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Internationalism & Foreign Policy

Internationalism & Foreign Policy. 20-1 Perspectives on Nationalism Chapter 12 You are responsible for all questions discussed. To what extent should foreign policy promote internationalism?. Multilateralism Peacekeeping Foreign aid Supranationalism International laws and agreements.

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Internationalism & Foreign Policy

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  1. Internationalism & Foreign Policy 20-1 Perspectives on Nationalism Chapter 12 You are responsible for all questions discussed

  2. To what extent should foreign policy promote internationalism? Multilateralism Peacekeeping Foreign aid Supranationalism International laws and agreements

  3. Generating Definitions Activity • Usingchartprovided, write in the 5 terms frompreviousslide • Look at parts of eachword • Identify parts you already know and think about theirmeaning • Provide an example/ clue of an action or eventdepicted by eachword • Be prepared to sharewith the class.

  4. In what ways does Canada seek co-operation in it’s foreign policy? Think Pair Share Pages 253-254 How important is it to protect Canadian industries and culture from American influences? Is our identity threatened?

  5. In what ways does Canada seek co-operation in it’s foreign policy? Think Pair Share Pages 254 How might the traditional Canadian concern about avoiding American influences affect Canada’s foreign policy? How might this foreign policy affect internationalism?

  6. Define and give an example of the following terms: • Multilateralism • Unilateralism • Bilateralism

  7. Someexamplesinclude: • Multilateralism • Signing of the Kyoto Protocol

  8. Someexamplesinclude: • Unilateralism • Disarming of the United States and the Soviet Union seemed the best ay to protect the planet

  9. Someexamplesinclude: • Bilateralism • Canada and the United Staessigning the AcidRain Agreement in the early 1990’s.

  10. Canadian Foreign Policy • Pages 254-255 • Do you agreethat Canadian foreignpolicyisbased on multilateralism? • How doesmultilateralismpromoteinternationalism?

  11. Alberta oil sands Pages 255-257 Since 1990’s, have emerged as a source of major quantities of oil. The oil sands are converted to crude oil which is the predominant energy source in the world. The world’s demand for oil is predicted to increase to more than 120 million barrels daily by 2030. Striking Oil Clip

  12. Becoming a Global Energy Player What does becoming a global energy player mean for Canada’s future?

  13. Alberta oil sands Page 257 How could Canada’s growing economic dependence on oil affect it’s foreign policies? How could it affect our identity as Canadians?

  14. Explore the issues, page 260 • Are thereanyexamples of Canada acting in a unilateralistway? Choose one, describeit, and write an arguement for why you believe the Canadian polices are unilateralist. Includeappropriategraphic images.

  15. Total /12 Canada as a Unilateralist Research Paper:

  16. Canada as a unilateralistexamples: • Arctic Waters Pollution Prevention Act in 1970, • ArcticArchipelago in 1985, • CoastalFisheries Protection Act in 1995

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