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Chapter Outline. Introduce students toAnatomical terminologySurgical terminologyCoding issues related to the musculoskeletal system. Basics of Anatomy. Musculoskeletal system is a system of fibrous connective tissue that providesMovement, form, strength, protection Made up ofBones, muscles, ca
1. 2007 PMCCMusculoskeletal System Chapter 10
2. Chapter Outline Introduce students to
Anatomical terminology
Surgical terminology
Coding issues related to the musculoskeletal system
3. Basics of Anatomy Musculoskeletal system is a system of fibrous connective tissue that provides
Movement, form, strength, protection
Made up of
Bones, muscles, cartilage, joints
Human skeleton divided into two parts
Axial, appendicular
Serve to provide movements called contractions to body parts
Locomotion, grasping and variety of functions would not be possible without muscles
Three types of muscles—skeletal, cardiac, smooth
4. Documentation Global concept of fracture care differs slightly from other surgical codes
First cast application is included with fracture care
Setting and care of closed fractures and/or dislocations with casts/straps
Not traditional surgeries since no anesthesia is administered, no creation of surgical wounds
Closed treatment of fractures
Falls under global procedure guidelines for CMS and commercial payers
5. Diagnosis Coding Appropriate codes for fracture or dislocation of a bone/joint
Based on identifying several key criteria
Type of treatment
Site of defect
Nature of the fracture
Type of fracture and how it was sustained
Critical for ICD-9-CM code selection
Chapter 16 (Symptoms, Signs, and Ill-Defined Conditions)
Not inclusive of all conditions considered integral to a disease process
A condition that may not be associated routinely with the disease should be assigned additional codes
6. CPT Procedure Coding When reporting CPT code with descriptor that includes “separate procedure”
Coder must determine if procedure was an integral part of the major procedure
If performed alone, the code may be reported
If performed at same time as an integral part of major procedure, “separate procedure” considered incidental and cannot be reported
Coding Concepts
Musculoskeletal chapter divided into procedural sections that are common to many anatomical regions
Example: Codes for fractures and/or dislocation are found under 14 subsections
7. Fractures and/or Dislocations Types of Fractures/Dislocations
Dislocation—displacement or derangement of bones that come together to form a joint is most often encountered when treating dislocations
Open Fracture or Dislocation—one that communicates with or breaks through a wound in the skin (synonymous with a compound fracture or dislocation)
Closed Fracture or Dislocation—has no communication with the skin or the outside environment. Also known as simple fracture or dislocation
8. Fractures and/or Dislocations Coding the Fracture/Dislocation Procedures
Type of fracture does not have any coding correlation with type of treatment provided
Codes for treatment of fractures and joint injuries are categorized by type of
Manipulation (reduction) and
Stabilization (fixation or immobilization)
Codes can apply to either
Open or closed fractures or joint injuries
9. Fractures and/or Dislocations Coding the Fracture/Dislocation Procedures
Closed treatment
Refers to a fracture/dislocation that is treated without making an incision into the fracture site; three different methods of fracture care
Closed treatment without manipulation
Closed treatment with manipulation
Closed treatment with or without the application of traction
10. Fractures and/or Dislocations Coding Re-reductions of a Fracture/Dislocation
When patient has already had cast or strapping material applied and returns for repeat radiograph that shows bone to be misaligned
Orthopedic surgeon may choose among several treatment options
Realign and cast the fracture
Take patient to operating room for ORIF
11. Fractures and/or Dislocations Coding Re-reductions of a Fracture/Dislocation continued
Coders Tip
Modifier 76 should be attached to CPT code when used a second time for a procedure
Modifier 77 may be used if repeated by another physician
Modifier 78 would be required when procedure occurs within postoperative period
12. Fractures and/or Dislocations Coding Malunions, Nonunions
Procedure codes are located in subsection
“Repair, Revision and/or Reconstruction”
