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Welcome , Ladies and Gentleman!

Welcome , Ladies and Gentleman!. Present Situation and New Developments. Austria, in the heart of Europe, Inhabitants: 8,452 Mill. ECHA-Austria Verein für Begabungsförderung und Begabungsforschung Association for the Promotion of Giftedness and Talent Research

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Presentation Transcript

  1. Welcome, Ladies and Gentleman! Münster September 2012, Petra Summer ECHA-Austria

  2. Present Situation and New Developments Münster September 2012, Petra Summer ECHA-Austria

  3. Austria, in the heart of Europe, Inhabitants: 8,452 Mill. Münster September 2012, Petra Summer ECHA-Austria

  4. ECHA-Austria Verein für Begabungsförderung und Begabungsforschung Association for the Promotion of Giftedness and Talent Research • Founded 1998 in Salzburg (Franz Mönks, Sieglinde Weyringer) due to high demand on coordination • National association in connection with ECHA-International • ECHA has consultative status at the “Europarat” (Council of Europe) • Serves as a communication network • Promotes information sharing Münster September 2012, Petra Summer ECHA-Austria

  5. Set-up of Presentation • Teacher training-programmes for Gifted Education • Special activities: - Annual ECHA-Conference - “Talent Day“ - Platon Youth Forum - Grundtvig - Project Münster September 2012, Petra Summer ECHA-Austria

  6. Teacher training-programmes for Gifted Education:ECHA-courses • Tradition of ECHA-courses began 15 years ago, Initiator: ECHA-Austria • Cooperation with „Pädagogischen Hochschulen“ (pedagogical colleges) • numerous ECHA-courses all organized according to ECHA-guidelines in 6 of the 9 provinces • official diploma „Specialist in Gifted Education“ • excellent idea found many followers Münster September 2012, Petra Summer ECHA-Austria

  7. Non-ECHA-courses • More or less leaned on the ECHA-guidelines • Similar aims, contents, methods of assessment and other prerequisites • No ECHA-Diploma, but Course Certificate of the pedagogical college Münster September 2012, Petra Summer ECHA-Austria

  8. Courses for Gifted Education in Austria: Statistics • More than 800 ECHA-teachers in Austria in all 9 provinces • Unknown number of graduates of independent courses • Tendency in the last years: More than half of the courses are independent, attended by an increasing number of teachers Münster September 2012, Petra Summer ECHA-Austria

  9. Structure of ECHA-courses Approach: • Theoretical background intermingled with reports on practical experience • 4-5 modules presence, but also self-study • study of literature („ECHA-Reader“) • written exam • Thesis (usually short survey on theory and description of practical experiences in teaching and instruction) • Excursions abroad (Münster, Nijmegen, Basel) or Hospitations of schools who practice Gifted Education • Defensio Münster September 2012, Petra Summer ECHA-Austria

  10. Master Courses • MA-Master of Artscourse “Gifted Education and Coaching“: Danube University Krems, 5 Semester, 120 ECTS Blended Learning • MEd-Master of Education course“Talent-Person- Potential: Value-based Giftedness and Gifted Education”, Church College of Education (KPH) Vienna-Krems: Integration of the religious-ethic-philosophic dimension of education and latest scientific findings of neuro-sciences 6 semester, 120 ECTS Certified Program: 2 semester, ECHA-Diploma and/or voluntarily available(Internationales eVOCATIOn-Zertifikat oder/und ECHA-Diplom) Münster September 2012, Petra Summer ECHA-Austria

  11. Further Teacher Training • Local seminars (e.g. ECHA-Follow-up PH Lower Austria) • Salzburg Conferences (özbf) (every 2 years in November) • Conferences in other parts of Austria and abroad • Annual Austrian ECHA-Conference (eyery year in another province) Münster September 2012, Petra Summer ECHA-Austria

  12. Special activities • Annual ECHA-Conference Melk Abbey, Lower Austria, April 6th - 8th 2011 “Personalized Approach to Gifted Education versus Educational Standards - a Contradiction?” Combination of theoretical lectures with the latest scientific findings and Best-practice examples from schools, associations and institutions offer practical suggestions for the implementation of funding schemes. Münster September 2012, Petra Summer ECHA-Austria

  13. Linz, Upper Austria, April 18th - 20th, 2012 “Turning possibilities into realities:Systemic promotion of giftedness” Münster September 2012, Petra Summer ECHA-Austria

  14. Preview 2013 International eVOCATIOn-Kongress / Symposium of the KPH Vienna / ECHA Conference „Begabung-Person-Pluralität: Personale Begabungsförderung als pädagogische Haltung“ “Talent-Person-Plurality: Personal gifted education as a pedagogical and educational attitude” 28.02. – 02. 03.2012, Akademie der Wissenschaft, Vienna Münster September 2012, Petra Summer ECHA-Austria

  15. Talent Day 2012, March 22nd Presentation of creative projects on the topic "Clever Together. Dialogue of Generations“ • Organisation: The Federal Ministry for Education, Arts and Culture (BMUKK), the Austria's Center for Gifted Education and Talent Research (özbf), the Landesschulräte (Boards of Education) and ECHA-Austria • Nationwide Talent Day as Austrian contribution to the annual European Talent Day (first time in March 2011, Hungarian Initiative) • Theme selected in reference to the EU-annual theme"Active Aging and Intergenerational Solidarity“ • Aspects of the promotion, transfer and appreciation of talent talent across generations are taken up • Every two years Münster September 2012, Petra Summer ECHA-Austria

  16. Talent Day 2012, March 22nd Presentation of creative projects on the topic "Clever Together. Dialogue of Generations“ Münster September 2012, Petra Summer ECHA-Austria

  17. Special activities Platon Youth Forum: In cooperation with University of Salzburg / Department of Education annually since 2004: one-week international summer camp in late July in Salzburg, Obertrum different workshops Münster September 2012, Petra Summer ECHA-Austria

  18. Grundtvig-Project (finished) Democratic Learning Learning in Democracies • referstothefieldsof • participation • civicandpoliticaleducation • Human Rightseducation • Interculturallearning • promotesdialogueandcontroversy • conceives participation as an objective and a means of learning • includes learners from different social and cultural backgrounds • is a concept developped in the Grundtvig Learning Partnership "Democracy Learning in the Process of Life Long Learning" 2005-2007 Partner organisations from Greece, France and Germany http://www.democracy-learning.com/dlearning/ Münster September 2012, Petra Summer ECHA-Austria

  19. Committee Münster September 2012, Petra Summer ECHA-Austria

  20. Membership 15 Euro annual fee, 97 paying members Benefits from full membership: • reduced registration fee at ECHA – Austria conferences (minus 15 Euro) • reduced subscription fee for the "Journal of gifted education" (20% to the price of the annual subscription, please specify when ordering: full member of ECHA-Austria) • free News-Letter "ECHA Austria Info", several times a year electronically Münster September 2012, Petra Summer ECHA-Austria

  21. More information: www.echa-oesterreich.at Thankyouforyourattention! Münster September 2012, Petra Summer ECHA-Austria

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