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INTRODUCTIONMaking ERA a reality means:Realising a single labour market for researchers, with high levels of mobility between institutions, disciplines, sectors and countries Developing world-class research infrastructures, integrated networked and accessible to research teams from across Europe and the world through the development of new generations of electronic communication infrastructures
Making ERA a reality means:Strengthening research institutions, engaged in effective public-private cooperation and partnership, forming the core of research and innovation ‘clusters’Effectiveknowledge-sharing: open and easy access to the public knowledge base; knowledge transfer and cooperation between public research and industry
Making ERA a reality means:Optimising research programmes and priorities, including the joint programming, implementation and evaluation of public research investments at EU level on issues that go beyond the capacities of individual countriesA wide opening of ERA to the world, with special emphasis on neighbouring countries of the EU and a strong commitment to addressing global challenges with Europe’s partners
Establishment and development of a harmonised Community statistics on Research and Development (R&D) is very important as a evidence base for the development of the European Research Area and in order to enable measuring the progress achieved towards its realisation
Reliable and internationally comparable data of good quality on Research and Development for the Candidate Countries and potential Candidate Countries is needed for: EU accession negotiations Full integration in Community research policy Evaluation of their progress and position, in respect of R&D efforts, among the other EU and non-EU countries 2-3 October 2008 Belgrade
LEGAL BASE FOR ESTABLISHMENT AND DEVELOPMENT OF HARMONSED R&D STATISTICS AT EU LEVELFramework legal act: Decision № 1608/2003/EC of the EP and of the Council concerning the production and development of Community statistics on science and technologyLegal implementation measure: Commission Regulation № 753/2004implementing Decision № 1608/2003/EC of the EP and of the Council as regards statistics on science and technology 2-3 October 2008 Belgrade
TO COME IN LINE WITH EU REGULATIONS REQUIREMENTS IS:Obligatory for the Member States Precondition for accession the EU of the CC Recommendable for the potential CCREQUIREMENTS OF CR № 753/2004 ON R&D AND GBAORD STATISTICSList of R&D indicators to be compiled, their breakdowns and measurement units (HC, FTE, mio national currency)Harmonised R&D concepts, definitions and classifications to be implemented – Frascati manual 2-3 October 2008 Belgrade
Standard classifications to be used (the latest versions of NACE, NUTS, FOS, NABS, ISCED etc.) All classifications are available on Eurostat's Metadata Server RAMONhttp://ec.europa.eu/eurostat/ramon/index.cfm?TargetUrl=DSP_PUB_WELCType of R&D indicators: Obligatory OptionalData sourcesin MS - sample surveys, administrative data sources or others of equivalent quality, or their mixtures 2-3 October 2008 Belgrade
Frequency of data compilation:Biannual (on each odd year) - vast majority of indicators Annual - 3 indicators Four yearly - gender disaggregation of some indicatorsIn practice annual data collection carried out by Eurostat in June and in October covers all data sets required, including revisions of the time series 2-3 October 2008 Belgrade
Deadlines for data transmission to Eurostat:Preliminary R&D results for the annual indicators: T+10 months Final (definitive) R&D results: T+18 months Provisional GBAORD data: T+6 months Final GBAORD data: T+12 months 2-3 October 2008 Belgrade
Confidential data provision Standard transmission format for R&D data delivery to Eurostat (xls) Transmission media - eDAMIS Quality evaluation of R&D data by MS, Eurostat and OECD Pilot studies for developing new variables 2-3 October 2008 Belgrade
INPUT INDICATORS FOR MEASURMENT OF R&D ACTIVITY AT EU LEVELVariables collected by Eurostat directly from the countries INTRAMURAL R&D EXPENDITURE (GERD) By sector of performance By source of funds and sector of performance By civil / military - optional 2-3 October 2008 Belgrade
By type of activity and sector of performance - optionalBy type of costs and sector of performanceBy economic activity, NACE (only BES) By size class (only BES)By source of funds and size class (only BES)By major field of science (HES and GOV) - optionalBy socio-economic objective (only GOV) - optionalBy region (NUTS 2) 2-3 October 2008 Belgrade
