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Use and Abuse of Crash Data in Roadway Access Management. A Workshop at the National Access Management Conference Baltimore, Maryland July 13, 2008. Instructor Team. Instructor team introductions David Plazak Zach Hans James Sun Eric Fitzsimmons. Workshop Overview.
Use and Abuse of Crash Data in Roadway Access Management A Workshop at the National Access Management Conference Baltimore, Maryland July 13, 2008
Instructor Team • Instructor team introductions • David Plazak • Zach Hans • James Sun • Eric Fitzsimmons
Workshop Overview • The topic of this workshop was suggested by attendees at the Park City, Utah National Access Management Conference in 2006 • Persons who suggested the topic indicated that they would like to be able to use available crash data to evaluate access management plans and to market access management as a way to improve safety • This workshop has been designed to be very “hands-on”—participants should be able to immediately apply many of the concepts they learn
Participant Introductions • Brief participant introductions • Your name • Your involvement with access management • We’d like to try to get a good mixture of level of experience at the tables for the interactive exercises
Parts of Today’s Workshop • Workshop schedule: • Part one: • Time: 1:00 PM to 2:20 PM • Workshop introduction and objectives • Key access management safety concepts, including crash reduction factors • A hands-on problem: fix an “access management mess” where all tables have complete data to work with • Part two: • Time: 2:35 PM to 4:30 PM • Data quality considerations • Some data problems that might be encountered • Hands-on problem #2: Fix an “access management mess” where tables have different levels of data completeness and quality to work with • Workshop wrap-up
Workshop Objectives • Provide the participants with a good working knowledge of: • Crash types associated with lack of sound access management • Typical crash reduction factors associated with access management treatments • Crash data and potential weaknesses of crash data
Your Interest in Attending this Workshop? • Let’s go around the room quickly and compile a list of things you’d most like to learn during this workshop • Each table will provide one new idea, then we’ll move on to the next table until we run out of ideas
Data-Driven Access Management • Access management treatments and plans should be directly tied to measurable objectives such as crash rate or crash cost reduction • Access management treatments proposed should be appropriate given the types of crashes and pattern of crashes being experienced in a corridor • Access management treatment costs need to be justifiable based upon the expected benefits of crash reductions and other objectives • Stakeholders and decision-makers must be convinced that the “gain” of access management is worth the “pain” • Confidence in both past (“before treatment”) and expected future crash rates (“after treatment”) should be high • You want to be very sure that any treatments will produce a noticeable and positive result
Access Management and Safety • Most access-management related crashes occur on urban and suburban arterial roadways at speeds of 35 to 55 miles per hour • Up to half of all crashes in urban areas are related to issues of access (minor public road intersections, traffic signal spacing, driveways) • Although most access-related crashes occur in urban or suburban areas, access-related crashes in rural areas tend to be severe crashes due to higher travel speeds • Access-related crashes occur at conflict points • The diagram represents one crash data point
Conflict Points Diverging Merging Crossing
Driveway Crash Pattern • Left turn movements generate ¾ of all crashes at driveways • Left turn entering movements generate almost ½ of all crashes at driveways Source: Federal Highway Administration
Common Types of Access Management • Traffic signal spacing • Marginal access management • Management of access features at (and beyond) the roadway right of way line • Examples: controlling driveway location and minimum spacing between driveways • Medial access management • Management of access features in the center of the roadway • Examples: median types and median openings • Separation of turning traffic from through traffic streams • Example: dedicated left-turn lanes or bays
Effectiveness of Traffic Signal Spacing • Reducing signals from 4 per mile (1/4 mile spacing) to 2 per mile (1/2 mile spacing) will reduce the total crash rate by up to 50%* • (This will also have a significant impact on quality of traffic flow during peak hours) • Uniform traffic signal spacing is safer and more efficient than non-uniform spacing *The source for all crash reduction factors is the National Highway Institute course “Access Management: Location And Design”
Effectiveness of Marginal Access Management Treatments • Applying total access control (e.g. allowing no direct driveway accesses) • Reduces crash rates by 40-45% on median divided roadways • Managing access density (driveways per mile) • Reducing access density by 20-25% can reduce total crash rates by 25-40%
Effectiveness of Medial Access Control Treatments • Adding a two-way left turn lane to an undivided 4 lane roadway will reduce crash rates by 20-25% • Pedestrian crash rates will not change • Adding a non-traversable (raised) median to an undivided 4 lane roadway will reduce crash rates by 40-45% • Pedestrian crash rates will decrease by 50%
Effectiveness of Left Turn Lanes or Bays • Adding a left-turn bay at a busy un-signalized urban or suburban intersection may reduce crash rates by up to 70% • Adding a left turn bay at a busy signalized urban or suburban intersection or at a busy rural un-signalized intersection may reduce crash rates by 40-50%
Crash Rate Calculation C = Number of crashes over Y years Y = Number of years being evaluated Links Nodes (Intersections) M = Hundred million vehicle miles/year (MHVM) for links M = Million entering vehicles/year (MEV) AADT = Average annual daily traffic
What’s On Your Table … Traffic over time Crash data tables and charts Corridor photos Land Use 22 Laminated base map Crash data stack map
Part Two • Data quality considerations • Some data problems that might be encountered • Hands-on problem #2: Fix an “access management mess” where tables have different levels of data completeness and quality to work with • Workshop wrap-up
Think About It … (to discuss later, if we have time) • How do you use crash data? • What is important to you about crash data? • What are some of the concerns/problems you experience in using crash data?
