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Highland High School Freshman to Sophomore Registration & Information
INFINITE CAMPUS STUDENT PORTAL • OPENS FOR COURSE SELECTION DATA ENTRY 1/17/14 • CLOSES TO ALL STUDENTS ON 2/2/2014 **ALL STUDENTS MUST ENTER COURSE SELECTIONS BY 2/2/14 • February 3-21: Course advisement/verification with your counselor. • Course Request Form due at this time. Course Selection Time Line
On the HHS website main page (Course Selection) find the following: • Course Description Book • Fees • Prerequisites • Course description • What it may count as (ie CTE/Fine Art, science, math, computers etc.) • If the class is offered for dual credit • Handouts you received Friday in your 1st hour class • Special Course Advertisements • Instructions on how to enter your course requests in the Infinite Campus Portal. the HHS website Has Info You need
Gilbert Public Schools Graduation Requirements Arizona University Entrance Requirements 22
Pages 3-13: This section of the book contains general information regarding NCAA Eligibility, Dual Enrollment information, Charts for graduation requirements as well as Reference charts for class offerings and what credits each class constitutes (ie computers, economics, etc) Page 75: Honors and AP English Summer readings Page 77-80: Online Course Info & Offerings Page 82-89: EVIT Course offerings Important Pages in the Course Description Book
Computers- (1/2 credit. Consult your course catalog on pages 10 & 11 or look for *This course will meet computer technology proficiency requirements within the course description. Computer in the title does not mean it will meet GPS proficiency (example, computer programming does not count for computers, but rather an elective or CTE credit.) • CTE/ Fine Arts - (2 credits)- • CTE credits: Agriculture Education, Business Education, Family and Consumer Sciences,andIndustrial Education. Some courses in the following departments will meet the requirements as well, please see the course description book for all classes that will count as CTE. • Courses in the following departments will meet the requirements for Fine Artscredits: Fine Arts-Performing, Fine Arts-Visual, and dance courses offered within the Physical Education Department. *Do not forget that one Fine Art credit is required for instate universities. Specialized Credits
Courses will be offered based upon number of student requests. Please choose your classes carefully. Requests for changes are limited, may be denied, and are subject to administrative approval. If you receive the classes that you have requested, schedule changes prior to school or before the 2nd semester will not be permitted. (THIS INCLUDES YOUR ALTERNATES AS WELL) Important Info to Know!
Correspondence/ONLINE Guidelines • Students may come into counseling during open door lunch or get the paperwork before or after school. • Please be aware that online, distance learning courses may NOT meet NCAA eligibility requirements. Potential Change with Online Providers Discussion is being held regarding outside online providers and credit issued by GPS. Students and parents are strongly advised, after May 23, 2014 to contact HHS counseling to determine credit eligibility.
If you are hoping to be a student athlete in college, there are many requirements that must be met to qualify through the NCAA Eligibility Clearinghouse. Requirements have changed for the class of 2016 and beyond. It is the responsibility of the student to ensure she/he is NCAA eligible. Check out NCAA Eligibility Center for details and information. NCAA – Potential Athlete
English World Studies Math Topics Science Elective or PE or Computers Elective (Please note CTE/Fine Art Requirements) 10th grade students may not be a student aide. A Typical Sophomore schedule English/World Studies Block
X X MA300 Geometry MA301 Geometry SS100B World Studies SS1010A World Studies SC115A Earth Science SC115B Earth Science FL609A Sign Language I FL609B Sign Language I EN205A English II EN205B English II VA100A Art & Design I VA100B Art & Design II AG120A Ag. Engineering/Fabrication I AG120A Ag. Engineering/Fabrication I X Va122 Clay II Va099 Art Survey FL509B Japanese I FL509A Japanese I Lm100 Clothing I Lm101 Clothing II
You will need to have correct course numbers and the correct names entered on your course request form. Make sure if it is a year long class that you have written A or B after the number. Refer to your handout for correct numbers. Complete the alternate courses section of the form or counselors will select courses for you in the event of conflicts in scheduling Remember, these are only requests. Data Entry of Course Selections
The Video you are going to watch is also online at the HHS website under course selection. Video
Please note that elective changes will NOT be allowed if you receive the elective/alternate classes you have requested. This is true for the entire year! It is imperative that you wisely select your courses. Keep in mind that you CANNOT request classes be on your schedule during a particular hour. Important Registration Information
Approximate cost will be $160 per semester ($25 fee for cancelled or class change requests) Summer school June 2 – June 26th at GHS – students must provide their own transportation to summer school. Registration will be available online only at www.gilbertschools.net on or after March 3, 2014. Summer School
INFINITE CAMPUS STUDENT PORTAL • OPENS FOR COURSE SELECTION DATA ENTRY 1/17/14 • CLOSES TO ALL STUDENTS ON 2/2/2014 **ALL STUDENTS MUST ENTER COURSE SELECTIONS BY 2/2/14 • February 3-21: Course advisement/verification with your counselor. This time will not be spent entering course requests. If you have not completed your requests, we will select your classes for you. This time is for questions regarding the selections you have made. • Course Request Form due at this time. Course Selection Time Line
Open Door Counseling – Week of January 27th – 31st 4th hour: 10:30 – 11:00 5th hour: 12:00 – 12:30 Before and After School Problems with Infinite Campus Portal and entering your requests? Stop by during open door or before or after school. Remember, you can also use the Library computers if you do not have access at home. Counselor meetings for advisement and verification of your requests are in February through Math.