R&D PERSONNEL By sector of performance (HC,FTE) By occupation, sex and sector of performance (alternatively to qualification); (HC)By qualification, sex and sector of performance (alternatively to occupation); (HC)By occupation and sector of performance (alternatively to qualification); (FTE)By qualification and sector of performance (alternatively to occupation); (FTE) 2-3 October 2008 Belgrade
R&D PERSONNEL By economic activity (only BES);(HC,FTE)By major field of science and sex (HES and GOV); (HC);(FTE - optional)By region (NUTS 2) and sector of performance; (HC,FTE)By region (NUTS 2), sex and sector of performance (HC) - optionalBy economic activity (NACE) and sex (only BES); (HC)By size class (only BES); (FTE) 2-3 October 2008 Belgrade
RESEARCHERSBy sector of performance (HC, FTE)By sex and sector of performance (HC);(FTE - optional)By qualification, sex and sector of performance; (HC - optional) By qualification and sector of performance; (FTE - optional) By economic activity and sex (only BES);(HC)By economic activity (only BES);(FTE) 2-3 October 2008 Belgrade
RESEARCHERSBy major field of science and sex (HES and GOV); (HC); (FTE - optional) By region (NUTS 2) and sector of performance; (HC, FTE)By region (NUTS 2), sex and sector of performance (HC, FTE - optional) By age groups and sex (HES and GOV); (HC - optional)By citizenship and sex (HES and GOV); (HC - optional)By size class (only BES); (FTE) 2-3 October 2008 Belgrade
GOVERNMENT BUDGET APPROPRIATIONS OR OUTLAYS ON R&D (GBAORD) GBAORD in the provisional budget by socio-economic objectives at NABS chapter level GBAORD in the final budget by socio- economic objectives at NABS chapter level (sub-chapter level - optional) 2-3 October 2008 Belgrade
STANDARDISED APPROACH FOR R&D AND GBAORDDATA COLLECTIONJoint OECD/Eurostat harmonised R & D questionnaire - reduction of burdenComprises 3 modules: Common Core OECD/Eurostat module ESTAT supplementary module OECD supplementary moduleGoes beyond the requirements of EU legal base: includes all variables defined in CR № 753/2004 (obligatory and optional) plus some additional highly required variables (voluntary) 2-3 October 2008 Belgrade
Data validation rules in place within the R&D questionnaire 2-3 October 2008 Belgrade
OECD/Eurostat harmonised R&D questionnaireContains around 50 Tables in two Excel workbooksReceived electronically via eDAMIS from 33 countries: 27 MS; 2 CC and4 Others (CH, IS, NO, RU) Annually three rounds of transmission by the countries to Eurostat:In June: final R&D and provisional GBAORD data In October: preliminary R&D yearly data In December: final GBAORD data 2-3 October 2008 Belgrade
Derived R&D variables (ratio indicators) produced by Eurostat - for international comparisons neutralizing the economic importance of the countries (size differences) R&D expenditure and GBAORD as а percentage of GDP (at national and regional level)R&D INTENSITY IN 2006 For EU-27: 1.84 % - still below the Lisbon target In two MS: > 3 % - SE (3.37%) FI (3.45%) In four MS: (2 % - 3%) - DE, FR, AT, DK In 40 EU regions at NUTS 2: > 2% In 20 of these EU regions: > 3 % 2-3 October 2008 Belgrade
Derived R&D variables (ratio indicators) produced by Eurostat R&D expenditure and GBAORD in Euro per inhabitant GBAORD as а percentage of total general government expenditure R&D personnel as а percentage of activepopulation (at national and regional level)R&D personnel as а percentage of total employment (at national and regional level)EU aggregatescalculated by Eurostat forEU-27, EU-15, EUA-15 2-3 October 2008 Belgrade
EVALUATION OF R&D DATA QUALITYQuality Reports produced by MS cover six quality criteria and cost/burden issue: Relevance Accuracy Timelines and Punctuality Accessibility and Clarity Comparability Coherence Cost and Burden 2-3 October 2008 Belgrade
QUALITY INDICATORSData availability rate; Coefficient of variance; Coverage errors; Measurement errors; Processing errors; Non-response (unit, item); Imputation rate; Coherence between Preliminary and final data; Time spent for R&D data compilation (response burden); Cost of R&D statisticsExample for quality indicator on coherence of R&D expenditure data originating from different sources: Difference between GBAORD data and government - financed GERD data 2-3 October 2008 Belgrade
GBAORD as a % of GERD funded by GOV - reference year 2005 2-3 October 2008 Belgrade