Important to accurately code surgery for malunions or nonunions with CPT code specific to these problems
ICD-9-CM code should reflect medical necessity of these procedures (eg, 733.81 or 733.82)
Determining when fracture becomes malunion/nonunion is at
Provider’s discretion
13. CPT Procedure Coding Coding Arthrodesis
Arthrodesis is surgical fixation of a joint
May be performed and reported alone
May be performed along with another definitive procedure such as
Laminectomy, osteotomy, fracture care, vertebral corpectomy
If arthrodesis performed with definitive procedure, both procedures may be reported along with modifier 51
14. CPT Procedure Coding Coding Amputation
Common indications for amputation include
Circulatory impingement resulting from peripheral vascular disorders
Traumatic and thermal injuries
Malignant tumors
Uncontrolled or widespread infection of an extremity
Congenital disorders
Do not code an amputation
When it may be considered an avulsion
Variety of amputation techniques
Coded first based on location, then coded based on technique
15. CPT Procedure Coding Incisions (20000-20005)
Primarily relates to procedures such as
Incision and drainage of both deep and superficial infections
Incisions are made into soft tissues to
Drain and clean out abscesses
Remove foreign bodies
Codes 20000-20005
Describe incisions of soft tissue abscesses
16. CPT Procedure Coding Wound Exploration (20100-20103)
Separate procedure codes that report
Exploration, debridement, enlargement of wound, extension of dissection from penetrating gunshot or stab wounds
Involves subcutaneous tissue, muscle fascia, muscle, ligation or coagulation of “minor” muscular or subcutaneous blood vessels
Exception to reporting these codes is
Circumstances involving major structures or major blood vessels
Use specific codes describing those procedures
Do not use wound exploration trauma codes
17. CPT Procedure Coding Excisions (20150-20251)
Bone biopsy used to distinguish between
Malignant tumors and benign bone disease
Performed by making incision into skin for inserting a needle to retrieve sample of bone for examination
In adults
Sample usually taken from pelvic bone, typically from the posterior superior iliac spine
Codes 20240 and 20245
Excisional or incisional bone biopsy
Often used when a wider or deeper portion of skin is needed
18. CPT Procedure Coding Introduction and Removal (20500-20694)
Code range 20500-20615
Includes various injections bases on anatomical site
Some codes may be used to report aspiration procedure
Code 20526
Therapeutic injection into carpal tunnel
Codes 20600-20610—used for arthrocentesis and/or injection of a joint, bursa, ganglion cyst
Imaging guidance performed in conjunction with these, see 76942, 77002, 77021
Codes 20650-20694
Refer to application or removal of various fixation and traction devices used in conjunction with surgeries involving bone
19. CPT Procedure Coding Replantation (20802-20838)
Cleansing of amputation site (traumatic)
Debridement of devitalized tissue
Shortening of bone (if necessary)
Internal fixation or arthrodesis
Repair of tendons, arteries, veins and nerves
Skin closure including tendon, skin flaps, grafts
Codes 20802-20838
Replantation of specific body part
Includes necessary attachments of all underlying structures associated with a complete amputation
20. CPT Procedure Coding Grafts or Implants (20900-20938)
Bone graft
Autologous bone—harvested from patient’s pelvic bone and provides calcium scaffolding for growth of new bone
Allograft bone—provides calcium scaffolding and does not have any bone-growing cells or bone-growing proteins
Codes for obtaining autogenous bone grafts, cartilage, tendon, fascia lata grafts or other tissues through separate incisions
Used only when graft is not already listed as part of the basic procedure
However, when CPT description includes terms “with autograft, “with bone graft” or “with or without bone graft”
Appropriate to report additional bone graft if it was harvested through a separate skin or fascial incision
21. CPT Procedure Coding Other Musculoskeletal Procedures (20950-20999)
Code 20950—method of detecting muscle compartment syndrome or muscle ischemia
Interstitial pressure-monitoring device is inserted into muscle compartment by using a needle, wick catheter, or other means
Codes 20955-20962
Vascularized bone grafts
Used where there are large defects, usually in long bones, where standard iliac bone graft or other types of nonvascularized bone grafts are not likely to heal
