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Presentation of Example 3A: MC for verifying the performance of a HACCP system by the FBO

Presentation of Example 3A: MC for verifying the performance of a HACCP system by the FBO. Drafting team: Claus Heggum (IDF) Jorge J. Guerrero Vallejos (BO) Omar Bun Njie (GM) Abimbola Adegboye (NG). General approach. Purpose:

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Presentation of Example 3A: MC for verifying the performance of a HACCP system by the FBO

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  1. Presentation ofExample 3A:MC for verifying the performance of a HACCP system by the FBO Drafting team: Claus Heggum (IDF) Jorge J. Guerrero Vallejos (BO) Omar Bun Njie (GM) AbimbolaAdegboye (NG)

  2. General approach Purpose: To verify the intended performance over time of a food safety control system managed by a HACCP system, through use of the moving window approach Prerequisite: The usefulness of end products testing as a means of verification has been established by the hazard analysis. Responsibility for design & application: The HACCP team of an FBO

  3. GENERAL approach Sampling material: Food Point of application: End of manufacture Target organisms: As determined by hazard analysis: • Pathogens that the HACCP system has been designed to control (e.g. Listeria monocytogenes) • Indicators for these hazards (e.g. Listeria spp., S. aureus) • Hygiene indicators (e.g. Enterobacteriacea, TPC, etc) Official MC may determine the choice

  4. General approach: Sampling plan Moving window: A series of sampling occasions with a specified sampling frequency within a defined time frame • = n  = e.g. one/week  = n * frequency

  5. A MOVING WINDOW n=5; c=2; m=10,000; M=100,000

  6. A MOVING WINDOW WINDOW n=5; c=2; m=10,000; M=100,000

  7. A MOVING WINDOW WINDOW n=5; c=2; m=10,000; M=100,000

  8. A MOVING WINDOW WINDOW n=5; c=2; m=10,000; M=100,000

  9. A MOVING WINDOW WINDOW n=5; c=2; m=10,000; M=100,000

  10. A MOVING WINDOW WINDOW n=5; c=2; m=10,000; M=100,000

  11. A MOVING WINDOW WINDOW n=5; c=2; m=10,000; M=100,000

  12. Actions in case of non-comformity When? • When ”M” is exceeded (individual results) • When ”c” is exceeded (within the sampling period) What? (based on review of data, source tracking & cause analysis)

  13. HYPOTHETICAL EXAMPLE MC for S. aureus: n=10; c=3; m=0; M=100 Dailytesting Line #1 - Cheesemanufacturing Freshcheese Line #2 - Cheesemanufacturing Milk reception Milk processing Freshcheese Line #1 - Cheesemanufacturing Freshcheese

  14. Hypotheticalexample

  15. Thankyou!

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