R&D DATA DISSEMINATION AND PUBLICATIONSEurostat data base NewCronos Validated R&D data (including revisions of the time series) are stored into NewCronos under following target timetable: Provisional GBAORD data: T+10 months Preliminary R&D data: T+11 months Final GBAORD data: T+15 months Final R&D data: T+21 months Data availability for 37 countries since 1980: (33 countries based on direct data collection + other sources used for CA, JP, USA, CN) 2-3 October 2008 Belgrade
EUROSTAT PUBLICATIONS News releaseStatistics in Focus Pocket booksStatistical booksAll R&D data and publications can be downloaded in electronic from without charges, through the Eurostat homepage http://epp.eurostat.ec.europa.eu 2-3 October 2008 Belgrade
DEVELOPMENT OF NEW R&D INDICATORSBetter measurement of R&D internationalizationFurther breakdown of ‘GERD funded from abroad’ into: Foreign business enterprise (EU/non-EU) Other national governments (EU/non-EU) Private non-profit organisations Higher education European Commission International organisations OthersThis breakdown is aiming at better measurement of public/private R&D source of funds and monitoring the Barcelona target 2/3 of R&D to be financed by private sources 2-3 October 2008 Belgrade
DEVELOPMENT OF NEW R&D INDICATORSBetter measurement of R&D internationalization Inward FATS R&D expenditure and R&D personnel EU funds for R&D International joint research programs Inter-government research schemesThese new indicators are needed for measurement of: the inflow of money from EU funds devoted to R&D, international co-operation on research and R&D activity performed by European research organizations 2-3 October 2008 Belgrade
STANDARD CLASSIFICATION SUSTEM FOR R&D AND GBAORD DATA PRODUCTION INSTITUTIONAL CLASSIFICATION Four sectors of performance: Business enterprise sector (BES)Government sector (GOV)Higher education sector (HES)Private non-profit sector (PNP) 2-3 October 2008 Belgrade
Five source of funds: Business enterprise sector (BES) Government sector (GOV)Higher education sector (HES) Private non-profit sector (PNP)Abroad NACE rev.1.1 General Industrial Classification of Economic Activities within the EUNACE rev. 2 - for reference year 2009 NUTS 2006 Nomenclature of Territorial Units for Statistics 2-3 October 2008 Belgrade
TYPE OF ACTIVITY Basic research Applied research Experimental development FIELDS OF SCIENCE (2007) Natural sciences Engineering and technology Medical sciences Agricultural sciences Social sciences Humanities 2-3 October 2008 Belgrade
TYPE OF COSTSCurrent costs Labour costs Other current costs Capital expenditure Land and buildings Instruments and equipment OCCUPATIONS - linked to ISCOResearchers Technicians Other supporting staff 2-3 October 2008 Belgrade
FORMAL LEVEL OF EDUCATION (based on ISCED) PhD holders (ISCED 6) Other University degrees and other tertiary diplomas (ISCED 5A and 5B) Other qualifications (ISCED 4 and below) SOCIO-ECONOMIC OBJECTIVES (2007) 01 Exploration and exploitation of the earth 02 Environment 03 Exploration and exploitation of space 04 Transport, telecommunication and other infrastructures 2-3 October 2008 Belgrade
SOCIO-ECONOMIC OBJECTIVES 2007 05 Energy 06 Industrial production and technology 07 Health 08 Agriculture 09 Education 10 Culture, recreation, religion and mass media 11 Political and social systems, structures and processes 12 General advancement of knowledge: R&D financed from General University Funds (GUF) 13 General advancement of knowledge: R&D financed from other sources 14 Defence 2-3 October 2008 Belgrade
OTHER BREAKDOWNSAGE CLASSES (in years): Up to 25 25 to 34 35 to 44 45 to 54 55 to 64 65 and moreSIZE CLASSES (in employees) 0 employees; 1 to 9; 10 to 49; 50 to 249; 250 to 499; 500 and more 2-3 October 2008 Belgrade
CITIZENSHIPNational citizenship Citizenship of other EU Member States Citizenship of other European countries Citizenship of North America Citizenship of central and south America Citizenship of Asia Citizenship of Africa Other citizenship 2-3 October 2008 Belgrade
OUTCOMES FROM THE LATEST R&D NATIONAL SURVEYS IN 12 NEW MS AND WBCDATA SOURCES:Eurostat database: BG; CZ; EE; CY; LV; LI; HU; MT; PL; RO; SI; SK; HR Reference year: 2006UNESCO database: FYROM; CS* Reference year: 2005* Data exclude Montenegro and Kosovo/UNSCR 1244. Serbia and Montenegro data were gathered through UIS surveys conducted during or before 2006, at which time Serbia and Montenegro was a single Member State of UNESCO are presented as such in all graphics. 2-3 October 2008 Belgrade