Codes 20974-20975
Electrical stimulation to aid bone healing, noninvasive or invasive
22. CPT Procedure Coding Head (21010-21499)
CPT code 21060—surgical removal or part or total meniscus of the TMJ
Repair, Revision, and/or Reconstruction (21120-21296)
Codes 21141-21160
Reconstruction of midface, Lefort I, II, or III procedures
Complex, requiring multiple incisions, bone grafts and introduction of internal hardware to hold defects in place
23. CPT Procedure Coding Neck (Soft Tissues) and Thorax (21501-21899)
Code 21685—enlarging of the retrolingual/hypopharyngeal airway to help correct sleep-disordered breathing
Commonly described as hyoid myotomy and suspension
Procedure opens the oropharyngeal airway and performed on the laryngeal skeleton
Back and Flank (21920-21935)
The four codes in this subsection report
Biopsy of soft tissue, tumor excision, radical resection of a tumor
24. CPT Procedure Coding Spine (Vertebral Column) (22100-22899)
Spinal column divided into five regions
Cervical, thoracic, lumbar, sacral, coccygeal
Access to spinal surgery can be accomplished through variety of approaches
Two most common are posterior and anterior
Vertebral Body, Emobilization or Injection (22520-22525)
Codes 22520-22522—represent percutaneous vertebroplasty procedures
25. CPT Procedure Coding Arthrodesis
Bone grafts (20930-20938) performed in conjunction with an arthrodesis
May be reported in addition to codes for fusion
Modifier 51 exempt
Arthrodesis—accomplished through use of cortical bone graft packed in and around the spine
Promotes production of new bone cells secondary to addition of graft material
Instrumentation (22840-22848, 22851) performed in conjunction with arthrodesis
Reported in addition to the code for the fusion
Modifier 51 exempt
26. CPT Procedure Coding Lateral Extracavitary Approach Technique (22532-22534)
Codes 22532-22533
Vertebral body resection and fusion procedures at single thoracic and lumbar level
Code 22534
Add-on code for each additional level after the first
This approach requires
Resectioning of the ribs, pleura, and peritoneum
Dissecting spinal/paraspinal tissues to access the vertebral bodies/discs
27. CPT Procedure Coding Exploration (22830)
Used when surgeon explores previous spinal fusion
Not considered integral to an arthrodesis
Modifier 51 appended to additional procedure
Spinal Instrumentation (22840-22855)
Used to treat
Abnormal curvature of the spine, stabilize spine after spine surgery, treatment of fracture and/or dislocation
28. CPT Procedure Coding Spinal Instrumentation (22840-22855) continued
Segmental—fixation is provided at two ends of a bony construct and there is minimum of one additional bony attachment placed in between
Nonsegmental—fixation at both ends of a construct without any additional attachments between them
Codes 22842-22844
Posterior segmental instrumentation
Code 22840
Nonsegmental fixation of posterior spine
29. CPT Procedure Coding Abdomen (22900-22999)
Code in this subsection reports
Excision of a subfascial abdominal wall tumor
Also other code for other procedures to the abdomen
Coders should always check the Category III codes prior to assigning an unlisted procedure code
Documentation should accompany claim when reporting either an unspecified or category III code
30. CPT Procedure Coding Humerus (Upper Arm) and Elbow (23930-24999)
Tip—Sequestrectomy is removal of a piece of necrotized tissue (bone) that has separated from the healthy bone. Sequestrectomy codes are classified by site
Example: code 24134, humerus and 24138, olecranon process
Hands and Fingers (26010-26989)
Four muscle groups found in hand
Each housed in separate compartment
No-man’s land (Zone 2)
Area between the distal crease of the palm and the proximal end of the middle phalanx
31. CPT Procedure Coding Hands and Fingers (26010-26989) continued
Coders must differentiate among codes that mention
Work on single tendon versus work on multiple tendons through same incision
Code 27685—single tendon lengthened or shortened in leg or ankle
Code 27686—each tendon or group of multiple tendons lengthened/shortened in leg or ankle
Many procedures
Bundled into the repair codes
Should not be identified separately
32. CPT Procedure Coding Toe-to-Hand Transfer (26551-26556)
Offers patient possibility of recovering
Mechanical and sensory function
Toe-to-hand transfer with microvascular anastomosis, great toe “wrap around”
