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Justice and Technology Clinic- A New Model for Delivery John Mayer CALI Ronald W. Staudt

APPS 4 JUSTICE. Justice and Technology Clinic- A New Model for Delivery John Mayer CALI Ronald W. Staudt Chicago-Kent College of Law Center for Access to Justice & Technology. Two Access to Justice Successes!. LSC: TIG grants deliver tools to unrepresented.

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Justice and Technology Clinic- A New Model for Delivery John Mayer CALI Ronald W. Staudt

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  1. APPS 4 JUSTICE Justice and Technology Clinic- A New Model for Delivery John Mayer CALI Ronald W. Staudt Chicago-Kent College of Law Center for Access to Justice & Technology

  2. Two Access to Justice Successes! • LSC: TIG grants deliver tools to unrepresented. • CLEPR delivers law student services to unrepresented. CLEPR = Council on Legal Education and Professional Responsibility 2000- 2010 1968-1978

  3. Need for Legal Services Legal Services Corporation funded agencies complete 1,000,000 cases each year Still: 50% of those seeking legal help at these agencies are turned away 80% of the poor and working poor in the United States do not have access to legal services

  4. Steady rise in self representation in U.S. courts • Significant increases in self representation in CA divorce cases • In 2009 in Chicago, creditor cases tripled, “Therefore, you could say pro se cases have tripled!”

  5. Meeting the Needs of Self-Represented Litigants: A Consumer Based Approach • Research (1999-2001) • SJI grant number: SJI-00-N-248 and other funding partners • Prototype Development (2001 – 2003) • The Joint Simplified Dissolution of Marriage Prototype • A2J Author™ (2004…ongoing) • A factory to produce web-based Guided Interviews • SJI grant numbers: • SJI-04-N-121 & SJI-04-N-121-C06-1 • LSC Technology Initiative Grants: • TIG#60661 (2006):Partners - Legal Aid of Western New York, Pro Bono Net, and Center for Computer Aided Legal Instruction • TIG#07538 etc (2007-2009) :Partners - Idaho Legal Aid Services, Inc. and Center for Computer Aided Legal Instruction

  6. A Consumer Based Approach: Research • Identify the major barriers to access to justice by litigants without lawyers • Ethnographic research in 5 courts, California, Delaware, Colorado & Illinois • Employ the latest in system design methodology to redesign the process • Design Factors, Function Structure, Information Structure, Solution Elements, System Structure

  7. The Prototype: Joint Simplified Dissolution of Marriage

  8. The Prototype: Joint Simplified Dissolution of Marriage

  9. Meeting the Needs of Self-Represented Litigants: A Consumer Based Approach • Prototype Lessons Learned: • The Interface works! • Custom development requires expensive technical expertise • Solution

  10. What is A2J Author? • A graphical user interface designed by Chicago-Kent and CALI for low-income, self-represented individuals

  11. Guided Interviews Intelligent document templates

  12. A2J Author™: Document assembly front-end & more • Document Assembly Petition for a Protection Order

  13. Typical A2J Interview on IllinoisLegalAid.org

  14. Connects to National Server - LawHelpInteractive.org

  15. Completed Documents Delivered to Local Computer

  16. A2J Author Activity-Legal Services & Courts, 2000- 2010 500 A2J Guided Interviews 32 States & 4 countries Petition for a Protection Order 500,000 Court Documents

  17. Two Access to Justice Successes! • LSC: TIG grants deliver tools to unrepresented. • CLEPR delivers law student services to unrepresented. 2000- 2010 1968-1978

  18. Annual hours of law student legal services- in millions/year CLEPR Helps Establish U.S.Clinical Education 1968-1978 1968 1978

  19. Apps 4 Justice Clinics Powerful educational punch. Increase access to justice.

  20. Justice & Technology Practicum2010-2011 • Legal Aid - New A2J Guided Interviews • Guardianship petition • Expungement complaint • Wage theft IDOL claim • etc. • Law Students - • Field observation/help desk • Scope document • Research memo • Storyboard • A2J Guided Interview & HotDocs template

  21. Why Apps 4 Justice clinics deliver powerful education: Deep dive into law, procedure & heuristics Exposure to policy/ethical issues raised by legal services delivery and technology Key competencies for emerging law practice (elawyering, unbundling, web2.0 & “cloud practice”)

  22. Proposed National Initiative:Apps 4 Justice Clinics: 2012-14 • Course materials and distance tools on CALI & Google • 5 clinic pilots with LSC • Matching students to projects • Marketing, evaluation and plan for growth

  23. ROI— Virtuous Circle

  24. Apps 4 JusticeLearning Law by Building SoftwareApril 15, 2011

  25. Justice and Technology Clinic-A New Model for Delivery

  26. APPS 4 JUSTICE Justice and Technology Clinic- A New Model for Delivery John Mayer CALI Ronald W. Staudt Chicago-Kent College of Law Center for Access to Justice & Technology

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