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THE ANSWER IS YES. Tracy Locke, MS, RHIA. CAHIIM. Commission on Accreditation for Health Informatics & Information Management Program Accreditation organization require students to have onsite PPE hours to graduate from our accredited programs. Stats 2012.
CAHIIM Commission on Accreditation for Health Informatics & Information Management • Program Accreditation organization require students to have onsite PPE hours to graduate from our accredited programs.
Stats 2012 • 45 states and Puerto Rico with HIT (Associate) or HIA (Bachelor) programs. • 5 states which do not have HIM programs: Delaware, Vermont, New Hampshire, Wyoming, and Rhode Island. • States with the most HIM programs are Texas, Florida, and Illinois (in this order) • Processed 21 accreditation decisions, conducted 27 site visits
Stats 2012 • Welcomed 72 new program applicants to CAHIIM accreditation • The year 2012 closed with a total of 322 accredited programs: -257 Health Information Management degree programs (RHIT) -57 Baccalaureate (RHIA) -8 Master’s Degrees (HIM and Informatics)
Stats 2012 National Student Enrollment 2011-12 includes: • 5,275 Baccalaureate • 27,461 Associate • 1245 Masters for a total of 33,976 students in HIM and Health Informatics programs
PPEs • There are more students than ever before, and we are all competing for sites to hosts students for their PPE onsite hours. • Average 80-100 hours per PPE • Alfred State 80 Intro to HIM PPEs • 80 hours Coding PPE for a total of 160 hours (either 80 hours over 15 weeks or 160 over 15 weeks). But we will take as many hours you can host
Yes At least 50% of students are hired at non-traditional sites: • Hospice • Correctional facilities • Day treatment facilities • Long term care This impacts graduates available for hire at traditional sites
Recruit and mentor students, staff, peers, and colleagues to develop and strengthen professional workforce. AHIMA Code of Ethics A health information management professional shall: • 6.1. Provide directed practice opportunities for students. • 6.2. Be a mentor for students, peers, and new health information management professionals to develop and strengthen skills. • 6.3. Be responsible for setting clear, appropriate, and culturally sensitive boundaries for students, staff, peers, colleagues, and members within professional organizations. • 6.4. Evaluate students' performance in a manner that is fair and respectful when functioning as educators or clinical internship supervisors. • 6.5. Evaluate staff's performance in a manner that is fair and respectful when functioning in a supervisory capacity. • 6.6. Serve an active role in developing HIM faculty or actively recruiting HIM professionals. A health information management professional shall not: • 6.7. Engage in any relationships with a person (e.g. students, staff, peers, or colleagues) where there is a risk of exploitation or potential harm to that other person.
Graduates Skills • HIM related software applications including: • Quantim, • 3M Encoder, and Quadramed Quantim (now Clintegrity 360) • HealthPorts and other document imaging • Release of Information systems • McKesson Deficiency Analysis, to name a few. • Microsoft Office Word, Access, Excel, and PowerPoint • Students complete their PPEs after all other core courses have been completed
Graduates Skills • Students can attend your new employee orientation, • HIPAA training, etc. • Then if they are later hired they have already been through your orientation allowing them to be up-to-speed even faster • Collaborate with other departments • Take students to meetings/shadowing
PPE Suggested Activities • Review and update Policies/procedures • Require the student to complete a presentation for your employees such as an ethics self-assessment, HIPAA review, etc • Ask students to locate videos from (YouTube, MedlinePlus, Websurge.com) on specific topics helpful to your staff
PPE Suggested Activities • View operative procedures then code the procedure based on discussion/video • Recode older/common Dx/Procedure records to ICD-10-CM/PCS-10 codes as part of a retraining program from ICD-9-CM to I-10 • Research / present a topics as a refresher to your staff - such as A&P, Pathophysiology, medications, procedures • Topics - professional attire for the work environment, conflict management, etc.
