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Job Analysis, Recruitment, Selection and Induction

Job Analysis, Recruitment, Selection and Induction. Recruitment & Selection – Learning. By the end of this unit you should be able to : Describe the steps in the recruitment & selection process Differentiate between recruitment and selection Write a job description

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Job Analysis, Recruitment, Selection and Induction

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  1. Job Analysis, Recruitment, Selection and Induction Human Resource Management

  2. Recruitment & Selection – Learning By the end of this unit you should be able to: • Describe the steps in the recruitment & selection process • Differentiate between recruitment and selection • Write a job description • Describe the elements of and compile a person specification • Describe and evaluate three internal and six external recruitment methods • Prepare for and conduct a basic selection interview • Compare and contrast alternative selection techniques. Human Resource Management

  3. General Comments • One of the most important HR function • Recruitment versus selection? Are the two different? • Not just about finding the right person for the job but the person that fits the company • Good recruitment should make selection easier • This is the ‘Marketing’ end of HR • Need to comply with the legislation • Who do you involve in the process? • Important to evaluate the process regularly Human Resource Management

  4. Recruitment & Selection Process Human Resource Management

  5. Job Analysis • Identifying the human behaviour necessary for job performance (Schneider & Schmitt 1986) • Process of collecting & analysing information about the tasks, responsibilities and the content of jobs. (Marchington & Wilkinson 2000) • There are a number of different methods Human Resource Management

  6. Task: Uses of Job Analysis What else (other than recruitment and selection) might job analysis be used for in the organisation? • .. • .. • .. • .. • .. Human Resource Management

  7. 9 Methods of Job Analysis • Observation • Diaries • Interviews • Questionnaires • Checklist • Expert analysis • Work participation • Critical incident The following slides summarise the strengths and weaknesses of the four most popular methods Human Resource Management

  8. 1. Observation • Most straightforward • Used anyway • Cost effective • Ease of clarification • Preferably not in isolation • Cognitive work • Observation may affect behaviour • Different observers see different things • Tasks may vary from day to day, month to month etc. Human Resource Management

  9. 2. Work Diaries • Can be very detailed and methodical • Person closest to the job • Cost effective • Good for cognitive tasks • High degree of commitmment from job holder • Heavily on reliant on job holder interpretation • Subjective and sometimes too close to the job Human Resource Management

  10. 3. Interviews • Unstructured to structured • Individual to group • Cocounselling & critical incident • Cost effective • Convenient • Subjective • May not cover everything • Open to bias • Interviewer skills Human Resource Management

  11. 4. Questionnaires • Most sophisticated & complex even computer packages • E.G. PAQ, WPS • Aim to be anti discriminatory • Objective – minimal HR dept involvement • Costly • Need to justify the ROI • Time consuming Human Resource Management

  12. Job Descriptions • “A broad statement of the purpose, scope, duties and responsibilities that are attached to the job, and as such form the basis of the contract of employment” (Gunnigle et al 2002:91) • Will vary slightly across companies • Becoming outmoded because…. • Still important because Human Resource Management

  13. TASK:Elements of a Job Description List the items that you think should be included in a job description? • .. • .. • .. • .. • .. • .. • .. Human Resource Management

  14. TASK:Elements of a Job Description List the items that you think should be included in a job description? • .. • .. • .. • .. • .. • .. • .. Human Resource Management

  15. Person Specification • Outlines the skills and experience necessary to carry out the tasks and responsibilities of a job • “A description of the ideal person that will fit the job ..”(Gunnigle et al 2002:91) Human Resource Management

  16. TASK: Person Specification List the items that you think should be included in a person specification? • .. • .. • .. • .. • .. • .. • .. • .. Human Resource Management

  17. Person Specification • Describes the ideal person for the job & provides a detailed description of the criteria necessary to do the job effectively • Number of important functions: • Describes the ideal person • Helps in deciding where to concentrate search & advertising • Can facilitate short-listing (should differentiate between essential & desirable characteristics, etc) • Can help determine the selection criteria

  18. Person Specification • Should include human characteristics & attributes • Two different approaches normally used • 7 Point plan (Rodger 1952) • Five Point plan (Fraser 1966) • Essential attributes • Desirable attributes • May not be appropriate now because…. Human Resource Management

  19. A good Person Specification The following are the qualities of a good person specification: • It closely matches the job description • It is specific and detailed • It is weighted • It is measurable Human Resource Management

  20. Rodger’s 7 Point Plan • Physical make-up • Attainments • General intelligence • Special aptitiudes • Interests • Disposition • Circumstances Fraser’s 5 Point Plan • Impact on others • Acquired knowledge and qualifications • Innate abilities • Motivation • Adjustment Human Resource Management

  21. TASK: Write your Job Description Human Resource Management

  22. TASK: Write your Person Specification Human Resource Management

  23. Terms & Conditions • Refer specifically to the effort-reward relationship • Play an important role in attracting suitable candidates • Must adhere to employment law statutes

  24. Terms & Conditions • Hours of work • Shift • Payment method and frequency • Holiday entitlement • Bonus • Allowances • Benefits (sick, pension, VHI…..) • Other…dress standards etc. Human Resource Management

  25. TASK: Employment Legislation • Name any pieces of employment legislation which you think affect recruitment and selection? • Can you list the nine grounds of discrimination covered by the equality legislation? • What specific aspects of the recruitment and selection process do we need to be careful about as a result of the legislation? Human Resource Management