Crash Data Allow Better … • Problem Identification • Understanding of the problem before jumping into exploring and designing solutions • Focus on severe crashes rather than all (minor) crashes However …
You Need Good Quality Data The Ingredients Matter: Quality Control
Crash Data Quality: Timeliness • Sometimes crash data are not available for months or even years • Varying timeliness of different jurisdictions can cause issues for comparative analysis • Time itself is important – did something change during the analysis period? • Also – the time period is important … one year of data are probably not enough!
Crash Data Quality: Accuracy Considering functional area Original • Spatial Location • Attributes, e.g., severity, crash type, roadway info 1ST Road SOUTH ANKENY BOULEVARD v
Crash Data Quality: Completeness • Missing data can lead to a misleading picture and erroneous conclusions • Some crash records have “unknown” or “other” fields • Some crash records are missing altogether • Variations between jurisdictions (county level, state level) can lead to inaccuracies in comparative analysis
Crash Data Quality: Consistency/Uniformity • Across jurisdictions • Across time • Consistent severities
Crash Data Quality: Integration • Integration provides a ‘richer’, more complete source of information (e.g., integration with roadway features) • Double check on accuracy (including severity)
Crash Data Quality: Accessibility • How can you get crash data? • How easy is it to get? • What form do you want it in? • Continuum: not available … special request w/delay … regular updates … service … instant web access
Typical Crash Data IssuesThese may not be apparent to the data user
Changes in Crash Forms Collision Type Before After • Content • Addition/elimination of attributes collected • Change in definitions (values)
Changes in Crash Forms, cont. Change in crash form Crash Rate Crash Rate Year Year Statewide Site #1 Impacts: Difficult to perform direct comparisons over analysis period. May result in systematic change in apparent crash performance, e.g. crash reduction.
Cartographic (Base Map) Changes • Shift, update to reference road network Impact: Challenging to systematically assign crash location.
Location Accuracy • How are the crashes located? • GPS (where?) • Manually derived, based on literal description • LRS, Link-node, other? • What reference networks are used? • GIS • LRS • Link-node
X Location Accuracy, cont. • How do accuracies vary among location methods and reference networks? • Ex. GPS ±5m v. GIS-based road network ±10m Crash may be located anywhere within this area. X Roadway may be presented anywhere within this area. GIS road network Actual crash location Geocoded crash location Impact: type I or type II errors – you’d not know
Changes in Statute • Reportable crash definition • Property damage threshold, e.g. $500 v. $1000 • Injury crash • Reporting requirements • Driver report “…is not required when the accident is investigated by a law enforcement agency.” Impact: May result in systematic change in apparent crash performance, e.g. crash reduction.
Reporting Extent & Completeness • All public roads • Private property • State-maintained roads only • Jurisdiction, agency dependent Impacts: • Incomplete crash history skews findings. • Difficult to compare different locations.
Multiple Data Sources • Local law enforcement • State DOT • Other agencies, e.g. taxi authority Impact: Difficult to access and integrate all crash data, i.e. difficult to create a comprehensive, useable data set.
Limited Frame of Reference • Limited, no comparison to similar locations. • No comparison to “expected” conditions (comparables). Impact: • What may appear to be a problem site, in isolation, may be performing as well as, or better than, similar locations. • However, this does not imply that a location is performing well and/or can not be improved.
Limited Perspective • Decisions made, almost exclusively, based on crash history. • Little consideration given to changes during analysisperiod… • Land use and development • Infrastructure • Traffic patterns • Other, e.g. construction during an analysis year Impact: • Factors significantly impacting crash history are ignored. • Solution no longer fits the problem
Regression to the Mean • Crashes are random. • Extreme conditions will generally return to “normal” state. Source: Safe Speed Source: Safe Speed Impact: Overestimates effectiveness of treatment; focus on the wrong sites (should use EB or at least more data)