Significantly different from standard great toe-to-hand transfer
Pelvis and Hip Joint (26990-27299)
Joint prosthesis is identified as
Total hip arthroplasty if both articular surfaces of acetabulum and femur replaced
Imaging of hip joint and its complications relies on
Information obtained from routine radiography and to a lesser extent arthrography, nuclear medicine, sonography
33. CPT Procedure Coding Femur (Thigh Region) and Knee Joint (27301-27599)
Head of femur
Fits into acetabulum of the innominate bone and allows rotational movement in hip joint
Greater tronchanter and less tronchanter
Sites for muscle attachment
Fits into groove at distal anterior surface of the bone
Diaphyseal fractures
Result from significant force transmitted by direct blow or from indirect force transmitted at the knee
34. CPT Procedure Coding Foot and Toes (28001-28899)
Bunions—caused by swelling and inflammation on first digit at the joint where distal metatarsal joins proximal phalanx
Hallux valgus—refers to altered angle of great toe leaning in toward other toes and at times over- or underlapping with them
Hammertoe—flexion deformity of the PIP joint that is fixed creating claw-like appearance
Code for hammertoe correction is 28285
Codes for hallux valgus correction are 28290-28299
35. CPT Procedure Coding Bunionectomy Codes and Their Eponyms
Keller, McBride or Mayo Type, 28292—removes medial eminence of distal metatarsal bone and resection from base of proximal phalanx
Keller-Mayo with Implant, 28293—removes medial eminence of distal metatarsal bone and resection from base of proximal phalanx with insertion of double stem implant in proximal phalanx
Joplin Procedure, 28294—rearranges the tendons of toe to correct a bunion deformity followed by removal of medial eminence of distal metatarsal bone
Mitchell, Chevron, Austin or Concentric Type Procedure, 28296—involved double osteotomy in first distal metatarsal
Lapidus-Type Procedure, 28297—fuses metatarsal bone to cuneiform bone to affect distal repair of bunion and correction of hallux valgus
Aiken Procedure, 28298—removes a wedge from bottom of proximal phalanx and usually medial eminence of distal metatarsal bone; toe immobilized with percutaneous placement of Kirschner wire
36. CPT Procedure Coding Application of Casts and Strapping (29000-29750)
Application and removal of first cast or strapping device
Part of the global surgical care for musculoskeletal procedures
Subsequent replacement of casts and/or traction devices may require reporting additional CPT code
See CPT codes 29000-29799
When cast or strapping is replacement from first cast within or after follow-up period
Code for cast application is reported
E/M services rendered in conjunction with reapplication are not reported separately
37. CPT Procedure Coding Application of Casts and Strapping (29000-29750) continued
If significant and identifiable service rendered in addition to casting
Appropriate to report E/M service with modifier 25
When removal of cast is from physician other than the physician who applied the cast
Removal of cast can be reported with cast removal codes 29700-29715
38. CPT Procedure Coding Endoscopy/Arthroscopy (29800-29999)
Surgical arthroscopies always include diagnostic arthroscopies of same joint
If no CPT code available for therapeutic arthroscopy performed, it is not appropriate to code for open procedure
When diagnostic scope procedure followed by open procedure
Appropriate to code both and append modifiers 59 and 51
39. CPT Procedure Coding Nervous System Codes Related to Musculoskeletal System
Codes in the 60000 series include
Those related to the musculoskeletal system
Excision codes for herniated disks and corpectomy and laminectomy codes
Excision of Herniated Disc (63020-63044, 63055-63066)
Herniation of the intervertebral disc--most common surgical problem encountered as a result of back injury
Surgeon usually refers to two vertebral segments (eg, L2-L3)
Description reports the work done in the space between L2-L3
Represents only one unit of work
40. CPT Procedure Coding Corpectomy (63081-63091, 63101-63103)
Corpectomy—removal of a vertebral body
When surgery is performed on the vertebral body, such as a corpectomy
Unit of service is each vertebral body
Laminectomy (63170-63200, 63250-63290)
Laminectomy—removal of the lamina of the vertebrae to allow access to the disc, intervertebral joint, facet joint, and to provide nerve decompression posteriorly
41. The End