  26. Employment Legislation • E E Act, • The 9 grounds for discrimination are: • Specific aspects affected related to • Some particular points about ADVERTISING • Positive action is permitted for over 50’s, sex, disabled and travelling community if the ratio of the numbers in your employment do not reflect the ratio of these categories in your surrounding community Human Resource Management

  27. Questions on articles Flying in the face of the Law • What mistakes did the airline make Recruitment & the Law • How long should records regarding recruitment & selection be kept? • What points should one bear in mind when drafting advertisements for a vacancy • As an employer what can you do to make sure that discrimination does not occur at an interview? • What are the exceptions to the employment legislation? Human Resource Management

  28. Recruitment 3 Functions • Attract a pool of suitable candidates • Deter unsuitable candidates from applying • Create a positive image of the company 2 main approaches Internal and External Human Resource Management

  29. Areas for consideration • Do we recruit Internally or Externally or both? • Which recruitment method or methods should we use? • What should the application process be? (CV, application form, etc.)

  30. TASK: Methods of Recruitment List different methods that organisations can use to recruit a person to fill a vacancy? • .. • .. • .. • .. • .. • .. Human Resource Management

  31. Methods of Recruitment • . • . Human Resource Management

  32. 4 Rules for Cost Effective Recruitment Advertising (Lewis 1985) • Use the most appropriate media • Look for an adequate number of replies • Minimise number of wasted replies • Promote the organisation Human Resource Management

  33. E Recruitment • e-recruiting • general job sites • specialised job sites • chat rooms • newsgroups & company websites • List as many e recruitment sources as you can think of? Human Resource Management

  34. Application Forms • Part of the selection process • Give information relevant to the job/person specification • Need to be mindful of the Equality legislation when designing an application form Human Resource Management

  35. Task: Read CIPD Factsheet - Recruitment • Identify the advantages and disadvantages of using application forms Human Resource Management

  36. Screening & Short-listing • Only works effectively where there is a well-detailed, measurable job description • Those who score high on the short-listing matrix progress to the next round • Poor scorers are eliminated from the process • Helps to remove biases of the short-lister • Use the person specification to help you shorlist • Avoid comparing one application against another

  37. The Selection Phase Human Resource Management

  38. TASK: Choosing Selection Methods List as many different selection methods that organisations might use to select the best candidate for the job. • . • . • . • . • . • . Human Resource Management

  39. The Selection Phase • Suitability is largely determined by the nature of the job & the responsibilities that are attached to it & how well the candidate’s KSAs match the job requirements • Validity refers to the extent to which the selection method used measures that it is suppose to measure • Reliability refers to whether the same selection decision reached would be reached if other individuals made it

  40. The Selection Phase • 4 procedural justice dimensions may form the basis for fairness reactions: • Perceived job relatedness • Opportunity to demonstrate one’s ability • Interpersonal treatment • The propriety of the questions

  41. How to assess the value of a selection method • Practicability • Sensitivity • Reliability – will we get the same result everytime • Validity – does it measure what it is supposed to measure Human Resource Management

  42. Article: Selection Interviewing Factsheet • Give 3 reasons why the interview is a poor selection method • What can an employer to do compensate for the flaws associated with interviewing? • List the advantages and disadvantages of : • A one to one interview • A panel interview • You have been asked to interview candidates for the position of Leisure Attendant. Compose 3 suitable questions to ask at this interview? At least one question must be a behavioural question. Human Resource Management

  43. The Interview • Most widely used selection method • Most criticised • Types of interviews • One to one • Group/Tandem • Panel • Functions of the interview • Mutual preview • Assessment • Negotiation Human Resource Management

  44. The Selection Interview • Can be an accurate means of selection • Structured interviews are more valid than unstructured ones • More accurate if based on detailed job analysis techniques • Appropriate & fairly reliable method for assessing job-relevant social skills • Interviewer accuracy varies & recruitment decisions should always be validated

  45. TASK: Errors/Biases in Selection List some of the errors that you think that an interviewer might make in an interview setting. • . • . • . • . • . • . Human Resource Management

  46. Errors/Biases in Selection Human Resource Management

  47. TASK: Types of Interview Questions Explain each of the following types of questions that can be used in an interviewing session. In your opinion which are the best type of questions to use and why? In your opinion which type(s) should be avoided and why? • Closed • Open • Leading • Hypothetical • Behavioural • Probing • Summarising Human Resource Management

  48. Minimising problems with the Interview • Structured interviewing • Behavioural (past behaviour) • Situational (hypothetical) • Trained interviewers • Preagreed scoring system • Questions should relate only to job and person spec • Use a diverse interview panel • Agree questions in advance and ask same questions to all candidates • Keep interview notes Human Resource Management

  49. TASK: Interviewing As the interviewer list what you would want to cover in an interview? What areas of the person past would you want to gather data on? Based on the above what would be the best structure for an interview? Compose 3 open questions that you could ask a candidate in an interview? Compose 3 behavioural questions that you could ask a candidate in an interview? Human Resource Management

  50. Review Questions • Describe four factors one should take into account when deciding which selection methods to use in an organisation? • Describe three errors that can occur in selection interviewing. Give a practical example of each • What are the best type of questions to use as an interviewer. Give a practical example of each. Human Resource Management

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