressed • Vikings (790- 1100 A.D) – global warming allowed for exploration/trade routes • Complex vessel design • Chinese • Invented magnet compass (1000 A.D) • Vessels designed with ventral rudders and watertight compartments

  4. European voyages of discovery (1400-1700 A.D.) • Vasco de Gama (1469-1424 A.D.)- 1st expedition around Cape of Good Hope to India • Columbus (1469-1524) – discovered the “new” world • Amerigo Vespucci (1454- 1512)- first to recognize S. America as a new continent

  5. Balboa (1500s) – first European to sail in the Pacific • Magellan (1519)- first to sail around the world, circumnavigation • Drake (1577)- Second circumnavigation

  6. Birth of marine science (1700- 1900) • James Cook • 1st scientific ocean expeditions • Invented chronometer in 1735 (clock that works accurately on the ocean) • United States Exploring Expedition (Wilkes expedition) • Proved existence of Antarctica • Gathered flora and fauna • Matthew Maury • Published “physical geography of the sea” • Described global wind and current patterns, making sailing more efficient

  7. Charles Darwin (1831) • Studied coral reef growth • Proposed that seafloor sinks • Proposed theory of natural selection • Challenger expedition (1872) • Mapped the seafloor (discovered Mid-Atlantic Ridge and Marianas Trench) • Discovered organisms in deepest parts of the ocean • Catalogued 715 new genera and 4,717 new species

  8. Twentieth Century • German meteor expedition (1925) • Established patterns of ocean water circulation • Mapped the Atlantic sea floor • Atlantis (1931) • 1st ship designed exclusively for marine science • Confirmed the existence of Mid-Atlantic ridge

  9. Challenger II (1951) • Measured depths of Atlantic, Pacific, Indian Oceans • Found deepest known part of the ocean (10,838 meters, Marianas Trench)

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