PPE Suggested Activities Work with or create: • Statistical reports • Quality management reports • Presentations • Vetting codes • Qualitative/quantitative review - work with patient records both electronic or paper
PPE Suggested Activities • Best practice /time saver - students code charts using the same charts over and over for all students to code (not yesterday’s discharges) • Either original or copies - include a good sample of your record-types • Use answer keys and FAQs for student to self-correct their coding • Coders may only have to answer questions not covered in the answer key or the FAQ • Then update the FAQ for the next student
PPE Suggested Activities • Create an implementation plan for the a new/revised initiative such as ICD-10-CM, Meaningful Use, HIPAA • Create new/revised quality indicators for an area and the methodology to implement such a plan • Perform audits of the chart locator reports to determine if any charts are delinquent. Identify the criteria, perform the audit, summarize the findings and make recommendations
PPE Suggested Activities • Perform a data collection for a state-mandated reporting requirement: • Summarizing per-state requirements, and submitting results appropriately • Utilize a database for searching and summarizing the results of a clinical review • Present findings at a meeting
PPE Suggested Activities • Assist in the coordination of an external audit: • Identify and pull the records needed, • Coordinate the copying, • Track each document through the process of submitting the audit, • Provide a spreadsheet of data elements to allow tracking as audit results are returned
PPE Suggested Activities • Work with one of the state representatives of MyPHR • Design and perform the teaching to a specified group • Other PHR tasks
PPE Suggested Activities • Perform an audit of the productivity of a specified functional area - files, coding, record completion • Research benchmark standards for use in comparison • Summarize and make recommendations • Create local benchmark
PPE Suggested Activities • In an EHR setting, create a multidisciplinary documentation format to be used in paper form during downtime • Draft associated policies/procedures • Perform education session for HIM staff and/or other hospital staff
PPE Suggested Activities • Research and report on found protocols to support secondary data uses in the areas of: • Research, quality reporting (Agency for Healthcare Research and Quality’s AHRQ) • Accounts Receivable, and public health • Compare the facilities protocols to other facility protocols, identify what is missing and what could be modified
PPE Suggested Activities • In a long-term care facility: • Develop the functional requirements for data retrieval and analysis and create a simple computer-based data collection application using Microsoft Access • Research and report HIM protocols, collect policies/procedures from other facilities to establish productivity measures
PPE Suggested Activities • In a hospice facility (or other alternate) • Develop, maintain, and operate a patient identity management program • Train hospice staff in maintaining the system • Research and report HIM protocols, collect policies/procedures from other similar facilities to establish productivity measures
PPE Suggested Activities • In a risk management department • Design and implement business continuity, information integrity, and risk management plans for the HIM functions • Research and report HIM protocols, collect policies/procedures from other similar facilities to establish productivity measures
PPE Suggested Activities • In a multi-site healthcare system • Identify and graphically present the information architecture across EHR/PHR/HIT systems, with a focus on identifying gaps • In a physician practice, influence decision-making for the adoption of technology by identifying benefits of moving to an EHR practice to the practice staff and physician. Utilize current literature reviews and local interviews in your research • Present finding to stakeholders
PPE Suggested Activities • Utilize students as the preceptor at their place of employment. • Have a student at a site take the role to manage the PPE students. This builds leadership skills, gives them the experience to place on their resume. • Assign a student to an employee while assessing their leadership abilities.
PPE Suggested Activities • Have each student complete an oral presentation (recorded) then present it to other students • Use student’s Q&A recordings for other student’s to review, limiting time needed with each student • If you have an employee who happens to be an adjunct, assign them as the PPE site supervisor
PPE Suggested Activities • Students compare / map paper location of data to electronic location of data to help identify duplication as well as to identify your legal EHR. • Ask your EHR vendor to work with your student while they are on site, even just to shadow the person for a day.
PPE Suggested Activities • Boston Hospital – hired 10 students to learn ICD-10-CM/PCS coding as a paid internship (apprenticeship) • Student were then hired to work remotely from home • Work at the hospital 1 day per week • Started with10 students from 3 colleges for 6 months at fulltime, or 12 months at part time • More facilities the area are now starting this model. Grant funds are available for this in some geographical areas
Myths • A credentialed RHIT or RHIA is not required for you to take a student in your facility. • A credentialed RHIT or RHIA does not need to be present every day the student is on site. • The schedule for onsite hours is not 8:00-4:00 Monday thru Friday. • The schedule can be part time hours over a full semester.
We need your help • Advisory board, PPE sites, and site supervisors are critical to the success of our programs • Option: URMC Education Day • Any suggestions you have are welcome! • Question: Would you rather students contacted you to ask about hosting them as a PPE student, or prefer we contact you? • Best way to reach you so we get an answer?
The answer is – Yes! • AHIMA-credentialed staff are eligible to claim 5 CEUs for providing on-site mentorship and supervision of students. • AHIMA CEUs are provided when substantive oversight and involvement of directed clinical practice on behalf of a CAHIIM-accredited program. • Five (5) CEUs per student supervised with a maximum of ten (10) CEUs for student supervision are allowed in each recertification cycle.
Thanks for listening • If you cannot say yes, at least call us or email back so we can move on to a facility who may take the student. Tracy Fulmer Locke, MS, RHIA Alfred State LockeTF@alfredstate.edu